Nope. YOUR definition of what a "strong woman" is different from their version, and it's not a weird distortion.Men are pains in the ass. They say they want a strong woman, but they really don't because it just highlights how weak they are. They say they want an independent woman, but that threatens their masculinity. So they get some woman who is docile and sweet, then they bitch because she's boring and cheat on her with the tatted up barmaid.
I never wanted a woman who was utterly dependent on me for a life, for entertainment, for anything in life. And I found one - NO ONE would ever suggest my wife is anything BUT that. She's had jobs where people under her were afraid of her (which to me, knowing her well, sometimes seems funny). If I'm out of town or in any way unable to be home, there's not even the slightest chance that home will have any problems - the kids will be on time for everything, the bills will get paid and everything will be working perfectly. And while I love her very much - she won't visibly miss me very much.
I've dated women for whom my every waking moment was a constant barrage of neediness on her part, and I hated it. I don't like "weak" women and never have. They're clingy. My wife isn't docile, but she does recognize we are a partnership and doesn't recklessly make big decisions without my opinion. She also CAN be very sweet - her friends adore her. Just don't piss her off. The clincher for me - the part that made me decide, I want to marry her - was when it was clear that she very much wanted me in her life, but was ok without me. She didn't need me to keep her entertained or happy.
I have also dated women that had a different idea of "strong" - for example, I go biking on a date, and they thought nothing of racing a mile ahead of me, because I'm not THAT great a rider. Well what's the point of that? I've dated women who are smarter than me - and waste no time showing it to me at every opportunity. I know MEN like this - they are always playing the game "am I smarter than you?". I'd just as well concede the game if they would just SHUT UP.
In short - they may be "strong" but what they really are, is an *******. One woman I dated, I only wish I had cut it off on the first date, rather than wasting time on a second. She was intolerable and not at all friendly to most people.