20 yr. old MOTHER of 7 kids....


Im On 1.
Chain729 said:
If they can't afford them, they lose them. Simple. Kids are better off being raised by someone responsible than someone that has genetic similiarities, but that can't even take care of themselves.
:yay: I am for that.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
all the "solutions" are HURTING the innocent children.

so much for "it takes a village to raise a child." :rolleyes:

Everyones finding ways to punish the parents but in the end its the children who are hurting by not getting enough financial support.

If you can figure a way to punish the parent and still allow the child to get everything they need to grow up and be a healthy child, I'm all ears....
I don't see anyone trying to hurt children. I see lots of people saying that you should not have children if you can't afford to raise them and that taxpayers should not have to pay for the raising of other peoples children.

It is the welfare mommas that choose to have more children that are hurting children. It is the the welfare mommas that can't afford to raise and provide for the children they have. Why should they be paid to have more children?

It is Liberals (notice uppercase L - because Liberals are not liberal) like you that contribute to the failure, oppressed, victim attitude of those on welfare. Instead of having a welfare system to help people and help get them off welfare, you want a system that perpetuates the welfare families and keeps them down.


Cleopatra Jones
Qurious said:
all the "solutions" are HURTING the innocent children.

so much for "it takes a village to raise a child." :rolleyes:

Everyones finding ways to punish the parents but in the end its the children who are hurting by not getting enough financial support.

If you can figure a way to punish the parent and still allow the child to get everything they need to grow up and be a healthy child, I'm all ears....

Take them at birth and place them up for adoption. There are thousands of people that travel outside the US to adopt children because adoption in this country is so hard. Good people that can not have their own children that would and could provide these kids a much better life.


Taking out trailer trash
There are so many people in this world that want to have children and simply cannot. They would gladly welcome these children into thier families and homes. I agree, you pop out some more and you get less. Yes, the children are innocent but you don't see thier welfare moms giving a crap do you?


Main Streeter
Makavide said:
How do you propose to stop them?
Easy. As a condition of receiving public assistance, they have to go to a doctor and receive hormone injections which last for three months or the rod implant that goes just beneath the skin. In order for them to continue receiving public assistance the doctor has to certify that they’re continuing the treatments. If they don’t want the injections, they don’t need to get the assistance. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


"Typical White Person"
As 2A said, all you do is stop giving them extra money for more babies and they will learn contraception real quick.

Working in food retail growing up I saw what alot of them bought with the so called "Independence Card" (Ironic name huh?) and it was better than my family was eating with two working parents.

Funnny thing is that I'd see these idiots and how they managed money and it taught me some good lessons. Tracking the monthly reciepts you could clearly see the day they recieved "their money" each month. Within a couple days of the money being distributed the "Independence card" reciepts were virtually zero.


Im On 1.
pixiegirl said:
Take them at birth and place them up for adoption. There are thousands of people that travel outside the US to adopt children because adoption in this country is so hard. Good people that can not have their own children that would and could provide these kids a much better life.

have you recently read the stats on Adoption in the United States?

and these are MINORITY children....so their changes are even more slim....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
and these are MINORITY children....so their changes are even more slim....
Are you kidding? People adopt non-white kids from foreign countries all the time. Why wouldn't they adopt a non-white domestic kid?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
and these are MINORITY children....
AND there are more white women on welfare than blacks, as far as sheer numbers go. The only way blacks are #1 is if you take their welfare numbers as a percentage of their population.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
2ndAmendment said:
I don't see anyone trying to hurt children. I see lots of people saying that you should not have children if you can't afford to raise them and that taxpayers should not have to pay for the raising of other peoples children.

It is the welfare mommas that choose to have more children that are hurting children. It is the the welfare mommas that can't afford to raise and provide for the children they have. Why should they be paid to have more children?

It is Liberals (notice uppercase L - because Liberals are not liberal) like you that contribute to the failure, oppressed, victim attitude of those on welfare. Instead of having a welfare system to help people and help get them off welfare, you want a system that perpetuates the welfare families and keeps them down.


One thing I forgot to add: What do you think the children of said parents become? Independant, hardworking citizens, or lazy b******s that know full how much money they suck from the hardworkers and not only don't mind doing so, but consider it a "right?"


Cleopatra Jones
vraiblonde said:
Are you kidding? People adopt non-white kids from foreign countries all the time. Why wouldn't they adopt a non-white domestic kid?

:yeahthat: I personally know a single mother (dead husband and they had a child together) that had to go to the Dominican Republic to adopt a baby because she couldn't get through the red tape here in the states. She had yet to remarry and wanted another child and sibling for her child. She's whiter than white bread and has a very tan baby.

I also work with two Mexican men. I'd have put money on one of them being Italian and the other just plain ol' American mutt. One was born in Mexico and one here from parents who were both Mexican born. Looks don't always follow nationality.


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
Instead of having a welfare system to help people and help get them off welfare, you want a system that perpetuates the welfare families and keeps them down.


I showed everyone the stats for food stamps.... that is just for food imagine how much money that family is receiving in cash assistance, free medical insurance, etc... I think one year is plenty of time to get your act together if you can't do it in a year you never will. JMO


There are so many benefits out there. Food stamps, medical assistance, housing, monthly cash assistance, state will buy you a cheap car. I have seen people when they use their food stamp card. They buy a lot of junk food and sea food. I know there are people out there who are really trying to get ahead and just can't but there are a lot of people who get the benefits just because the state will give it to them. I know some women who have been with the same man for years but hasn't married them because they can get benefits claiming to be a single mom. Drives me crazy. I just want to slap all those lazy freakin people. errrrrrrrrrrrr. GET A JOB!! If you have a kid, pay for it. It's no secret how expensive it is to take care of a baby.


Im On 1.
hotmomma said:
There are so many benefits out there. Food stamps, medical assistance, housing, monthly cash assistance, state will buy you a cheap car. I have seen people when they use their food stamp card. They buy a lot of junk food and sea food. I know there are people out there who are really trying to get ahead and just can't but there are a lot of people who get the benefits just because the state will give it to them. I know some women who have been with the same man for years but hasn't married them because they can get benefits claiming to be a single mom. Drives me crazy. I just want to slap all those lazy freakin people. errrrrrrrrrrrr. GET A JOB!! If you have a kid, pay for it. It's no secret how expensive it is to take care of a baby.

u bitter as hell - LOL.


"Typical White Person"
Qurious said:
boo hoo. how can u not like someone u never met....bisch we probably neighbors :howdy:

Do you not put "are's" where they are suppose to go on purpose or is that just the Waldorf coming out in you?


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Are you kidding? People adopt non-white kids from foreign countries all the time. Why wouldn't they adopt a non-white domestic kid?

Because it is so much cooler to say they adopted little baby Tallulah from Mozambique or Kanazacastan instead of Alabama or South Dakota.


Im On 1.
AK-74me said:
Do you not put "are's" where they are suppose to go on purpose or is that just the Waldorf coming out in you?

i dont use the backspace button when i tyupe.


Oh my god, make her go away :jameo: I don't like my neighbors. They are weirdos. If you are my neighbor, keep your blinds closed. You keep distracting me with your huge freakin tv on your wall. I almost hit your mailbox pulling in my driveway the other day.