977 The Rocket, Mickey The Kid


Well-Known Member
Thanks Vrail... Noted...You can't reinvent the wheel ie; Howard & Greaseman..admired but will NEVER try and be them it's not me.. I'm just me and will always stay true to myself.. as for ratings..we are an UNRATED market so they don't matter.. but everywhere I have worked or every show I've worked on we have been #1 for extensive ratings books.. My last market (Hagerstown MD) I was #1 in 3 states MD, PA & WV broadcasting from a 5k watt station going up against a 50k watt rock monster with an 8 year heritage morning show...and was #1 by my 2nd ratings book... So, you may not like my style, content, music beds etc and that's ok...it's your perogative and choice on what you desire...but as for my family and I..we arent here for some flash in the pan moment in time... I'm here to grow and put roots down in the community and am probably one of the easiest going and most approachable people in radio you will meet should we ever have the opportunity.. and lastly, by no way, shape or form did I ever tell the people on this board "f*** you" as stated by whomever it was on here earlier.. what I said was.. that I am whom I am...and not posting as Misfit... I have never or will I ever hide behind some quirky blog tag to disguise myself to make comments because if there is something I believe in I am not ashamed to put it out there with my name attached to it... And should anyone here be interested in taking a run at my job... I welcome you with open arms to come and do your show for an hr on the station during my show and then we will get the public opinion on which they like better... So feel free to email me should you think you can do a better job at mickeydamage@gmail.com and I will schedule you to come in and showcase your outstanding talents... But if you are just going to kibitz and criticize like some old bittys sitting around at their "book of the month club meeting" without any action all while hiding behind all the sly ingenius blogger tags ... then I guess that's the proof in the pudding... Just don't be passionate in your statements and critiques if your not willing to come to the station and prove that you can do a better job.. especially MidnightRider who thinks my internal tussels are made up... Just because I use satire and comedy to make points does not mean that they are fake.. cuz they aren't.. I just address them with humor instead of being a DICK like maybe he would.. the world has enough #######s and mean people..and if some of the posters on here want to be another sheep in the herd of red assed whiners who have nothing nice to say...then... Welcome to the flock! Hope you all sincerely have a great weekend. See you Monday at 5:30am lol!

If there is any ‘truth’ to your battles with your management then it’s pretty dickish to talk about any of it on air. You are a new employee. Only a real ####### has problems with their boss right off the bat.

But I’m pretty good at reading people and your stories don’t have the ring of truth to them. You should be more genuine and reduce the manufactured conflict. Seriously, you are trying too hard and it shows.


God bless the USA


Yep! I love supporting local small bizs, and try to do my part. Even though, I don't live in the somd locale, anymore, I can still support my bff, vrai! I just made myself laugh! Humor, y'all, will get US through it all! I do miss living in Calvert.
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New Member
If there is any ‘truth’ to your battles with your management then it’s pretty dickish to talk about any of it on air. You are a new employee. Only a real ####### has problems with their boss right off the bat.

But I’m pretty good at reading people and your stories don’t have the ring of truth to them. You should be more genuine and reduce the manufactured conflict. Seriously, you are trying too hard and it shows.

Well you apparently are terrible at reading people..lol..and it's not conflict..I did some adult humor content and later that day I was asked to stay away from talking about anything that could be even remotely considered sexual content..so I asked The Big Cheese if I could talk about it on my show and he gave me the nod and said "put it all on me, but I don't want that type of content on our airwaves.." simple enough..so I talked about it in a humorous manner as opposed to being a dick about it like many broadcasters have when programming has tampered with or hampered their creativity.. So you are wrong sir.. Nice try... But keep your guessing game and speculations going... I find conspiracy theorists laughable..if you aren't going to man up and take me up on my offer to you.. to come in and do your own show during my show...then that speaks volumes about your convictions... Otherwise I think you are what the social media kids call a "troll"...Happy trolling.

black dog

Free America
If there is any ‘truth’ to your battles with your management then it’s pretty dickish to talk about any of it on air. You are a new employee. Only a real ####### has problems with their boss right off the bat.

But I’m pretty good at reading people and your stories don’t have the ring of truth to them. You should be more genuine and reduce the manufactured conflict. Seriously, you are trying too hard and it shows.

He called you a Troll,. Didn't take him long to figure you out ,Troll...
Tell him you bet him a 1,000 bucks you're not a Troll..


my war
Yep! I love supporting local small bizs, and try to do my part. Even though, I don't live in the somd locale, anymore, I can still support my bff, vrai! I just made myself laugh! Humor, y'all, will get US through it all! I do miss living in Calvert.

You moved? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Well you apparently are terrible at reading people..lol..and it's not conflict..I did some adult humor content and later that day I was asked to stay away from talking about anything that could be even remotely considered sexual content..so I asked The Big Cheese if I could talk about it on my show and he gave me the nod and said "put it all on me, but I don't want that type of content on our airwaves.." simple enough..so I talked about it in a humorous manner as opposed to being a dick about it like many broadcasters have when programming has tampered with or hampered their creativity.. So you are wrong sir.. Nice try... But keep your guessing game and speculations going... I find conspiracy theorists laughable..if you aren't going to man up and take me up on my offer to you.. to come in and do your own show during my show...then that speaks volumes about your convictions... Otherwise I think you are what the social media kids call a "troll"...Happy trolling.

So if it was nothing it was manufactured conflict. It’s reeally that simple. If it was nothing you just don’t mention it and move on. Instead You played it up like you got called to the principals office.

And there is no guessing, I know fake when I hear it.


God bless the USA
You haven't kept up? She moved to Potomac.... Well North Potomac...err more like Georgia Ave..... Way out Georgia Ave,,,,, like Olney.....West Olney right off River Rd...

You are combining two different moves in my life in MD, that I have posted here. You are awesome at spinning a yarn. Thanks for the laugh! I can always count on you for that.
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Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Well you apparently are terrible at reading people..lol..and it's not conflict..I did some adult humor content and later that day I was asked to stay away from talking about anything that could be even remotely considered sexual content..so I asked The Big Cheese if I could talk about it on my show and he gave me the nod and said "put it all on me, but I don't want that type of content on our airwaves.." simple enough..so I talked about it in a humorous manner as opposed to being a dick about it like many broadcasters have when programming has tampered with or hampered their creativity.. So you are wrong sir.. Nice try... But keep your guessing game and speculations going... I find conspiracy theorists laughable..if you aren't going to man up and take me up on my offer to you.. to come in and do your own show during my show...then that speaks volumes about your convictions... Otherwise I think you are what the social media kids call a "troll"...Happy trolling.

He is not only a troll but a dick. A black dick to boot. I don’t believe he even listens to classic rock. Probably that aboriginal chanting they call “rap”.