977 The Rocket, Mickey The Kid


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Ok. Don't call me honey, arsehole? I have your number, now. You are the same arsehole as my childrens' father. He didn't want to change a diaper or throw the ball back, until they could actually interact. He left, and said he didn't feel right. It was out of the blue. I was cleaning up the kitchen one day and he was watching a football game; and just got up and left. I thought it was a joke. I picked up the pieces. Why are you so focused on me? There is, obviously, something in your life that causes you to belittle others. I hope you are seeking help for that.

And, yes, Super Shoes Marine hub saved my life. And, he is a better man than you.

And, what is funny is that we met through the newspaper personal ads back in the day; before all the social media thing. It was meant to be.

Edit: You are so focused on this military serve thing. My x never served, but my hub did. And, you make fun of him. That is what I don't get. So, what do you have to say about that? He didn't care about anyone, but himself. I held it all together until Super Shoes saved us. Now, you can shut up. You know the story, and there is nothing left to say. I am one lucky girl and got the long end of that stick.

And, I do know you are the same as my x. Which is an egotistical, self centered, thinks the world revolves around him, sociopath, baby. From your posts, you fit the mold, perfectly.

Honey, seek professional help.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You have said some dumb stuff, but that was a really ####ty thing to say.

KooKoo is our forum psycho. The worst part is, she doesn't realize it. You'd think she'd sober up, read the stuff she writes, and be embarrassed. Instead, she doubles down.

Anyway, Hi Mickey! Hope things work out for you - that place goes through DJs like a sieve and by now I'm sure you know why. And surely you know you can't be universally loved - if you play music and don't talk, they'll say you're boring; if you do talk, they'll say you should shut up and play music. :crazy: I heard your promo on the way out of town yesterday and thought your show sounded interesting. :yay:


happy to be living
I miss Ripley (Jay) and his wife (BTW, he hated the *name* the station assigned him.) They were good people and I did listen to the radio when he was on. I currently have a dvr and xm in my car and in my store and once in awhile listen to WTOP for the news in the car.

A radio station that played classic rock with the less popular but equally as good music of some of the musicians popular at the time would be great. For instance, Steve Miller had some awesome music on his (albums) that never get air time. "Jet airliner" is one of the lamest and stupidest songs ever (IMO) but "Come into my kitchen". "Sugar babe", "Seasons", "Living in the USA" to name a few; never get air time. Only the "popular" stuff. I could go the rest of my life w/o hearing Jet airliner and be happy.

Fortunately, with the dvr system in my car, I can record the songs off cd's that I like and prefer to hear including Steve Miller.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I'm traveling I like upbeat music I can sing to. :singer: I'm over "classic" rock - as in Doors, Zep, blah blah blah. I like a mix of great oldies, 90s-alt, and new pop (but not those DemiSelinaWhatever girls - their voices make my teeth hurt). Bruno Mars and like that.


PREMO Member
:yay: :yay:



Well-Known Member
Thanks Vrail... Noted...You can't reinvent the wheel ie; Howard & Greaseman..admired but will NEVER try and be them it's not me.. I'm just me and will always stay true to myself.. as for ratings..we are an UNRATED market so they don't matter.. but everywhere I have worked or every show I've worked on we have been #1 for extensive ratings books.. My last market (Hagerstown MD) I was #1 in 3 states MD, PA & WV broadcasting from a 5k watt station going up against a 50k watt rock monster with an 8 year heritage morning show...and was #1 by my 2nd ratings book... So, you may not like my style, content, music beds etc and that's ok...it's your perogative and choice on what you desire...but as for my family and I..we arent here for some flash in the pan moment in time... I'm here to grow and put roots down in the community and am probably one of the easiest going and most approachable people in radio you will meet should we ever have the opportunity.. and lastly, by no way, shape or form did I ever tell the people on this board "f*** you" as stated by whomever it was on here earlier.. what I said was.. that I am whom I am...and not posting as Misfit... I have never or will I ever hide behind some quirky blog tag to disguise myself to make comments because if there is something I believe in I am not ashamed to put it out there with my name attached to it... And should anyone here be interested in taking a run at my job... I welcome you with open arms to come and do your show for an hr on the station during my show and then we will get the public opinion on which they like better... So feel free to email me should you think you can do a better job at mickeydamage@gmail.com and I will schedule you to come in and showcase your outstanding talents... But if you are just going to kibitz and criticize like some old bittys sitting around at their "book of the month club meeting" without any action all while hiding behind all the sly ingenius blogger tags ... then I guess that's the proof in the pudding... Just don't be passionate in your statements and critiques if your not willing to come to the station and prove that you can do a better job.. especially MidnightRider who thinks my internal tussels are made up... Just because I use satire and comedy to make points does not mean that they are fake.. cuz they aren't.. I just address them with humor instead of being a DICK like maybe he would.. the world has enough #######s and mean people..and if some of the posters on here want to be another sheep in the herd of red assed whiners who have nothing nice to say...then... Welcome to the flock! Hope you all sincerely have a great weekend. See you Monday at 5:30am lol!

Welcome to SMIB land. I've already been on the job for a half hour by the time you roll in, so I don't get to listen to your show. Best of luck, kid.


Well-Known Member
Nutbag, You are the BIGGEST HYPOCRITE I have ever seen. Thanks for asking about my son WackaWackadoodie, He took his Oath this past Tuesday afternoon to enlist in the Marine Corps. Unlike you you and your children, Had a 94 on his ASVAB's and 4 years JROTC, Wanna guess what was offered to him??

Oh and I was around when you were banned dumba$$, You were banned for being a Ahole...

Here he is taking his Oath, Good looking responsible young man..

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I can hear the barber now "would you like to keep your hair?"