Abortion Issues


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Powerful pro-life ad urges rejection of radical Ohio amendment: ‘Late-term abortion is real’

An ad shedding light on the ugly truths in late term abortion in Ohio is gaining steam as it airs through Election Day. The organization Created Equal first aired the ad featuring abortion survivor, speaker, and author Claire Culwell during the September 27 GOP debates in the state. It continued to air in selected markets until early voting on October 11.

Ohio voters could decide on November 7 to make the red state one of the most pro-abortion states in the United States if a majority chooses to vote yes on Issue 1.

A “yes” vote would “establish a state constitutional right to ‘make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, ‘including decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy, and allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when ‘necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health,’” according to Ballotpedia.

The ad shows Culwell opening a photo album and telling the story of her mother who was a “scared teenager” and a doctor who “made a mistake.” Culwell’s mother had a surgical abortion that took the life of Culwell’s twin. And Culwell survived.

“Late term abortion is real,” she tells viewers, adding that these procedures are, “too late, too painful and too extreme,” as she leafs through photos of herself as an infant.


PREMO Member
Most Women are Pressured to Have Abortions, That’s Why So Many Women Regret Them

Britney Spears’ story is a poignant reminder that, as a society, we must be more compassionate and supportive of women who find themselves in similar predicaments. The decision to have an abortion is deeply personal, and no one should be coerced into making a choice that doesn’t align with their own values and desires.

Britney’s experience is not unique. In fact, Nikki Minaj recorded a song about her abortion experience and talked about how that decision “haunted” her. Former Pussycat Doll singer, Kaya Jones, has said the same.

Many women worldwide have faced situations where they felt pressured into having an abortion and the consequences are long lasting. According to a scientific study published in Sage Journal, abortion was consistently associated with an increased risk of mental health disorders. The study found that the overall risk of mental health disorders increased by 45 percent in women who had abortions compared to those who did not. These findings underscore the importance of acknowledging the psychological toll that abortion can have on women.

The same study also revealed that one-eleventh of the prevalence of mental disorders examined over the studied period was attributable to abortion. This statistic is a stark reminder that the emotional consequences of abortion cannot be ignored. Our network of pregnancy help provides support and understanding to women who go through this experience through various abortion-recovery programs.


PREMO Member

Over a Dozen Churches Vandalized as Radical Abortion Activists Promote Issue 1

As radical abortion activists promote Issue 1, which would allow abortions up to birth, they have also been targeting churches that are opposing it. Catholic schools, churches and cemeteries across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, for example, have posted in recent weeks that they have been victims of vandalism and attacks.

Pro-abortion extremists have stolen, defaced or damages No on Issue 1 signs at pro-life business that are displaying them. And pro-life residents have experienced the same sorta of vandalism of their lawn signs on private residences.

Here’s more on what the churches have been facing:

Incarnation Catholic Church in Centerville was vandalized on Oct. 18 when the front door window of the church was spray painted (image attached to release) to cover the sign posted on the interior of the window.
At St. Bartholomew Church in Cincinnati between Oct. 29 and the morning of Oct. 30, vandals removed between six and eight Vote No yard signs from the church property and replaced them with Vote Yes signs. The Vote Yes signs were quickly removed and replaced with new Vote No signs.
Follow LifeNews.com on Instagram for pro-life pictures and videos.
In early October at St. Monica-St. George Church in Clifton, a large Vote No sign that was secured to the ground was pulled up and thrown in a nearby trash dumpster. It was found and placed back on the property. This sign was then recently stolen.
The Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains in Cincinnati has also had several yard signs stolen and display signs on a fence vandalized.
At. St. Mary Church in Oxford, a large 8’x8’ display sign on the property was cut in half while a 4’x4’ sign was vandalized. In addition, yard signs at St. Mary Church are being stolen multiple times a week.


PREMO Member

Proponents Of Ohio’s Abortion Amendment Don’t Want You To Know How Barbaric It Is

On Nov. 7 (formerly known as Election Day), my fellow Ohioans and I will conclude our month of voting on “Issue 1,” which proposes a constitutional right to make “reproductive decisions.” Ohio would join only three other states (California, Vermont, and Michigan) that mention abortion in their constitutions.

As a lawyer for women’s issues and former deputy solicitor general for Ohio, I see what this amendment aims to do: require abortions to be provided throughout pregnancy, remove Ohio’s laws governing parental notification and unethical abortive procedures, and create constitutional requirements for transgender procedures for minors.

But that’s not what Ohioans are hearing.

I first saw the ads. They advertise that Issue 1 will overturn Ohio’s “heartbeat” law, which curtails abortion after six weeks, without exception for rape or incest. I then saw identical messaging hit local and corporate media. The Ohio Capital Journal, for example, explained that Issue 1 would merely bring back the pre-2022 “status quo.” The Plain Dealer (Cleveland’s paper) explained that while the amendment would overturn Ohio’s six-week abortion law, “other laws, such as whether minors generally need their parents’ permission to get an abortion, could stay in place.”

It sounds perfectly reasonable. But it’s a complete lie.


PREMO Member

Pro-abortion radicals steal, destroy signs at Catholic churches opposing Ohio abortion amendment

Crux reports that more than a dozen Cincinnati Catholic properties have experienced violence or theft, according to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, including churches, high schools, and cemeteries. The acts include stolen “vote no” yard signs and a spray-painted church window to cover a sign. The archdiocese has directed each of its parishes to play for Mass-goers a homily by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr urging all Ohio Catholics to vote against the amendment, which he called a “clear threat to human life and dignity.”

The Catholic Telegraph adds that at one location, a sign was found in a nearby dumpster; at another, an 8’ by 8’ sign was cut in half. “In addition, yard signs at St. Mary Church are being stolen multiple times a week.”

“I am grateful to all our priests and other parish and school leaders who have maintained steadfast opposition to Issue 1 despite the many challenges presented, including theft and vandalism,” said Archbishop Schnurr. “We remain committed to the protection of and care for women, children and families regardless of the outcome of this election.”

Across the nation, pro-abortion vandalism as well as worse acts, including arson, have been on the rise since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. According to the Washington Times, since May 2022 (when the Supreme Court’s intention to overturn Roe was first leaked), the federal government has charged more than 30 pro-lifers for Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act violations but only four pro-abortion activists, despite America experiencing 88 attacks on pregnancy centers and more than 200 on Catholic churches during that same period.


PREMO Member

When You Search ‘Pregnancy’ On Google, The Top Result Is For Planned Parenthood

Google’s search results consistently favor pro-abortion sources over pro-life ones, according to a new study that tested the search engine giant against its competitors.

A new report by researchers at the Media Research Center’s Free Speech America says that a pro-abortion bias exists across Google’s search engine, its AI chatbot Bard, Google Ads, and company policies. Researchers at the MRC compared Google results to those of Bing and DuckDuckGo, saying that results from Google tilted in favor of a pro-abortion perspective.

During one test, researchers searched for the word “pregnancy” on all three search engines the day before the 50th Annual March for Life. According to the researchers, Bing and DuckDuckGo had more neutral results, while on Google, the top link produced was to a page on Planned Parenthood, the country’s leading advocates for abortion. This search result was also confirmed on Friday by The Daily Wire — on both Bing and DuckDuckGo, the top search result for “pregnancy” was a link to the same Mayo Clinic page.



PREMO Member

‘Legalized murder’: Michigan House Democrats vote to remove virtually all limits on abortion

The legislation drew opposition from Republicans, with one calling it “legalized murder.”

“Over 60 million babies have died because of abortion,” since the 1970s, Rep. Josh Schriver said during debate.

“If this bill passes, Michigan will become a destination state for the mass genocide of preborn children,” Schriver said.

“This package deserves to be called ‘legalized murder of vulnerable children up until birth,'” Schriver said, before Speaker Pro Tempore Laurie Pothusky ordered him not to “impugn the motives” of his “colleagues.”

Although the legislation will allow for the unrestricted killing of preborn babies at any stage of the pregnancy, it did not go far enough for Planned Parenthood, which criticized the minimal restrictions still in place.

While the abortion giant is pleased in general with the law, it said the legislation “leave dangerous restrictions in place that directly impact patients and disproportionately harm Black and Brown communities, low-income people, and rural Michiganders, worsening health care equity statewide.”

Right to Life of Michigan criticized the legislation, though primarily because it removed safety regulations on abortion facilities.


PREMO Member

When Did So Many Young, White, Leftist Women Get So Damn STUPID?

But there are some new ones I'm seeing them bounce around now which tells me the women I thought were stupid a decade ago are serious GENIUSES compared to these broads. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I shouldn't call women broads, I should call them CHICKS.

The new talking point they're pushing revolves around men being responsible for all abortions because they don't control their semen.
No, really.

Apparently, men are just dumping sperm everywhere and innocent uteruses just minding their own business are finding themselves impregnated.

Or something like that.

I know, you're shaking your head and wondering if I'm just making this up so you'll read VIP but I assure you, even I cannot come up with this level of insanity.

So you know I'm not making this up:

Sperm is controlled and externalized by men. Where men place their sperm is entirely within their control. If they have big feelings about abortion, they should not leave their semen in a vagina.
— Clavicular Notch (@noiinautopsy) November 5, 2023

Notice she missed the part about women entirely controlling which sperm they will allow near their vagina.

Sorry, I know it's early for this but I had to write it.


The father should be moreso responsible for the child. If he makes the choice to ejaculate without getting express consent to impregnate he should be financially penalised, criminally charged AND forced to raise the baby alone. You know. Like how we currently treat women.
— Kate Rose (@KateRos78419369) November 5, 2023

It's like they're missing an entire piece of how babies are made. I used to joke about how pro-aborts must think women's private parts must just drag us all around forcing us to get pregnant ... but that was a JOKE.

The idea that women are never at fault for getting pregnant and therefore all abortions are the fault of men is just freakin' nutty.


PREMO Member

Ohio Voters Approve Radical Amendment Removing Limits on Abortion, Gender-Transition Procedures

The measure, known as Issue 1, will also remove parental-consent and notification requirements for minors who undergo the procedures.

The amendment includes vague language about prohibiting any law that “directly or indirectly” would “burden” or “interfere” with “reproductive decisions.” Opponents of the measure argue it would also outlaw nearly any restrictions on abortion or other reproduction-related procedures, removing requirements for parental-consent and parental notification, as well as protections for people who undergo the procedures, including requirements that a qualified physician perform them.

The amendment would also pave the way for taxpayer-funded abortion due to the vague language banning laws that would “burden” reproductive decisions, which could extend to one’s inability to pay for an abortion. In that case, it would become a public responsibility to overcome this burden.


PREMO Member
Ohio Passes Issue 1 to Allow Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth

The result was not surprising given how abortion advocates bought the vote. Also, Ohio voters also voted today on a ballot measure to legalize marijuana. That very likely increased turnout of liberal voters who were more likely to vote for abortion.

The pro-abortion side dominated fundraising – with reports towards the end of the election showing that they had 3-1 fundraising advantage over pro-life groups. The out of state dark money and millions from leftists like George Soros, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood allowed the pro-abortion side to dominate TV and online with blatantly false commercials that further angered liberal voters and drove them to the polls in higher numbers.

The Associated Press (AP) reported last Thursday that since September 8, the pro-abortion “yes” side in the referendum has raised almost three times more money than the pro-life “no” side: $29 million compared to less than $10 million. Much of the money for the pro-abortion side — likely over $50 million by the time it’s said and done — came from out of state and even out of the country while major pro-life donations came from within Ohio.

black dog

Free America
Christian Right says, R v W overturned, Yeaaaa, give it back to the States...

Some States strengthen Abortion Laws, Badddddddd...

God Damn People.


Well-Known Member
Yeaaaa, give it back to the States...
Not just "Christian Right". I've always thought two things - one, the Supreme Court should never be making LAWS and that the issue, like the death penalty, is a 10th amendment issue - it belongs with the states.

I don't agree with Ohio, but that is how it should be decided.

I have always felt that abortion is resolved with a compromise - the forces that want it banned from conception and the forces that want it until the moment of birth are far too entrenched in their positions and they have a kind of sunken cost in the issue. Neither side is willing to choose compromise because one, their position is based on ideology which brooks no compromise and they've been at it so long, any loss of their position on it - after so many years - is perceived as DEFEAT. It's like a war where you've lost too many soldiers and you decide to continue or they died for nothing.

What disturbs me is that the pro-abortion side won more or less utterly. And from the examples in Europe - a resolution of the issue lies in compromise. The United States has far and away some of the most liberal laws on abortion, while our presumably more advanced nations in Europe have resolved it rather neatly. And most of them prohibit abortion for no particular reason - meaning, the person seeking an abortion just plain WANTS one - after about 18 weeks, with varying laws for health and life of the mother, rape and so forth.

Unfortunately, we have some states who want a "heartbeat" law, which places prohibition MUCH earlier - from 6 to 8 weeks, which is about when many figure it out. That is simply too early. Fifteen weeks is where many states have wanted to rule, placing it earlier than most laws in Europe. At least, among nations that permit it.

We can't fix the issue until both sides find middle ground, and we are sadly at a point where they've been fighting too long, neither wants to give an inch.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Even Youngkin couldn't salvage a win with his 15 week proposal. Expect more abortion talk next year. Not matter how bad everything gets next year, abortion will win it for the Dems.


Well-Known Member
Even Youngkin couldn't salvage a win with his 15 week proposal. Expect more abortion talk next year. Not matter how bad everything gets next year, abortion will win it for the Dems.
Polling shows, it’s Dems number one issue, even above inflation.

Fifteen weeks is about as early as you can reasonably ask. As I mentioned - sooner or later a compromise will have to happen. People will NEVER stop fighting on an issue if the “solution” isn’t amenable to both sides. That’s the problem. Each side wants to clobber the other side.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Polling shows, it’s Dems number one issue, even above inflation.

Fifteen weeks is about as early as you can reasonably ask. As I mentioned - sooner or later a compromise will have to happen. People will NEVER stop fighting on an issue if the “solution” isn’t amenable to both sides. That’s the problem. Each side wants to clobber the other side.
Well, aborting that additional mouth to feed is important when you can't afford to put food on the table.


Well-Known Member
Well, aborting that additional mouth to feed is important when you can't afford to put food on the table.
In several countries - economic situation is a viable reason for abortion. It still has a limit. It’s really absurd that someone who wants an abortion can dawdle until the moment of birth.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
In several countries - economic situation is a viable reason for abortion. It still has a limit. It’s really absurd that someone who wants an abortion can dawdle until the moment of birth.
Reps better come to terms that Americans want abortion to be legal if they ever want to win another election.


PREMO Member
It was not lost on those on stage for the third Republican debate, but the fractures were apparent. The Republican Party is against abortion, but where that comes out on the policy end remains murky, and it’s costing us elections. We have those within the GOP pushing for an array of cut-off periods regarding abortion through 6-week, 15-week, or 20-week bans. But that leads to total ban supporters threatening primary mayhem on Republicans, who back a 15-week ban, for example, for being too moderate.

Dobbs didn’t outlaw abortion—it returned that power to the states for their respective populations to decide. Since then, every state, red and blue, has rejected pro-life measures. It’s got to the point where some conservative commentators, like Ann Coulter, are warning that pro-lifers could wipe out the GOP:

I’m not sure about that, but the primary antics are developing into an electoral sepsis that is immensely unpalatable to most voters, even Republicans. Pro-lifers being the cancer that kills the party is overblown. Still, abortion, as an issue, will animate Democrats to come out and vote this cycle, even with a Democratic president who is widely unpopular. I stand corrected on how this issue would play out. There is time to fix it, but it will be a mess. I will say that for our side, while the total ban is the purest regarding pro-life politics, it’s politically impossible.



Well-Known Member
It was not lost on those on stage for the third Republican debate, but the fractures were apparent. The Republican Party is against abortion, but where that comes out on the policy end remains murky, and it’s costing us elections. We have those within the GOP pushing for an array of cut-off periods regarding abortion through 6-week, 15-week, or 20-week bans. But that leads to total ban supporters threatening primary mayhem on Republicans, who back a 15-week ban, for example, for being too moderate.
Well for once, I'm 100% in agreement with Ann, who has been vanishing largely from the pundit sphere. THAT is the problem the GOP faces, in exactly the same way that late-term abortion supporters in the Democratic party are the big spoilers for THEIR party, in this debate.

A middle path is reasonable. The problem is the ideologues who insist on ALL abortions (the left) or ZERO abortions (the right - and some of them, with NO exceptions whatsoever). There is no question in my mind that insisting on ZERO isn't even medically wise. There WILL be instances where even pro-life persons will wring their hands and realize, it may be necessary to end a fetus - to save the mother - to save a TWIN - to be merciful to a fetus that cannot live. It WILL happen. It's also a bit - dangerous - to allow ALL abortions, because frankly, I don't trust all medical professionals involved in abortions to make ethical decisions when it comes to ending a fetus. Like the trend currently to rush gender reassignment, it's been my very meager experience that medical persons who perform abortions want to urge the procedure without sufficient caution.

A 20 week ban is SO reasonable, it strains credulity that it could be opposed by any but the most anti-abortion persons. And I say that not because I support abortion - but country DOES.

A quick study of prohibition would reveal that the banning of sales of alcohol had extremely vocal proponents for DECADES, and it had been growing until it culminated in a constitutional BAN. We saw what happened - but it happened, because the COUNTRY DID NOT SUPPORT IT. You cannot force these issues. If the people WANT abortion, a ban will not change things.