5 year old suspended for cap gun


Well-Known Member
A kindergartner who brought a cowboy-style cap gun onto his Calvert County school bus was suspended for 10 days after showing a friend the orange-tipped toy, which he had tucked inside his backpack on his way to school, according to his family and a lawyer.

The child was questioned for more than two hours before his mother was called, she said, adding that he uncharacteristically wet his pants during the episode. The boy is 5 — “all bugs and frogs and cowboys,” his mother said.

The case comes at a time of heightened sensitivity about guns in schools across the country. Locally, children in first and second grade have been disciplined for pointing their fingers like guns and for chewing a Pop-Tart-like pastry into the shape of a gun. In Pennsylvania, a 5-year-old was suspended for talking about shooting a Hello Kitty bubble gun that blows soap bubbles.




Overall, school isn't the place to bring any kind of toy in unless it's for a school assignment. Regardless of what the toy is.

However, 2 hours of questioning followed by a suspension seems harsh to me. The poor thing wet his pants. That should speak to how nervous he was.


2 days ago my 5 year old son who is in pre-k had to change his behavior card to yellow (he has been on green the entire year) because him & 2 other boys were using their fingers to play guns. It has gotten out of control.

The questioning is total BS & I would be IRATE if that happened to my kid. I feel bad for the poor little guy.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Good thing he wasn't a student at Honey McCallum, the teacher may have nearly beat him to death.



Dream Stealer
If someone questioned my 5 year old for two hours before I was notified, I can't even imagine the pure HELL I would raise. That infuriates me just thinking about it. AND his sister? What a ridiculous situation.

illogical zero tolerance policies that treat children like prisoners..and do nothing to improve safety. Sickening. I don't even want my kid to go to school just thinking about it.


What gets me, is I know of a certain high school girl in St. Mary's who has been in several fights this year at LHS but has not gotten suspended, yet a 5 year old who brings a toy on the bus gets 10 days???? INSANE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Can't pass gun control?

Slowly, over time, engrain the idea that guns are horrible and shouldn't be used into the minds of children.

The next generation of liberals.....can't wait.


I bowl overhand
If someone questioned my 5 year old for two hours before I was notified, I can't even imagine the pure HELL I would raise. That infuriates me just thinking about it. AND his sister? What a ridiculous situation.

illogical zero tolerance policies that treat children like prisoners..and do nothing to improve safety. Sickening. I don't even want my kid to go to school just thinking about it.

I'd be curious as to what questions he was asked.

Are there guns in your house? Do you have one Mom, and one Dad, and are they opposite sex? Are your parents Heterosexual??

All thos BAD things that are plaguing our society..


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I'ma bust a cap in yo a$$! What BS. I would love to know what "questions" he was asked during his 2 hour interrogation.

How many people are involved in this plot?
Where is and who is on your list?
Were you intent on targeting Native American Indians?
How may rolls of caps do you have?
Why do you need a large supply of caps?
Do you have a permit for the gun?
Did you buy it legally?
Was a background check performed?



Well-Known Member
2 days ago my 5 year old son who is in pre-k had to change his behavior card to yellow (he has been on green the entire year) because him & 2 other boys were using their fingers to play guns. It has gotten out of control.

The questioning is total BS & I would be IRATE if that happened to my kid. I feel bad for the poor little guy.

But, was he playing that in class? Miss Thang gets hers changed if she plays in class, regardless of what she's playing. So, if he was playing it in class then I definitely agree with the "yellow". But, if it was outside during recess then I'm not so sure. In general, I don't let the kids act like they're shooting each other or even talk about it. I was mortified the day that my son told his sister if she didn't shut up that he'd kill her.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Can't pass gun control?

Slowly, over time, engrain the idea that guns are horrible and shouldn't be used into the minds of children.

The next generation of liberals.....can't wait.

That is exactly the goal. Make every kid so afraid of even the word "gun" that they will be the next wave of voters to try for an outright ban.


New Member
Overall, school isn't the place to bring any kind of toy in unless it's for a school assignment. Regardless of what the toy is.

However, 2 hours of questioning followed by a suspension seems harsh to me. The poor thing wet his pants. That should speak to how nervous he was.

It is a completely NATURAL instinct for a child to bring a toy to school where his friends are in order to show them. No different than someone showing off one's new car to neighbor. We all like showing others things we enjoy with the thought they themselves may get one and enjoy it also.
Why is it perfectly NORMAL to share recipes with one another so others can enjoy what you enjoyed but not so when it comes to TOYS?

"seems" harsh???????????????
Give me a break. IT IS HARSH! This is a five year old child for God's Sake!
I can picture the adults hovering over this poor child. Did they play "good cop, bad cop" on him?? I am sure they grilled him on whether his parents had guns at home.
Wetting one's pants is a clear indication one is in fear for one's safety or even one's life. This child is now psychologically traumatized, It is called "child abuse"

" That should speak to how nervous he was"
No, that speaks to how psychologically sick the school staff that did this to him are.
I have said this before-Get your children out before they become the next victim of these perverts.


Well-Known Member
But, was he playing that in class? Miss Thang gets hers changed if she plays in class, regardless of what she's playing. So, if he was playing it in class then I definitely agree with the "yellow". But, if it was outside during recess then I'm not so sure. In general, I don't let the kids act like they're shooting each other or even talk about it. I was mortified the day that my son told his sister if she didn't shut up that he'd kill her.

He was on the bus.


It is a completely NATURAL instinct for a child to bring a toy to school where his friends are in order to show them. No different than someone showing off one's new car to neighbor. We all like showing others things we enjoy with the thought they themselves may get one and enjoy it also.
Why is it perfectly NORMAL to share recipes with one another so others can enjoy what you enjoyed but not so when it comes to TOYS?

"seems" harsh???????????????
Give me a break. IT IS HARSH! This is a five year old child for God's Sake!
I can picture the adults hovering over this poor child. Did they play "good cop, bad cop" on him?? I am sure they grilled him on whether his parents had guns at home.
Wetting one's pants is a clear indication one is in fear for one's safety or even one's life. This child is now psychologically traumatized, It is called "child abuse"

" That should speak to how nervous he was"
No, that speaks to how psychologically sick the school staff that did this to him are.
I have said this before-Get your children out before they become the next victim of these perverts.

Because school isn't the place for toys. You run the risk of having it broke, stolen, and it being a distraction.

And I agree. If that were my child, I'd be livid having found out he was questionned for 2 hours and was either scared enough to wet his pants or wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom.


Well-Known Member
It is a completely NATURAL instinct for a child to bring a toy to school where his friends are in order to show them. No different than someone showing off one's new car to neighbor. We all like showing others things we enjoy with the thought they themselves may get one and enjoy it also.
Why is it perfectly NORMAL to share recipes with one another so others can enjoy what you enjoyed but not so when it comes to TOYS?

"seems" harsh???????????????
Give me a break. IT IS HARSH! This is a five year old child for God's Sake!
I can picture the adults hovering over this poor child. Did they play "good cop, bad cop" on him?? I am sure they grilled him on whether his parents had guns at home.
Wetting one's pants is a clear indication one is in fear for one's safety or even one's life. This child is now psychologically traumatized, It is called "child abuse"

" That should speak to how nervous he was"
No, that speaks to how psychologically sick the school staff that did this to him are.
I have said this before-Get your children out before they become the next victim of these perverts.

I'd go ape sh!t on someone.

You question my kids for over 2 hours without me being there, make my kid piss his pants, and scare the crap out of him....I'd probably go to jail....


Well-Known Member
I'm a synical bitch so I'm going to say this...I doubt the kid was questioned for 2 hours and the parents should not have allowed the kid to take a cap gun to school.

Flame away, but there's always more to the story when these things happen.


I'm a synical bitch so I'm going to say this...I doubt the kid was questioned for 2 hours and the parents should not have allowed the kid to take a cap gun to school.

Flame away, but there's always more to the story when these things happen.

I believe I read in the story that the kid put the toy in his book bag without the parents knowing.