2 weeks without power...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's true for a natural disaster or other temporary condition, but if it's true SHTF precious metal would just be weight. The currency then would be food, water, ammo, tools, and shelter. Those are the things that most people won't have, so if you have extra you'll be able to trade for anything else.

I think that's what they're talking about with iPads and coffeemakers and gardens - a temporary inconvenience until SMECO can get there and not a true SHTF situation.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think that's what they're talking about with iPads and coffeemakers and gardens - a temporary inconvenience until SMECO can get there and not a true SHTF situation.

No. Why wouldn't you use an electric coffee maker if you had one and a few photocells to run it? Or power tools? Or a fridge?
That's true for a natural disaster or other temporary condition, but if it's true SHTF precious metal would just be weight. The currency then would be food, water, ammo, tools, and shelter. Those are the things that most people won't have, so if you have extra you'll be able to trade for anything else.

Very true. In a lot of case though it may be only a temporary setback in things. If someday currency were to make a comeback it would almost surely be backed by something.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No, I would think electric appliances and tools would have a place.

Oh sure. Gotta have a toaster oven and can opener, right? What if you want to invite people over for chili and Pictionary? How you gonna open the beans and tomatoes? How you gonna cook the cornbread?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh sure. Gotta have a toaster oven and can opener, right? What if you want to invite people over for chili and Pictionary? How you gonna open the beans and tomatoes? How you gonna cook the cornbread?


Someone is cranky today. Step in some cold kitty blap this morning?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No. Why wouldn't you use an electric coffee maker if you had one and a few photocells to run it? Or power tools? Or a fridge?

I can make coffee over a campfire. My Boy Scout first husband taught me.

Any electricity I'd come across would be used to fire up my computer so I can check my Facebook and see pictures of what my friends are having for dinner.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Have you ever used a french press? It makes very good coffee. Just need hot water.

I know you're trying to be funny, but a coffee maker is the last thing I would try to power.

No, I am not trying to be funny. Cordless tools, coffee maker, a computer with files saved on it, a CD player, there are all sorts of things you could do with photo cells during the EOTWAWKI. Why build a fire when you can use a couple cells and do it without making smoke? Without having to find wood?

A coffee maker is the first thing I would power. Every morning. Talk about money, trade, coffee would be right up there in value.

The place has to be picked out and stocked in advance. Getting there could be a problem if say matial law was declared, travel resticted, gangs setting up road blocks or ambushes. Travel could become dangerous. Be prepared to hike. Ie, have a backpack loaded and ready to leave your vehicle ASAP.

That's what I was implying.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I can make coffee over a campfire. My Boy Scout first husband taught me.

Any electricity I'd come across would be used to fire up my computer so I can check my Facebook and see pictures of what my friends are having for dinner.
Campfire coffee tastes better than anything that ever came out of my keurig.
No, I am not trying to be funny. Cordless tools, coffee maker, a computer with files saved on it, a CD player, there are all sorts of things you could do with photo cells during the EOTWAWKI. Why build a fire when you can use a couple cells and do it without making smoke? Without having to find wood?

All rechargeables have a limited life. Whatcha gonna do when the batteries no longer take a charge?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Cordless tools

You mean like a hammer? Maybe a wrench and a couple of screwdrivers? Or even a nail file and a high heel?


A coffee maker is the first thing I would power. Every morning. Talk about money, trade, coffee would be right up there in value.

Want to know what I would stockpile for trade?


Not to trade with you - with you I'd just steal your stuff while you were busy looking for your TV remote. :lol:


PREMO Member
...visions of the movie War of the Worlds, when the scientific supply truck gets attacked by mobs while trying to help them.

You'll never "get there'.

like the people of NJ, waited to long, not they need to GET OUT ...

... the guy on the ground with the suitcase full of money, crying because he is too weak and cannot buy his way out

Larry Gude

Strung Out
All rechargeables have a limited life. Whatcha gonna do when the batteries no longer take a charge?

Build a fire. :lmao:

I started a thread talking about people and their real world experiences dealing with an unusual event, Sandy, and how it worked out with their plans. How planning for a few days is nowhere near the same as several weeks. Some of them mentioned solar panels as being a now viable alternative to run small things to conserve generator fuel and, I thought obviously, you would use it for all manner of things including a coffee maker and cordless tools HOWEVER LONG THE BATTERIES were good for. Or you came across new ones or, whatever.

Apparently, I've caused annoyance where information was intended.



Lem Putt
No, I am not trying to be funny. Cordless tools, coffee maker, a computer with files saved on it, a CD player, there are all sorts of things you could do with photo cells during the EOTWAWKI. Why build a fire when you can use a couple cells and do it without making smoke? Without having to find wood?

A coffee maker is the first thing I would power. Every morning. Talk about money, trade, coffee would be right up there in value.

I think you're over estimating the amount of power you'll get from solar. Being tied to a system that big means you have no mobility. If all you're going with is something portable, sure you could charge a battery enough to make coffee once a year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think you're over estimating the amount of power you'll get from solar. Being tied to a system that big means you have no mobility. If all you're going with is something portable, sure you could charge a battery enough to make coffee once a year.

No, I'm not. Costco has these Chinese units that put out about 200 watts. These guys are talking about buying them by the pallet, 24 or so (4800 watts) at something like $6,000 vs. under a grand for a comparable gas generator that requires, obviously, fuel. Pro's and cons.

Not, it's not throw it in the truck portable but, it is also not much work to pack them up and not much heavier than a generator and not take up much more room in a pick up than the gen.

And they are also talking about what you mention, charging batteries with the cells as well. And running the freaking coffee maker instead of building a fire, giving away position, need for firewood.

Why is this controversial, at all?