A crying baby

Could you smother a crying baby

  • Yes but with guilt

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • No we all would die

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • Not sure what I would do

    Votes: 12 30.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
If you were caught in a war zone and hiding in a basement with the enemy just outside the house and there was a baby with you and ten other people the baby wont stop crying would you be able to put your hand over the childs mouth and smother it to death to save the other ten people I saw this poll on life.com and wonder what people around here would say????? :shrug:

No, I would take my chances fighting the enemy. There are countless number of stories where the will to survive overcame insurmountable odds. I would never be able to live with myself for not protecting those who needed protection the most, so fight and survive, or fight and die. At least I go on to a better life knowing I made the right choice.


I bowl overhand
If you were caught in a war zone and hiding in a basement with the enemy just outside the house and there was a baby with you and ten other people the baby wont stop crying would you be able to put your hand over the childs mouth and smother it to death to save the other ten people I saw this poll on life.com and wonder what people around here would say????? :shrug:

I would 'Hawkeye' out..

And my series would end shortly thereafter and my career would just slowly disintegrate until they asked "alan alda WHO??"


It's a Jeep thang!
I have thought and thought. I still don't know.

To be quite honest, even answering what you believe you would do may not be the case in real life. I cannot honestly picture myself taking the life of a child. But any given situation in a "WAR" type environment, sometimes you think differently.


Infinite Impetus
In theory if the only option was to kill a baby to save the lives of 10 others then the choice would be to kill the child.. If it is a baby born into a war torn zone, its health is at a low and chances for survival are low.. one to save many is logical.

Sooo many factors and other ways to quiet a child without smothering it to death.


Sitting here in theory, I would smother the baby. Not sure if I could really do it in real life.

Unless it was one of those whiny I-Want-My-Way-NOW crying children - then I could smother it with no problem.

Your post is being reported Vrai.:duel:


New Member
Wow! It's terrible to see how many people vote to kill the child. Can someone tell me how a child killer is not as guilty, or as savage a person, as the enemy you are trying to hide from?
Being unwilling to give up your own life for someone evil, disagreeable, or whatever is, at least, understandable. However, being unwilling to sacrifice yourself for an innocent child is the epitome of selfishness and cruelty.


I bowl overhand
Wow! It's terrible to see how many people vote to kill the child. Can someone tell me how a child killer is not as guilty, or as savage a person, as the enemy you are trying to hide from?
Being unwilling to give up your own life for someone evil, disagreeable, or whatever is, at least, understandable. However, being unwilling to sacrifice yourself for an innocent child is the epitome of selfishness and cruelty.

you won't be giving up your life FOR the child.. the premise being EVERYONE dies if you don't quiet the baby. SO if you don't, they kill you AND the baby.. Baby gets the stinky end of the stick no matter what you chose.

BUT one option lets ten others live.


Infinite Impetus
you won't be giving up your life FOR the child.. the premise being EVERYONE dies if you don't quiet the baby. SO if you don't, they kill you AND the baby.. Baby gets the stinky end of the stick no matter what you chose.

BUT one option lets ten others live.



you won't be giving up your life FOR the child.. the premise being EVERYONE dies if you don't quiet the baby. SO if you don't, they kill you AND the baby.. Baby gets the stinky end of the stick no matter what you chose.

BUT one option lets ten others live.

Jesus Saves.


Jesus isn't there, nor does he have a gun..

If you depend on Jesus when you yourself have the means.. well, nuff said.

Eternal Life is available to EVERBODY....As well as Eternal Seperation. our choice........btw Jesus is EVERYWERE, EVERYTIME.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would take the baby and sneak outside luring the enemy away from the others.

So then they grab you and the baby, rape you and torture you, then run a bayonet through the baby. What does that accomplish except now you're dead, too?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you depend on Jesus when you yourself have the means.. well, nuff said.

And you get to the Pearly Gates and Jesus says, "What do you mean I didn't help you?? I gave you a perfectly good gun!"


Anyway, that doesn't pertain in this scenario because in the MASH episode, they were unarmed and sitting ducks.