977 The Rocket, Mickey The Kid


God bless the USA
And you wonder why you have been banned?? Most forums would never tolerate being a a$$hole to a Mod, your ISP and not your screen name would be perma-banned..

Go count your guns, or your son's accomplishments, or your wisdom about everything. You truly are a jerk. No matter what vrai says, I got banned because I got in a fight with bann. And, you know what? If I get banned for this post, it would probably be a blessing. Don't ever call me a hypocrite again. You are the true hypocrite. And, you give dogs a bad name.

One more thing. I guess you zoned out on all the other members that argue with vrai. Are you for real? And, she likes it, and has gotten away with it. It is problematic that a moderator gets personal, but I have dealt with it just fine.

And, you think you are not an arsehole on this forum? I guess vrai likes you better than me. :lol:
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black dog

Free America
Go count your guns, or your son's accomplishments, or your wisdom about everything. You truly are a dog. No matter what vrai says, I got banned because I got in a fight with bann. And, you know what? If I get banned for this post, it would probably be a blessing. Don't ever call me a hypocrite again. You are the true hypocrite.

Nutbag, You are the BIGGEST HYPOCRITE I have ever seen. Thanks for asking about my son WackaWackadoodie, He took his Oath this past Tuesday afternoon to enlist in the Marine Corps. Unlike you you and your children, Had a 94 on his ASVAB's and 4 years JROTC, Wanna guess what was offered to him??

Oh and I was around when you were banned dumba$$, You were banned for being a Ahole...

Here he is taking his Oath, Good looking responsible young man..

IMG_20171010_1506058161 (1).jpg


God bless the USA
Nutbag, You are the BIGGEST HYPOCRITE I have ever seen. Thanks for asking about my son WackaWackadoodie, He took his Oath this past Tuesday afternoon to enlist in the Marine Corps. Unlike you you and your children, Had a 94 on his ASVAB's and 4 years JROTC, Wanna guess what was offered to him??

Oh and I was around when you were banned dumba$$, You were banned for being a Ahole...

Here he is taking his Oath, Good looking responsible young man..

View attachment 120194

You have a self confidence problem. Sad. Take care of yourself.


God bless the USA
Please. Stop.

I assume you are replying to me. That reply with quote thing is on the bottoms right. I will when you will. :smile: Talk about a one sided convo. Seriously? You stop. Thanks.

At least, I stay on track of what I believe. You, on the other hand, are a bobble head.
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black dog

Free America
And, he will be just like his father. He looks scared.

Thats rich coming from a parent that never served herself, And raised a worthless Crackhead..... My son at 18 and two months has more moral character and stones that you or any of your off spring will ever have.. He raised his right hand and signed that contract for five years..


God bless the USA
Thats rich coming from a parent that never served herself, And raised a worthless Crackhead..... My son at 18 and two months has more moral character and stones that you or any of your off spring will ever have.. He raised his right hand and signed that contract for five years..

Well, we will put this to rest right now. If you respond again, that is on you. Who said I had to serve? I was young with two young children, and an arsehole husband, that left when Meg and Ry were 3 and 5. I did it on my own until they were 8 and 10; then I met my current hub. I could not predict that my son would be an addict. I did the best I could. And, you don't know me or my life, and what I have done to say such crap. And, the other thing that sticks in my craw is that you call my hub, a fellow Marine bro, Super Shoes, and call him out. He is an ultra runner, and he loves it. Why do you make fun of a fellow Marine? This is why I call you a hypocrite. Sad.


Well-Known Member
At least, I stay on track of what I believe.

Yes, you do stay on track showing everyone what a cruel, cold hearted witch you are.

I see why you do not sleep at night...I wouldn't be able sleep either if I was a cruel and evil as you.


God bless the USA
Yes, you do stay on track showing everyone what a cruel, cold hearted witch you are.

I see why you do not sleep at night...I wouldn't be able sleep either if I was a cruel and evil as you.

Well, you seem to be up this late at night, also. Can you not sleep, either? And, please, do me the favor of telling me why you think I am a cruel witch. Looking forward to your reply.

black dog

Free America
Well, we will put this to rest right now. If you respond again, that is on you. Who said I had to serve? I was young with two young children, and an arsehole husband, that left when Meg and Ry were 3 and 5. I did it on my own until they were 8 and 10; then I met my current hub. I could not predict that my son would be an addict. I did the best I could. And, you don't know me or my life, and what I have done to say such crap. And, the other thing that sticks in my craw is that you call my hub, a fellow Marine bro, Super Shoes, and call him out. He is an ultra runner, and he loves it. Why do you make fun of a fellow Marine? This is why I call you a hypocrite. Sad.

Wow you should be impressed with yourself, you took care of your kids for 5 whole years....

Big F'ing deal, More excuses..... My older sister and I dont cry that our mom was humping Newport News and my Dad got full custody ( 1962 ) of her and I when I was 4 and she was 7..It didn't keep my father from serving nor did it keep me.
Being a responsible parent isn't that difficult, you just failed at it.. You needed someone to come and take care of you then and now..

And make sure that you ask Super Shoes what is offered to a young man that scores a 94 on his ASVAB's....
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Well-Known Member
Well, you seem to be up this late at night, also. Can you not sleep, either? And, please, do me the favor of telling me why you think I am a cruel witch. Looking forward to your reply.

Work. Something you know nothing about.

black dog, I wish your son all that is good in this world, and I thank him for his service. I'm out of here, that woman makes me want to vomit.


God bless the USA
Work. Something you know nothing about.

black dog, I wish your son all that is good in this world, and I thank him for his service. I'm out of here, that woman makes me want to vomit.

What? I worked for 35 years at a job other than raising children. You really need to get a grip. And, what makes you vomit is kind of weird. I thought you were all about America. You make no sense.

black dog

Free America
What? I worked for 35 years at a job other than raising children. You really need to get a grip. And, what makes you vomit is kind of weird. I thought you were all about America. You make no sense.

Honey, you didn't raise them at all. Thats apparent with step daddy still needing to help them get through life..


God bless the USA
Honey, you didn't raise them at all. Thats apparent with step daddy still needing to help them get through life..

Ok. Don't call me honey, arsehole? I have your number, now. You are the same arsehole as my childrens' father. He didn't want to change a diaper or throw the ball back, until they could actually interact. He left, and said he didn't feel right. It was out of the blue. I was cleaning up the kitchen one day and he was watching a football game; and just got up and left. I thought it was a joke. I picked up the pieces. Why are you so focused on me? There is, obviously, something in your life that causes you to belittle others. I hope you are seeking help for that.

And, yes, Super Shoes Marine hub saved my life. And, he is a better man than you.

And, what is funny is that we met through the newspaper personal ads back in the day; before all the social media thing. It was meant to be.

Edit: You are so focused on this military serve thing. My x never served, but my hub did. And, you make fun of him. That is what I don't get. So, what do you have to say about that? He didn't care about anyone, but himself. I held it all together until Super Shoes saved us. Now, you can shut up. You know the story, and there is nothing left to say. I am one lucky girl and got the long end of that stick.

And, I do know you are the same as my x. Which is an egotistical, self centered, thinks the world revolves around him, sociopath, baby. From your posts, you fit the mold, perfectly.
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