2006 SOMD.COM Open

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Softballkid said:
someone in akilt right off the top my head...
:killingme Interesting choice of words. I'm sure if the kilt was right off the top of your head you would have remembered them. :biggrin:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Nupe2 said:
...oh the humanity! :smack: I can take a whoopin (and have been lately)...can't get out of this reunion though. I gotta please Momma....:ohwell:

I'll keep an eye out for the full report! :lmao:
Do you still want to go out for 18 on Sunday @ Wicomico?

I can see me now @ the pro shop on Saturday, "Yeah, I have an 837 with those "internet people". :lmao:


Golf.....a contest of man vs. a little white ball......... A game of microns, angles, minute changes in stance and pressure.............A pastime for many a passion for some........agony........exstacy........Tomorrow morning SATURDAY 15 July 2006 8 men will answer the call...........they will put on the gloves.........clean the grooves.........unsheathe the drivers.........carefully choose balls............ the SOMD.com trash talking Invitational Open will start.

This years participants include some old faces and some newcomers.

Returning are the past champion Pete who is having an admittedly slow start to the trash talking tour. After getting handily waxed at the hands of his nemisis Otter "The Weasel" early this season he has managed to rekindle some of the past prowess and significantly narrow the gap, will it be enough?

Otter has started off with a bang being grubbed routinely last year ignited a fire of unabridged golf passion. With remarkable consistancy and a fire in his eye Otter has worn out the local driving ranges and clandestinley visited a sports psychologist/swing doctor. Switching to a $30 Ram driver has added to his length off the tee and coupled with deadeye accuracy on the green has early handicappers pointing to Otter as the man to beat.

Returning to the scene of the crime Larry "The hitman" Gude. the visitor from the north in the distinctive Panama Jack straw hat has returned to avenge the humiliating loss last year in this event. Rumor has it in the off season he enlisted a strength coach to his usual entourage. Will he make a run this year? Hitting greens in regulation will put Gude in the thick of things.

The last of last years participants John “Airgasm the sailor man” returns with a new bag of clubs and steely resolve to avoid the pitfalls he so frequently fell into last year. So far this year he has managed to keep out of his usual pitfall ….water. He was so frequently in water he was known to tour followers as “Aqua John”. New clubs precision matched to his lanky frame seem to have done the trick. Longer off the tee, fearless approaches, and improved chipping all could possibly lead to an upset.

New this year are Softball kid……..One must wonder how long the tee’s are that his he going to use. The guy is a virtual unknown on the SOMD.com tour. Is he a grip it and rip it hacker like he proclaims? Time will tell.

Also new this year is Speedo, the cigar chomping kilt wearing loose cannon. Although he won’t be wearing a skirt this year GQ magazine is sending an unusually large contingent of photographers to capture pictures of what is expected to be maybe not the best golfer, but certainly the best dressed.

Kom, a virtual unknown who passed the test and got his tour card (he just asked for one) Will this unknown come swooping in to snatch (heh, I said snatch) away the first major of the year?

Lastly Rick, the humble purveyor of cheese steak sammiches and pizza pies crosses over and joins the SOMD tour fresh of an impressive performance in a real golf tournament where rolling the ball with your foot so you are not behind a tree is not allowed. Will Rick be able to fight through the tour imposed handicaps of an eye patch and flip flops? We will have to see.

Tomorrow morning at 830 the speculation ends and the balls will be flying. Men engaged in cordial competition, bonding as only men can do, on grass, wearing polyester and funny shoes.

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Well-Known Member

If your golf skills matched your literary prowess, no one would stand a chance!

Well Done, and see you Saturday :cheers:



California, MD 14 July 2006. Rick "cheese steak" withdraws from the SOMD.com Trash Talk Invitational. Rumor has it after viewing bootleg video of last years competition Rick decided not to temp fate and join the tournament.

This leaves one spot in the feild...............is anyone brave enough to play?


professional daydreamer
Pete said:

Also new this year is Speedo, the cigar chomping kilt wearing loose cannon. Although he won’t be wearing a skirt this year GQ magazine is sending an unusually large contingent of photographers to capture pictures of what is expected to be maybe not the best golfer, but certainly the best dressed.

I don't know which rag you've been reading, but he's hardly a loose cannon.

Good write up, though. :yay:


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...is everybody up for a skins game?

$20 a man, $1 per hole, $2 on #1 & #2 handicap.

Not sure if everyone would be up for that, I'm in if the group wants to do it. Per foursome, I take it?


No Longer the Kid
Now see, when you go to drink beer, and expect to shoot around 100.... skins is normally not a game to favor :lmao:

but sense Im going with you semi pro's....I wont drink AS much beer :ohwell:


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Whatever is acceptable to the most people...

otter said:
Not sure if everyone would be up for that, I'm in if the group wants to do it. Per foursome, I take it?

...but my thought is that with 7 or 8 guys, there's gonna be two pars on pretty much every hole, so, a birdie here or there could happen by anyone and win the loot.

Or we could make it the group, just take the groups best score.

Whaddya think?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No dude...

Softballkid said:
Now see, when you go to drink beer, and expect to shoot around 100.... skins is normally not a game to favor :lmao:

but sense Im going with you semi pro's....I wont drink AS much beer :ohwell:


...skins is perfect for beer with this many guys. You could go hacking along for 8 or 9 holes, see and hit it straight on one hole, make a 40 footer and, viola, lifestyles of the rich and shameless.

BTW, I'll be shocked if I break 90.


Nothing to see here
Pete said:

California, MD 14 July 2006. Rick "cheese steak" withdraws from the SOMD.com Trash Talk Invitational. Rumor has it after viewing bootleg video of last years competition Rick decided not to temp fate and join the tournament.

This leaves one spot in the feild...............is anyone brave enough to play?

We have an 8th.


No Longer the Kid
Larry Gude said:
...skins is perfect for beer with this many guys. You could go hacking along for 8 or 9 holes, see and hit it straight on one hole, make a 40 footer and, viola, lifestyles of the rich and shameless.

BTW, I'll be shocked if I break 90.

Why yes, you have an excellent point..but with my luck..I wont be the one who pulls that off.... :lol:

But, Ill see yall tomorrow morning :howdy: