$85 BILLION to Ukraine and Israel


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
This is your MO. Make a claim then when pressed on it say showing you the truth isn't possible.
My gawd...your total lack of self-awareness is almost frightening in its scope.

Do you still insist Ukraine is a member of NATO? <---- most recent example of your stunning ignorance and remarkable obtuseness.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Pretty simple stuff. And most of those kids aren't traveling with a parent anyway, they're traveling with a sex trafficker. So Democrats are basically saying they don't want little kids separated from their rapists.

Dems aren't called "groomers" for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Whatever excuse you need to tell yourself its ok to deny hungry kids food.

Just like you excuse denying basic human rights to migrants.

At least admit you a POS and don't pretend its for some high minded objection to educational requirements
Were these kids starving before it? Maybe these states already have it covered? Maybe there are more costs to the states than are covered? Where I grew up I would have needed a parent to drive me to get it or ride the bus, is there money for school systems to run their buses for this program? From what I understand school lunch is just prepackaged crap now, some bread stick is really popular, why not just mail it to them? It works for things like hello fresh.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hang on, $85 billion with border money in the bill, border money removed and now its $93 billion.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
School is for teaching. Reading, math, science, history, arts.

It is not a babysitter; it’s not a food program ; it’s not for social indoctrination or politics.

You want to feed people? Provide food.
You need daycare? Find a way to provide it. We already have welfare shifted to the tax program in the form of earned income credit which I have personally seen abused.

People don’t oppose programs because they are wicked and cruel - that exists in cartoons and comic books. They oppose them for other reasons - inefficient, ineffectual, abuse and in the case of school food - utter non-nutritional garbage.


Well-Known Member
Pretty simple stuff. And most of those kids aren't traveling with a parent anyway, they're traveling with a sex trafficker. So Democrats are basically saying they don't want little kids separated from their rapists.


God you are stupid and predicatable.

How many drag queens or dems have been caught molesting children since you were told it was an issue to get mad about vs how many pastors, Maga's and republican leaders have.

The numbers are 0 x8


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
God you are stupid and predicatable.

How many drag queens or dems have been caught molesting children since you were told it was an issue to get mad about vs how many pastors, Maga's and republican leaders have.

The numbers are 0 x8



Well-Known Member
Were these kids starving before it? Maybe these states already have it covered? Maybe there are more costs to the states than are covered? Where I grew up I would have needed a parent to drive me to get it or ride the bus, is there money for school systems to run their buses for this program? From what I understand school lunch is just prepackaged crap now, some bread stick is really popular, why not just mail it to them? It works for things like hello fresh.

Why don't you read the attached article instead of making knee jerk proclamations and then asking questions that can easily be answered by you guessed it. Educating yourself.


Well-Known Member
As i told you not separating minors from their families is a human right. A child should not be removed from their parents custody and processed through immigration without their guardian present.
You truly are a dumb-dumb.
Example: If you post something on here that is one of your typical dumb-dumb statements and someone else calls you out on it... is it THEIR fault for calling you out? Or maybe.. just maybe.. it is your dumb-dumb self for posting something dumb??
We did NOT remove their "human rights." They did it to themselves when they decided to trek here and not properly attempt to enter the country. dumb-dumb!



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You truly are a dumb-dumb.
Example: If you post something on here that is one of your typical dumb-dumb statements and someone else calls you out on it... is it THEIR fault for calling you out? Or maybe.. just maybe.. it is your dumb-dumb self for posting something dumb??
We did NOT remove their "human rights." They did it to themselves when they decided to trek here and not properly attempt to enter the country. dumb-dumb!


You're beating a dead whore.... er horse.