2 weeks without power...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm going to the Homestead or Greenbrier when the SHTF, then I'll head south to my grandmother's clan and live in the coal mines and make moonshine with them.:yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
Sure you will - there are plenty of "theres" left in this country where you can get lost and never be found.

The problem is....then what? Do you just live out your days in pioneer seclusion? Do you start a rebellion to try and overthrow the Dark Lords? What?

I think it depends on the situation.

Is it a natural disaster, ie super volcano, meteor stike? Sure rebuild communities and rebuild the world.

Is it a Red Dawn situation? Sure, fight for independence.

Is it a total economic collapse? Hunker down and hide out for a while, because you'll get killed for a toothbrush.

However, after watching the "Yankees" in NY, NJ and CT, I think it also depends on where you are when the SHTF.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I wanted one of these;

6/1 Lister Diesel Engine

the EPA has made them all but illegal with emissions requirements

Unless you are running one on veggie oil


I'd love to have one of these for a real emergency, you have power generating capability plus if you put an old cast iron radiator in line with coolant tank you could heat with it. Change a belt and you could run a small mill or well, it may even have enough oomph to do all of these simultaneously.


New Member
That's the truth and it's only going to get worse. If they sequester this year, which everything indicates they will, then this area is going to be hard hit.

I personally hope that in our area, a lot of folks cut back on Christmas and plan for being without a paycheck for several months.

I am somewhat (perhaps naively) hopeful that the sequester will not happen. Although the pink slips going out before the election would not have looked good, I don't think Obama would have lost any votes even if they had. Most of the people that I know who support Obama blame the sequester on Congressional Republicans and especially on the tea party members of Congress. Did he really think he was going to save votes or get new votes by asking that employees weren't notified in November?


I bowl overhand
I am somewhat (perhaps naively) hopeful that the sequester will not happen. Although the pink slips going out before the election would not have looked good, I don't think Obama would have lost any votes even if they had. Most of the people that I know who support Obama blame the sequester on Congressional Republicans and especially on the tea party members of Congress. Did he really think he was going to save votes or get new votes by asking that employees weren't notified in November?

They could have found secret re-education camps, and started killing unwelcome adults and they still would have voted for him.

I have a hard time swallowing that he got 93% of the black vote.. I just don't see that being probable..
Sure you will - there are plenty of "theres" left in this country where you can get lost and never be found.

The problem is....then what? Do you just live out your days in pioneer seclusion? Do you start a rebellion to try and overthrow the Dark Lords? What?

The place has to be picked out and stocked in advance. Getting there could be a problem if say matial law was declared, travel resticted, gangs setting up road blocks or ambushes. Travel could become dangerous. Be prepared to hike. Ie, have a backpack loaded and ready to leave your vehicle ASAP.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
What would anyone be growing for these "end of the world" scenarios? Mine would be potatoes and hemp.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have a hard time swallowing that he got 93% of the black vote.. I just don't see that being probable..

Why? Blacks always vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Add in that Obama is their fellow black person, and I'm surprised he didn't get way more than that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What would anyone be growing for these "end of the world" scenarios? Mine would be potatoes and hemp.

I wouldn't grow a damn thing because that would require staying stationary for a length of time, not to mention giving away my hideout. I'd raid your homestead and come take your stuff instead. So make sure you only cook yummy things for dinner, m'kay?
I wouldn't grow a damn thing because that would require staying stationary for a length of time, not to mention giving away my hideout. I'd raid your homestead and come take your stuff instead. So make sure you only cook yummy things for dinner, m'kay?

Smarter to barter. Heh, I like that. Anyway ammo and gold/silver could be traded for food easily. You can also work for food! Shock, I know, but I have heard it said it happens in places.


aka Mrs. Giant
What would anyone be growing for these "end of the world" scenarios? Mine would be potatoes and hemp.

We discussed getting some Hops to plant. :lol:

I'd want to include corn, tomatoes, and beans. Not to mention fruit trees. If you buy any seeds, make sure they are heirloom. The genetically modified stuff won't resow/reseed.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think you all are envisioning a different EOTWAWKI than I am.

Solar power for...what? So you can fire up the stuff you will no longer need? ?

Cordless power tools. Coffee grinder, coffee maker. Fridge. Music. Ipad to play angry birds. Computer to access saved files/ how to's/all the information one might have saved that comes in real handy.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Cordless power tools. Coffee grinder, coffee maker. Fridge. Music. Ipad to play angry birds. Computer to access saved files/ how to's/all the information one might have saved that comes in real handy.
Ooh, good idea! And a portable TV so you can still spend your Sundays watching the Redskins lose. :yay:


Lem Putt
gold/silver could be traded for food easily.

That's true for a natural disaster or other temporary condition, but if it's true SHTF precious metal would just be weight. The currency then would be food, water, ammo, tools, and shelter. Those are the things that most people won't have, so if you have extra you'll be able to trade for anything else.