A pattern??


Football addict
Re: Re: thats good

Originally posted by penncam
A definite tard.

He loves this :burning: so much, it's like an extension of his pesonna.

He reminds me of a Beavis/Butthead type, but not nearly as intelligent as either one(as he thinks he is).

Finally, his use of lol after each point he tries to make cracks me up to no end. I can picture him sitting in front of his monitor, on the edge of his chair waiting anxiously for the next reply.

:loser: comes to mind.

i thought laughter was a good thing.....i guess not to all the depressed people we have in this world now lol


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Re: thats good

Originally posted by BuddyLee
i thought laughter was a good thing.....i guess not to all the depressed people we have in this world now lol
:biggrin: I'm sure as hell not depressed BL, but don't you trust people to be able to read humor in a post?

BTW, Beavis and Butthead laugh crazily after each item they think of: heh- heh, heh- heh. It just gets annoying after awhile.


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: Re: thats good

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: I'm sure as hell not depressed BL, but don't you trust people to be able to read humor in a post?

BTW, Beavis and Butthead laugh crazily after each item they think of: heh- heh, heh- heh. It just gets annoying after awhile.

i never said you were depressive lol just most of the people in the world nowadays are. you wanna know what else is annoying after awhile?? nagging and telling others what to do THIS IS NO DICTATORSHIP lol

ill be back at 10:30 so you all prepare for my return lol:burning:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: thats good

Originally posted by BuddyLee
ill be back at 10:30 so you all prepare for my return lol:burning:
Thanks for the warning. :burning: Hopefully, we will all be in the sweet release of sleep by then. :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: oh yeah

Originally posted by BuddyLee
oh yeah!!

BL lol, that is what people lol are going to be lol doing to you lol!

Jazz is one of the nicest people on this forum lol, and you've managed to arouse her disdain lol.

Ya just don't lol get it do ya lol. :burning:

But hey, lol you've already said that you don't care lol what people think of you on this forum lol, so I guess it really doesn't matter, lol eh?

Has it occured to you lol that there are some people that don't care lol what you have to say lol?

If I haven't made my point clear enough, lol what you'll notice is less and lol less folks replying to your posts lol, basically putting you on "ignore" lol!

I don't think lol that is what you came here for lol, maybe I'm wrong lol.

Think about it.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Penn - thanks for the kind words. :huggy:

BuddyLee - I, and probably a lot of the people on here, am going to start tuning you out because of the way you post. You may call it "personality" but it is very hard to read and understand, and just plain annoying.

If I can't skim it and understand it, I'm going to ignore it. I'm not going to take the time or effort to mentally delete all the "lol" stuff, :burning: smilies, and insert punctuation to put your thoughts into actual legible sentences.

I think you could have some interesting things to say. You are free to post however you see fit, but I won't be reading if you continue with the "lol" and " :burning: " schtick.


yeah yeah
Re: what upscale places lol

Originally posted by BuddyLee
what upscale places and if there are any i dont think id like to indulge myself with that expensive crowd lol


Just FYI btw, Asahi and Monteray's do not serve breakfast. :rolleyes: And why do you keep using that smilie? I mean honestly, that "burning" smilie is suppose to be used as a tone of anger. And if you have anger all the time- you have some deep rooted issues that need to be taken away from here- because we have enough MPD's to deal with among your many tantrums.


Cleopatra Jones
Here we are
What is left of a husband and a wife four good kids
Who have a way of gettin on with their lives
I'm not old but I'm getting a whole lot older every day
It's too late to keep from goin' crazy
I got to get away

The reasons that I can't stay don't have a thing to do with being in love
And I understand that lovin a man shouldn't have to be this rough
You ain't the only one Who feels like this world left you far behind
I don't know why you gotta be Angry All The Time

Our boys are strong the spittin image of you when you were young
I hope someday they can see past what you have become
I remember every time I said I'd never leave
What I can't live with is memories of the way you used to be

The reasons that I can't stay don't have a thing to do with being in love
And I understand that lovin a man shouldn't have to be this rough
You ain't the only one Who feels like this world left you far behind
I don't know why you gotta be Angry All The Time

Twenty years have came and went since I walked out of your door
I never quite made it back to the one I was before
And God it hurts me to think of you
For the light in your eyes was gone sometimes
I don't know why this old world can't leave well enough alone

The reasons that I can't stay don't have a thing to do with being in love
And I understand that lovin a man shouldn't have to be this rough
You ain't the only one Who feels like this world left you far behind
I don't know why you gotta be Angry All The Time


Football addict
Re: Re: what upscale places lol

Originally posted by watercolor23
Just FYI btw, Asahi and Monteray's do not serve breakfast. :rolleyes: And why do you keep using that smilie? I mean honestly, that "burning" smilie is suppose to be used as a tone of anger. And if you have anger all the time- you have some deep rooted issues that need to be taken away from here- because we have enough MPD's to deal with among your many tantrums.

i noted EARLIER that i was talking about dinner restaurants NOT breakfast. dont be so anal about everything i like my smiley leave him alone lol.


yeah yeah
Re: Re: Re: what upscale places lol

Originally posted by BuddyLee
i noted EARLIER that i was talking about dinner restaurants NOT breakfast. dont be so anal about everything i like my smiley leave him alone lol.

anal? hardly! I just personally think you are a complete jerk and a dumba$$ for that matter. Why even try to act intelligent with it obviously is not your forte. :rolleyes:


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: Re: what upscale places lol

Originally posted by watercolor23
anal? hardly! I just personally think you are a complete jerk and a dumba$$ for that matter. Why even try to act intelligent with it obviously is not your forte. :rolleyes:

do unto others as they have done unto you.

everyones a critic:burning: