A question for the Police Officers....

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
smcop said:
You lie! name the kid and the cop if it's true.....or if it's true and you don't your just as guilty!
Um, why would she be just as guilty? She's not the cop letting the kid off.


New Member
POLICE OFFICERS......PLEASE answer this question. If you stop a car for speeding and they have the blue line bumpersticker or flash ID that their husband or father is a cop will you write them a ticket or wink and let them go?????


Working for the weekend
daisykps said:
POLICE OFFICERS......PLEASE answer this question. If you stop a car for speeding and they have the blue line bumpersticker or flash ID that their husband or father is a cop will you write them a ticket or wink and let them go?????
My husband is a police officer, and our car has the blue sticker. I have gotten three tickets in the last year or so. One for speeding in Va, one for speeding in Myrtle Beach, and an inspection ticket for a tailight out on the Pax River base. The blue sticker is not meant to keep you out of a ticket. I broke the law and paid the fines like any average citizen.


Well-Known Member
I think this all kind of moot. Cops let pretty girls/good looking guys go. Cops let friends and family go. We let popular/attractive co-workers get special treatment in our jobs. Military members get cheaper food. Cable guys probably give themselves better cable than they pay for. What's the big deal? A good cop won't let a bad cop get away with big crimes, nor his family. A bad cop is (hopefully) rare enough that he/she won't be on either side of that equation. If you pulled your co-worker over for ten miles over the speed limit, would you write them up? Would you expect to be written up by your co-worker when you do it (and, face it, the bulk of us do it)? Probably not. If you do, kudos. If not, you're probably human. People that don't like it should probably get over it - it's not outside the boundaries of good moral action or anything - it's normal. Some cops are more profound at giving liberties to attractive people, some to other cops, some to no one. If you don't do anything to get pulled over, you'll never have a problem with it. Don't worry about what other people get and don't get, it's none of your business.

Think about why people get tickets. Punishment? Probably not, because then the fine would be based upon your income (Don Trump can afford a $100 fine a lot better than me). Deterence? No, same reason. It's to keep track of your record, to determine if you should be allowed to keep putting your vehicle on the road with others. Think most cops are reckless drivers? Probably not, but the cops that would give them tickets probably know if they've pulled co-worker A over before, and sooner or later they'll stop letting them off. Discretion is a great word, whether it's the letter of legislation or not. Let them use it.


New Member

Anyone who thinks cops and their families dont enjoy some small special priveleges is a fool.

in my early 20's i had several friends who were city cops and a term i grew very familiar with was "MAGIC PEN"....


New Member
BS Gal said:
Um, why would she be just as guilty? She's not the cop letting the kid off.
Sure she is just as guilty...she knows a cop is allowing a felon to get away with a crime and she doesn't report it? Police have discretion with misdemeanors in the State of Md. Not felonies


New Member
RPM said:

Anyone who thinks cops and their families dont enjoy some small special priveleges is a fool.

in my early 20's i had several friends who were city cops and a term i grew very familiar with was "MAGIC PEN"....
And then there is "Flip the tin"

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
smcop said:
Sure she is just as guilty...she knows a cop is allowing a felon to get away with a crime and she doesn't report it? Police have discretion with misdemeanors in the State of Md. Not felonies
So she should rat out the cop? Who is going to believe her?


i just gotta add to this...im not in md anymore (thank god), but i've seen many a st trooper go 80+ mph on RT 4 (which I know pretty well and got stopped there once at 6am in the morning...where the "state cop" said he "paced" me for 1/2 a mile...b.s.) and then pull over cars going 65.

Yes some (but not all) cops think they are above the law. Its the select few that abuse their privileges that give all cops a bad name.

Even here where i am now I witnessed a cop sitting at a red light...flash his "siren"...(after sittin' there for like 5 seconds)..and go thru the red light. and he wasn't goin' anywhere special. thats for sure.

Sometimes i wish ordinary citizens could "pull over" these "badass" cops that are goin 20 and 30 mph over the speed limit. That would be freakin' hilarious.
faststrat02 said:
i just gotta add to this...im not in md anymore (thank god), but i've seen many a st trooper go 80+ mph on RT 4 (which I know pretty well and got stopped there once at 6am in the morning...where the "state cop" said he "paced" me for 1/2 a mile...b.s.) and then pull over cars going 65.

Yes some (but not all) cops think they are above the law. Its the select few that abuse their privileges that give all cops a bad name.

Even here where i am now I witnessed a cop sitting at a red light...flash his "siren"...(after sittin' there for like 5 seconds)..and go thru the red light. and he wasn't goin' anywhere special. thats for sure.

Sometimes i wish ordinary citizens could "pull over" these "badass" cops that are goin 20 and 30 mph over the speed limit. That would be freakin' hilarious.
I like it! Once a month from now on, lets say on the 10th of the month, we'll start pulling cops over we see breaking the law or just reporting them. It'll be a national movement. We'll call it "Citizens Rallying Against Police". ; )


New Member
daisykps said:
POLICE OFFICERS......PLEASE answer this question. If you stop a car for speeding and they have the blue line bumpersticker or flash ID that their husband or father is a cop will you write them a ticket or wink and let them go?????
It depends on their attitude....same as every other citizen.


New Member
BS Gal said:
So she should rat out the cop? Who is going to believe her?
It would be easy to prove. If she knows really has this information, there was a crime...and it that crime is still open...then I could prove it. We don't need to believe her, just need to have the information. But more likely than not..it didn't happen. I agree that I am not likely to give a fellow police officer a ticket, but when you are comitting a criminal act then you no longer are honorable and therefore don't deserve the "courtesy".


Almost every profession has perks and I for one am all in favor of using them to the degree that they don't harm or put anyone else at risk. To me, for cops that means that if YOU get pulled over for speeding and flash your badge or give the secret hand shake...you get a little consideration...again, as long as it was not excessive speeding or crazy azz dangerous driving. Friends, family members, second cousins best friends dog watcher....I think not.
Here's a little story for you....our work group is sitting at a Montereys for a going away lunch for a co-worker. The cell phone of one of our group rings and it's another of the co-workers who is supposed to join us, but he is being pulled over for speeding and will be late. He called this specific girl in our group because her cousin is a local cop and she's always talking about being able to get people off. Well, she hangs up with co-worker, calls cousin and asks if he's got this guy stopped and he says yes. She asks him to cut him a break....and he does. That my friends is abuse. Cop was in the car, writing the ticket (that's how #1 could call #2) and then cuts him a break. If I had not been sitting at the table hearing the conversation...and then seen the guy walk in thanking her, I never would have believed it.

Just yesterday morning at abot 6:30 I was leaving callaway going north on 5 and end up getting behind a local deputy. He's rocking through at about 65 so I stay with him. He comes up on a truck...which is behind another truck...both doing roughly the speed limit i'd guess...and rides the bumper until he gets a chance to pass. When he does pass, it's a very close call to the cars coming from the north in the other lanes. It was one of those...oh shat, this may not be good things that you see now and then. He got around and was gone like a flash...no lights going, no sirene (sp), just flat out hauling. If I had gotten his car number earlier, I'd have called him in.
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New Member
smcop said:
It would be easy to prove. If she knows really has this information, there was a crime...and it that crime is still open...then I could prove it. We don't need to believe her, just need to have the information. But more likely than not..it didn't happen. I agree that I am not likely to give a fellow police officer a ticket, but when you are comitting a criminal act then you no longer are honorable and therefore don't deserve the "courtesy".
First off......didn't anyone ever tell you NOT to give out personal information on the internet? Second.....nephew was taken by local deputy (in another county of Maryland) to the local police station. Daddy cop (MST) was called to go get him. Daddy cop goes to visit neighbors and offers restitution if they drop charges and everything is covered up so kid has not record. DON'T TELL ME THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN!!!!!! Now you expect me to give some STRANGER on the internet PERSONAL information pertaning to my family???? You are kidding me...right??????


New Member
sorry bud, you obviously don't understand how the criminal justice system works. In regard to your nephew who commits a crime by breaking into homes and stealing high dollar stuff, once he's arrested for it by the police, they won't unarrest him based on someone's willingness to make restitution. You either don't have your facts straight, or don't really know what happened.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
caramelalb said:
First off......didn't anyone ever tell you NOT to give out personal information on the internet? Second.....nephew was taken by local deputy (in another county of Maryland) to the local police station. Daddy cop (MST) was called to go get him. Daddy cop goes to visit neighbors and offers restitution if they drop charges and everything is covered up so kid has not record. DON'T TELL ME THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN!!!!!! Now you expect me to give some STRANGER on the internet PERSONAL information pertaning to my family???? You are kidding me...right??????
I don't see where he was asking you to put the personal info on the internet. :jameo:


New Member
caramelalb said:
First off......didn't anyone ever tell you NOT to give out personal information on the internet? Second.....nephew was taken by local deputy (in another county of Maryland) to the local police station. Daddy cop (MST) was called to go get him. Daddy cop goes to visit neighbors and offers restitution if they drop charges and everything is covered up so kid has not record. DON'T TELL ME THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN!!!!!! Now you expect me to give some STRANGER on the internet PERSONAL information pertaning to my family???? You are kidding me...right??????
This does happen all the time! But the guy being a cop has nothing to do with it! Normal citizens go and pay for their kids mistakes all the time so there is no lasting penalty for the child. This is done on their own as well as in the courts....so don't blame his profession for this happening!


New Member
BS Gal said:
I don't see where he was asking you to put the personal info on the internet. :jameo:
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Originally Posted by caramelalb
My sister is married to a MSP officer. My nephew has broken into houses, stolen high dollar things and has never been arrested. His daddy-cop is called and they take care of it. My sister gets stopped quite often for speeding but has the blue line sticker on her car and doesn't get tickets. Clearly police think they and their family is above the law.

You lie! name the kid and the cop if it's true.....or if it's true and you don't your just as guilty!

Name the kid and the cop....that's asking for personal information.