A crying baby

Could you smother a crying baby

  • Yes but with guilt

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • No we all would die

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • Not sure what I would do

    Votes: 12 30.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
If you were caught in a war zone and hiding in a basement with the enemy just outside the house and there was a baby with you and ten other people the baby wont stop crying would you be able to put your hand over the childs mouth and smother it to death to save the other ten people I saw this poll on life.com and wonder what people around here would say????? :shrug:


If you were caught in a war zone and hiding in a basement with the enemy just outside the house and there was a baby with you and ten other people the baby wont stop crying would you be able to put your hand over the childs mouth and smother it to death to save the other ten people I saw this poll on life.com and wonder what people around here would say????? :shrug:

No! rather be killed than murder an innocent baby.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sitting here in theory, I would smother the baby. Not sure if I could really do it in real life.

Unless it was one of those whiny I-Want-My-Way-NOW crying children - then I could smother it with no problem.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, you figure the baby is going to die anyway if you get caught. So might as well smother the baby and let the other 10 people live, right?


What love is all about
Sitting here in theory, I would smother the baby. Not sure if I could really do it in real life.

Unless it was one of those whiny I-Want-My-Way-NOW crying children - then I could smother it with no problem.

I voted no but, I think it depends on why it was crying. If it was crying like above then yea I could probably smother the kid and feel guilty as h*ll. But if it was a baby that couldnt help what it was doing I wouldnt be able to. I would try to quiet the baby and I may put my hand over there mouth so that I could try to make them quiet without actually killing the baby.


Ok but what about the other ten people who will die also???
Is one life worth 10?

I think all life is precious. They have time to ask for salvation through Christ, The King of Kings...Bread of Life...Son of man.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
No - it was.....I can't remember the name of it. But the mother of the baby actually smothers it.

It was actually the final episode of M*A*S*H:

On the 4th of July, Colonel Potter decided to let several members of the 4077 take the day off for an old fashioned celebration. They went to the beach at Inchon. Inchon was west of Ouijongbu, and most of the fighting was in Kum Song, to the northeast. It was a nice summer day and the beach trip seemed just the thing to break the tension. On the way back to the MASH unit, the bus stopped to pick up some refugees. About a half a mile later; it stopped again, this time to pick up some wounded GIs. "We gotta get this bus into the bushes," one of the GIs said. "There's an enemy patrol coming down the road. Everyone get quiet. Nobody make a sound until they've passed us." The bus was hidden. Inside, everyone grew nervous. Each person sat on the edge of his seat, quietly breathing the tense air; terrified that each breath might be his last. Suddenly, a refugee baby began to wail. "Shhhh," Hawkeye hissed. The child's mother was in despair. She could not quiet the baby. If its sounds attracted the North Koreans, everyone could be killed. Soundlessly, the woman smothered her child.

Classic Episode - Goodbye, Farewell and Amen