2 weeks without power...


I bowl overhand
I would think a disconnect from the 'main' feed would be sufficient

That was my suggestion too..

It's computer controlled, so why can't the computer detect when the power is on or off, and direct the power accordingly??

Nope, rules is rules.. Solar shuts down when the power is off.


professional daydreamer
Actually no. There was a huge difference there. A big difference was the fact that most of the people left in NO after the storm did not have any means of transporation to leave the area when the evacuation was called. Then they were all herded to the Super Dome whether they wanted to go there or not.

In NY, NJ & CT, the people complaining the loudest and longest about not getting any help, say they had vehicles that were destroyed. So they could have evacuated when the evacuation was called. They are sitting in their homes saying their homes are destroyed, when folks really did have their homes devastated. They are saying they are starving to death because nobody has come to their home to give them any food, instead of getting up off their butts and going to go get it. They are saying they can't leave their homes because they have no where to go, and they are freezing to death, when shelters have been set up but they won't get up off their butts and go to a shelter. They say they can't do anything because nobody from the government has come to their homes and given them money. WTF? What did they do for money before? It seems none of them have homeowners insurance, because not one person has mentioned the phone call they put into their insurance company. Instead, I heard a man last night whining that he didn't like the free food he did get from the Red Cross. It wasn't good enough for him. It looked better than the MREs I used to eat. They are whining about not having any power, as if they are the only people in the world who have never had power. In this situation, the responsibility to take care of themselves, first lies with them. Not the government. Not the volunteer charities.

The average cost of those homes destroyed by Sandy was $500,000, plus.

The average cost of those homes destroyed by Katrina was $50,000.

I've seen a lot of whiners being interviewed. Their attitudes are appalling.


PREMO Member
This is my thoughts on fuel use:

I bought a PTO generator to use. I run the tractor regularly so the fuel never gets old, very little if any maintenance on the generator (and already paying to maintain the tractor) itself and it's a low RPM generator (lot of extra windings) mean it will last much longer too. My biggest concern was fuel sitting in a generator, or rust getting in the tank from an empty fuel tank.. I thought the best solution was to use the one big motor I have in use every week anyways.

I wanted one of these;

6/1 Lister Diesel Engine

the EPA has made them all but illegal with emissions requirements

Unless you are running one on veggie oil



professional daydreamer
We have started stocking a "run room". When the SHTF, we'll just need to load it up and take off. We only need enough gas to get us "there". We're still working on "there", but wherever we go, we'll be well stocked. If we don't have to "run", depending on what the situation is (storm), we'll be good for several months.


aka Mrs. Giant

Most people who do have generators, who do prepare, think in terms of days, not weeks. For instance, a typical emergency generator might use 5-10 gallons of gas a day if you plan on using it sparingly. That's a few five gallon cans for a few days. 14 days could be getting into 100's of gallons, real quick.

Same with water. Same with food. Keeping things cold. Sanitation.

All the sites I've been pulling this from are not Boo hoo, woe is me sites. They are serious SHTF sites that are simply getting into the practical nuts and bolts experience of Sandy vs. what people had planned for, comparing the results, and weeks of being on your own and how to ramp that sort of experience into EOTWAWKI stuff where weeks become years. They're talking about things like getting several smaller generators you can handle on your own vs. the 2-300 pounds some typical small ones weigh that a man can't get in and out of a truck by himself. Solar panels. Batteries. Practical application stuff.

I didn't intend this as any kind of dependency thing.

Well I don't have a generator, and I am prepared for at least 6 months to a year of not being able to go to store, not having power, not having creature comforts. And if I was a true SHTF kind of person, I'd never count on a generator even if I had one.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think you all are envisioning a different EOTWAWKI than I am.

Solar power for...what? So you can fire up the stuff you will no longer need? Keep your cellphone charged so you can....communicate with satellites and towers that no longer exist?

Really, what are we talking about here?


Super Genius
That was my suggestion too..

It's computer controlled, so why can't the computer detect when the power is on or off, and direct the power accordingly??

Nope, rules is rules.. Solar shuts down when the power is off.

Wire it up that way, but when SHTF, know how to rewire it to batteries/off-grid. :wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We have started stocking a "run room". When the SHTF, we'll just need to load it up and take off. We only need enough gas to get us "there". We're still working on "there", but wherever we go, we'll be well stocked. If we don't have to "run", depending on what the situation is (storm), we'll be good for several months.

Right, because at the end of our civilization you will not want "them" to be able to find you. So staying in your home will not be a good long term plan. :yay:


professional daydreamer
Right, because at the end of our civilization you will not want "them" to be able to find you. So staying in your home will not be a good long term plan. :yay:

I like that we have a drag along home. It'll hold all the stuff from the run room, and provide a roof over our head and a place to lay our weary head at the end of the day. We'll just need to camouflage it once we get "there".


New Member
I'm starting to think Vrai needs to start us up a Preppers Section on the forum. :lol:

I am a member of a work at home forum. They have a section called "Surviving the Economy," and there are some great ideas there not just for a "when the #### hits the fan" type situation but also in general. There are a lot of families struggling out there, and people come up with some very resourceful ideas and share them to help each other.
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I like that we have a drag along home. It'll hold all the stuff from the run room, and provide a roof over our head and a place to lay our weary head at the end of the day. We'll just need to camouflage it once we get "there".

...visions of the movie War of the Worlds, when the scientific supply truck gets attacked by mobs while trying to help them.

You'll never "get there'.


aka Mrs. Giant
I am a member of a work at home forum. They have a section called "Surviving the Economy," and there are some great ideas there not just for a "when the #### hits the fan" type situation but also in general. There are a lot of families struggling out there, and people come up with some very resourceful ideas and share them to help each other.

That's the truth and it's only going to get worse. If they sequester this year, which everything indicates they will, then this area is going to be hard hit.

I personally hope that in our area, a lot of folks cut back on Christmas and plan for being without a paycheck for several months.
That was my suggestion too..

It's computer controlled, so why can't the computer detect when the power is on or off, and direct the power accordingly??

Nope, rules is rules.. Solar shuts down when the power is off.

I like that we have a drag along home. It'll hold all the stuff from the run room, and provide a roof over our head and a place to lay our weary head at the end of the day. We'll just need to camouflage it once we get "there".

In most of the (fiction) total collapse books getting there turns into a big problem very soon. With a storm coming you pretty much know when to hit the road. With a big social problem it may hit before you even realize how bad it is getting. If your destination is, say, Idaho 3-4 days getting there time could make a huge difference in things.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You'll never "get there'.

Sure you will - there are plenty of "theres" left in this country where you can get lost and never be found.

The problem is....then what? Do you just live out your days in pioneer seclusion? Do you start a rebellion to try and overthrow the Dark Lords? What?