5 year old suspended for cap gun


Well-Known Member
I wasn't talking about the kid in the story. :lol:


I need coffee

Because school isn't the place for toys. You run the risk of having it broke, stolen, and it being a distraction.

And I agree. If that were my child, I'd be livid having found out he was questionned for 2 hours and was either scared enough to wet his pants or wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom.

I could understand that if he was playing in class, but he was showing it to his friend, on the bus, on his way TO school.


I bowl overhand
Can't pass gun control?

Slowly, over time, engrain the idea that guns are horrible and shouldn't be used into the minds of children.

The next generation of liberals.....can't wait.


I've been seeing it for years..

Making the guns evil, convincing kids that guns are evil, and even explaining to them that NOBODY needs to own a gun.

We had to do a non-fiction book report.. so try to find a non-fiction book for a 7 year old.. we found Annie Oakley..

My son IMMEDIALTELY stated, "This book is inappropriate, there's a gun on the cover!"

HIS EXACT words..

So I guess our children will no longer be taught about the West, none of the wars, our heroes, our heritage.. It will all be "inappropriate"..

I'll give us 3 years tops, and the news will all be censored, as will ALL TV shows.. no coverage, or anything resembling a gun allowed.



But, was he playing that in class? Miss Thang gets hers changed if she plays in class, regardless of what she's playing. So, if he was playing it in class then I definitely agree with the "yellow". But, if it was outside during recess then I'm not so sure. In general, I don't let the kids act like they're shooting each other or even talk about it. I was mortified the day that my son told his sister if she didn't shut up that he'd kill her.

They were in the cafeteria, they get off the bus at 1245 & go straight to lunch. Well my kid (along with several others) eats before school (who feeds their kids at 1pm on a normal basis) so they were sitting at the lunch table playing. He knows the difference between playing & real guns...he's taught gun safety at home etc. I have no problem that he had to change his card, but I do feel for the little boy in Calvert, TOTAL BS!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
It is a completely NATURAL instinct for a child to bring a toy to school where his friends are in order to show them. No different than someone showing off one's new car to neighbor. We all like showing others things we enjoy with the thought they themselves may get one and enjoy it also.
Why is it perfectly NORMAL to share recipes with one another so others can enjoy what you enjoyed but not so when it comes to TOYS?

"seems" harsh???????????????
Give me a break. IT IS HARSH! This is a five year old child for God's Sake!
I can picture the adults hovering over this poor child. Did they play "good cop, bad cop" on him?? I am sure they grilled him on whether his parents had guns at home.
Wetting one's pants is a clear indication one is in fear for one's safety or even one's life. This child is now psychologically traumatized, It is called "child abuse"

" That should speak to how nervous he was"
No, that speaks to how psychologically sick the school staff that did this to him are.
I have said this before-Get your children out before they become the next victim of these perverts.

How does this make them perverts? :confused:



I need coffee

I could understand that if he was playing in class, but he was showing it to his friend, on the bus, on his way TO school.

I get what your saying, I just don't agree with it.

Personally, it's just my parental policy that no toys should be taken to school at all. Too many things could happen as in getting stolen, broken, taken away, etc. To avoid all of those issues, you just don't take anything. :shrug:


I bowl overhand
So where are all our frothy mouthed liberals that support these laws??

That think the teachers would have been derelict if the kid didn't piss his pants??

Where is the support?

I mean a Columbine like tragedy was averted because these sensible rules and laws are in place!!


I bowl overhand
I get what your saying, I just don't agree with it.

Personally, it's just my parental policy that no toys should be taken to school at all. Too many things could happen as in getting stolen, broken, taken away, etc. To avoid all of those issues, you just don't take anything. :shrug:

It doesn't matter what your "parental policy" is if your kid takes a toy to school without you knowing.. it happens.

Kids are kids, and they like showing off new things to their friends.


It doesn't matter what your "parental policy" is if your kid takes a toy to school without you knowing.. it happens.

Kids are kids, and they like showing off new things to their friends.

It does happen.

And I agree that the punishment for this kid showing off his toy is too harsh.


Not White House Approved
We as parents need to take back our schools from the administrators and liberals, this is total BS. We need to start being more vocal in the PTA’s, at school board meetings and start voting out these administrators who come up with these BS regulations. It’s time to stop the “zero policy” BS and start making people use their brains for something more than wondering who’s going to be the winner on DWTS.

These administrators and teachers are suppose to be smart enough to use their judgment, time to start making they use it and stop hiding behind some BS one size fits all rule/regulation. If they are smart enough to judge what and how my child needs to learn they are smart enough to judge when a little toy is harmless and that a five year old is being a five year old.

As far as the two hour question session they did, I would be standing on someone’s desk pissing on their head and they would be thanking me for not ripping their lungs out. I’m all for corporal punishment in schools when it’s warranted but this is incident only warrants a letter home to the parents and a two minute talk with the kid to let him know that he’s not to bring those toys to school. Talk about a major over reaction, some administrator needs to get their head and arse wired together and get a healthy dose of reality shoved down their throat.

The problem with our school systems is that instead of getting rid of the morons, they get promoted to administrator positions like assistant principals, principals, etc.

Welcome to the Liberal State of Maryland, where government officials know better how to raise your child then you do and all you need are allowed to do is pay them more and more money (through taxes), you have no say in anything once you elect them into office.

Liberals, raising the next generation of wimps, whiners and crybabies.
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Super Genius
I get what your saying, I just don't agree with it.

Personally, it's just my parental policy that no toys should be taken to school at all. Too many things could happen as in getting stolen, broken, taken away, etc. To avoid all of those issues, you just don't take anything. :shrug:
And what does your parental policy have to do with school policy?


New Member
How does this make them perverts? :confused:

Any one that can rationalize frightening a child to the point he/she wets themselves has serious psychological problems when it comes to children.
It doesn't necessarily deal with sexual perversion;

per·vert (pr-vûrt)
tr.v. per·vert·ed, per·vert·ing, per·verts
1. To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt.
2. To bring to a bad or worse condition; debase.
3. To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse. See Synonyms at corrupt.
4. To interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort: an analysis that perverts the meaning of the poem.
n. (pûrvûrt)


Well-Known Member
Any one that can rationalize frightening a child to the point he/she wets themselves has serious psychological problems when it comes to children.
It doesn't necessarily deal with sexual perversion;

per·vert (pr-vûrt)
tr.v. per·vert·ed, per·vert·ing, per·verts
1. To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt.
2. To bring to a bad or worse condition; debase.
3. To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse. See Synonyms at corrupt.
4. To interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort: an analysis that perverts the meaning of the poem.
n. (pûrvûrt)

And you could not come up with any other word to fit? :rolleyes:


Any one that can rationalize frightening a child to the point he/she wets themselves has serious psychological problems when it comes to children.
It doesn't necessarily deal with sexual perversion;

per·vert (pr-vûrt)
tr.v. per·vert·ed, per·vert·ing, per·verts
1. To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt.
2. To bring to a bad or worse condition; debase.
3. To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse. See Synonyms at corrupt.
4. To interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort: an analysis that perverts the meaning of the poem.
n. (pûrvûrt)

Im with you, if it were my kid I would call the police and ask for an investigation.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Any one that can rationalize frightening a child to the point he/she wets themselves has serious psychological problems when it comes to children.
It doesn't necessarily deal with sexual perversion;

per·vert (pr-vûrt)
tr.v. per·vert·ed, per·vert·ing, per·verts
1. To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt.
2. To bring to a bad or worse condition; debase.
3. To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse. See Synonyms at corrupt.
4. To interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort: an analysis that perverts the meaning of the poem.
n. (pûrvûrt)

Okay. That is probably not the word that I would have chosen.


No matter what word you use, the school/authorities were completely WRONG in this case. I'm glad to see the parents have a lawyer & are fighting it.


Well-Known Member
No matter what word you use, the school/authorities were completely WRONG in this case. I'm glad to see the parents have a lawyer & are fighting it.

They're only wrong if this was the true story. I'll reserve my opinion until the entire story comes out. Right now, we're just reading the parents' side.


They're only wrong if this was the true story. I'll reserve my opinion until the entire story comes out. Right now, we're just reading the parents' side.

The questioning without notifying the parents first was totally wrong no matter what.