A pattern??


Football addict

maybe in the sense that im stubborn on this forum but not in the sense of being anal with every critical point that can be mustered.


yeah yeah
Re: maybe

Originally posted by BuddyLee
maybe in the sense that im stubborn on this forum but not in the sense of being anal with every critical point that can be mustered.

I am hardly placed in that category. So if you would be so obliged, please dont place me where you "think" I should go. If you noticed...I am one of the "softee's" on this board..and give EVERYONE the ben of doubt before putting my size 9 in their butt. Which btw, if you observed properly, I rarely EVER do.

I just personally think that you would be alot more enjoyable if you acted the age you really claim to be, instead of some 12 year old poser. ya know what I am saying? I am not being vile, just rather stating that it's ok, to be a smarta$$ just not having a stick up there while you are claiming the title.


Football addict
Re: Re: maybe

Originally posted by watercolor23
I am hardly placed in that category. So if you would be so obliged, please dont place me where you "think" I should go. If you noticed...I am one of the "softee's" on this board..and give EVERYONE the ben of doubt before putting my size 9 in their butt. Which btw, if you observed properly, I rarely EVER do.

I just personally think that you would be alot more enjoyable if you acted the age you really claim to be, instead of some 12 year old poser. ya know what I am saying? I am not being vile, just rather stating that it's ok, to be a smarta$$ just not having a stick up there while you are claiming the title.

and how have i acted any differently than anyone else?? id really like to hear the answer to this question


yeah yeah
Re: Re: Re: maybe

Originally posted by BuddyLee
and how have i acted any differently than anyone else?? id really like to hear the answer to this question

Because you have been acting like you are better than everyone else, by thinking that you know, and have to have a answer for everything. Not opening your mouth is one of the best types of critic when it comes to certain things. I can speak this from performance of my own self. I have been stuck in the position of saying stuff that was incorrect. Thankfully, I have never been in the position to think I am better than someone because I have a background in a certain "bagger" feild. Just because you worked as a bagger at SFW entitled you to say that they suck? How so? Maybe you personally had some sucky co-workers but that does not mean that you claim the whole store to be this way.

Why sterotype a place based on your work ethic's that you couldnt obviously work out yourself, so instead you bash what you think is wrong- when it actually is just a problem with your percievement of it all?

And you have also acted differently from others on here, because you still fail to realize they are trying to give you the ben of doubt countless times, but you still continue to act like a jerk. And yes, that is a classification because I have been observing your actions on here. I might not be dead on target- but I am starting to think that maybe you will get tired soon enough when they just start to give up on you, because your attitude starts to bore one's attention span


Football addict
Re: Re: Re: Re: maybe

Originally posted by watercolor23
Because you have been acting like you are better than everyone else, by thinking that you know, and have to have a answer for everything. Not opening your mouth is one of the best types of critic when it comes to certain things. I can speak this from performance of my own self. I have been stuck in the position of saying stuff that was incorrect. Thankfully, I have never been in the position to think I am better than someone because I have a background in a certain "bagger" feild. Just because you worked as a bagger at SFW entitled you to say that they suck? How so? Maybe you personally had some sucky co-workers but that does not mean that you claim the whole store to be this way.

Why sterotype a place based on your work ethic's that you couldnt obviously work out yourself, so instead you bash what you think is wrong- when it actually is just a problem with your percievement of it all?

And you have also acted differently from others on here, because you still fail to realize they are trying to give you the ben of doubt countless times, but you still continue to act like a jerk. And yes, that is a classification because I have been observing your actions on here. I might not be dead on target- but I am starting to think that maybe you will get tired soon enough when they just start to give up on you, because your attitude starts to bore one's attention span

assumption is a bad thing and you should know this. i do not think i am better than everyone else on here. i am just persistant in getting an answer from someone without criticism but where would this world be without the human instinct of criticsm. secondly, i am not a bagger at SFW another misassumption on your part. SFW has not one bagger. FYI i am a stocker which gives little consolation to the fact that i still work at this mcjob but oh well we all have to start somewhere and make a little extra dough. i never said that my whole workplace and everyone in it sucked. as i recall i only said that it angered me to think that some persons at my workplace do not work work as they should. i dont think my whole store sucks otherwise i would be out of there in a heartbeat. as i say if you dont like your job then shut up and quit. lastly, the way i see it if you dont like me on this forum then just ignore me i shall continue to stay so dont bother giving me lectures about what to do and how to do something. i dont think i am the smartest guy on here, i am far from that i suppose. however i am no more of a jerk than anyone else on here giving me a hard time about whatever they may circum to in their minds to make themselves feel as if they have more power over a so-called newbie. point being, mind your own business and if you dont like the attitude then dont listen to it. easy enough! i imagine you guys as one of these anal parents that call television shows off the air because they are too violent for their children. that case is the same with this one. dont like it turn it off. no feelings will be hurt!


yeah yeah
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: maybe

Originally posted by BuddyLee
assumption is a bad thing and you should know this. i do not think i am better than everyone else on here. i am just persistant in getting an answer from someone without criticism but where would this world be without the human instinct of criticsm. secondly, i am not a bagger at SFW another misassumption on your part. SFW has not one bagger. FYI i am a stocker which gives little consolation to the fact that i still work at this mcjob but oh well we all have to start somewhere and make a little extra dough. i never said that my whole workplace and everyone in it sucked. as i recall i only said that it angered me to think that some persons at my workplace do not work work as they should. i dont think my whole store sucks otherwise i would be out of there in a heartbeat. as i say if you dont like your job then shut up and quit. lastly, the way i see it if you dont like me on this forum then just ignore me i shall continue to stay so dont bother giving me lectures about what to do and how to do something. i dont think i am the smartest guy on here, i am far from that i suppose. however i am no more of a jerk than anyone else on here giving me a hard time about whatever they may circum to in their minds to make themselves feel as if they have more power over a so-called newbie. point being, mind your own business and if you dont like the attitude then dont listen to it. easy enough! i imagine you guys as one of these anal parents that call television shows off the air because they are too violent for their children. that case is the same with this one. dont like it turn it off. no feelings will be hurt!

Hardly the case what-so-ever. If I didnt want to try and like you, I wouldn't be talking to you. And ignore you? Never. because I believe people can bring a better quality out, with out causing a ruckus. Sure- its fun at one time or another, myself included has joined that bandwagon- but never in the intent to act like a jerk.

That was never my intention. and nor is my intention to #### you off, but rather to show you that I "use" to be in your shoes being the "newbie" but if you act like yourself and dont come in with a chip on your shoulder- you will be accepted better. Sure, its not like a frat or anything, but enjoyable logic and conversation along with friendships will form if people dont act like a tard.

Another thing, I never claimed that working a "mcjob" as you say was low class. You are right- you have to start somewhere. At least you have a job right? Everyone has been there at one time or another. And yes, I have complained about my job too. But sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and get over it. Which I learned also.

I am just stating this to you, for the simple fact, that I dont want you burned, and see that you have potential- if you would just use it rather than trying to burn rubber through here.



Football addict

nice and unique name. my real name is donald. everyone just calls me buddy or buddy lee from the tv commercial involving the action doll and levis jeans. lol. i go to the college of southern maryland right now and hope on transferring in about a year or so.:razz:


yeah yeah
Re: unique

Originally posted by BuddyLee
nice and unique name. my real name is donald. everyone just calls me buddy or buddy lee from the tv commercial involving the action doll and levis jeans. lol. i go to the college of southern maryland right now and hope on transferring in about a year or so.:razz:

Ahh, buddy lee...alright...and do you look like a cupie doll? Well nice to meet you all the same doug.

Complement I hear all to often on my name...but thanks all the same. Not saying I dont appreciate the fact, just that people take a liking to my name. although it is not so unpopular anymore. (and no before you ask, I was not born in the summer :razz:) I am also a part time student at CSM, whats your major? And where are you transfering too? I am also going to be doing some external courses from a college in va...:smile: I am majoring in elementary teaching with a minor in hotel/restr. management and photography. Broad spectrum I realize, but my major is my first passion, and the second is my passion in the party/event planning division.

I will check back on here tomorrow from work. Need to get my happy arse to bed. Or I will be completely irrelevant tomorrow. Talk to you soon.


Football addict
Re: Re: unique

Originally posted by watercolor23
Ahh, buddy lee...alright...and do you look like a cupie doll? Well nice to meet you all the same doug.

Complement I hear all to often on my name...but thanks all the same. Not saying I dont appreciate the fact, just that people take a liking to my name. although it is not so unpopular anymore. (and no before you ask, I was not born in the summer :razz:) I am also a part time student at CSM, whats your major? And where are you transfering too? I am also going to be doing some external courses from a college in va...:smile: I am majoring in elementary teaching with a minor in hotel/restr. management and photography. Broad spectrum I realize, but my major is my first passion, and the second is my passion in the party/event planning division.

I will check back on here tomorrow from work. Need to get my happy arse to bed. Or I will be completely irrelevant tomorrow. Talk to you soon.

well thats a good question. lol. i dont know what my major is at this point in time. i dont want to pick something that i will not like in the future and i want to find something that i will like! so far i love history, politics, and sociology. so who knows where im going lol. i am also unsure of where i am transferring at. maybe to st. marys college. its close to home. the main thing that i want would be a masters degree in whatever i take, thats my main goal. well let me go study for my sociology exam tomorrow yeeeha. lol.



One thing bugs me at restaurants, and they all seem to do this. There could be only one table with customers and when they are seating you, they put you right next to that table!! Every other table is empty, what gives? I used to wait on tables as well, this does not really save any time for the waitperson. Just a pet peeve...


yeah yeah
Re: Re: Re: unique

Originally posted by BuddyLee
well thats a good question. lol. i dont know what my major is at this point in time. i dont want to pick something that i will not like in the future and i want to find something that i will like! so far i love history, politics, and sociology. so who knows where im going lol. i am also unsure of where i am transferring at. maybe to st. marys college. its close to home. the main thing that i want would be a masters degree in whatever i take, thats my main goal. well let me go study for my sociology exam tomorrow yeeeha. lol.

Sociology is always a fine one to handle. And you are interested in politics you say? Well why not go into criminal justice or something of that nature if you want to tackle the psyche of the people in society. Interesting feild actually. I thought about it myself, but me being the person and personality I have, I would give in to much to the people because I "felt for them" and end up causing more trauma than not.

Who is your soc teacher? Is it maloney?


* * * * * * * * *
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Re: Re: Re: Re: unique

Originally posted by watercolor23

Who is your soc teacher? Is it maloney?
Is he still teaching? I had him many years ago.


yeah yeah
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: unique

Originally posted by Sharon

Completely wonderful professor!!:dude: I loved having him as my psych prof. he was amazing, and taught the course in ways that was interesting that you couldnt put it down. I learned so much more about the brain than I thought possible.


* * * * * * * * *
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: unique

Originally posted by watercolor23
Completely wonderful professor!!:dude: I loved having him as my psych prof. he was amazing
He was so much better than my other psych professor (who had a Masters, PhD, whatever :shrug:) who was a bumbling idiot.


New Member
Re: Pattern

Originally posted by joedancer
One thing bugs me at restaurants, and they all seem to do this. There could be only one table with customers and when they are seating you, they put you right next to that table!! Every other table is empty, what gives? I used to wait on tables as well, this does not really save any time for the waitperson. Just a pet peeve...

Maybe that's the server's section.