Abortion Issues


PREMO Member
The new law was a response to the fact abortions ballooned in Florida in 2022 following the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade. States nearby Florida either outlawed abortion altogether or lowered their own cutoff limits, breathing life into a brand new travel industry dubbed “abortion tourism”, which is not at all the kind of tourism that Florida wants to be known for.

Leftists were outraged, or at least pretended to be outraged, perhaps more secretly delighted at having a new political club to batter the Governor with, even though DeSantis only signs the bills — the Legislature drafts and passes them.

Looney leftwing author Stephen King rushed to weigh in, accidentally exposing his ugly transphobia:


Men CAN get pregnant, you racist! Poor Steve, he’s having trouble keeping up with all the chimeric virtue-signaling rules.

More thoughtful critics focused on the requirement that, in order to use the exception for rape, the victims have to report the rapist to police. For a reason that I cannot understand, and which critics did not explain, that requirement seems totally unfair or unreasonable or something.

I get the argument that victimized women fear retaliation, but can’t you say that about ANY crime? And what good does it do to create free-range rapists who can victimize others?



PREMO Member

‘Attacking America’: Kamala Harris Says Pro-Life Policies Target ‘Our Democracy’ At Abortion Rally

“When you attack the rights of women in America, you are attacking America,” Harris told the crowd of a few hundred people. “We have seen attacks on voting rights, attacks on fundamental rights to love and marry the people that you love, attacks on the ability of people to be themselves and be proud of who they are.”

Harris warned against pro-life voices, who she says “attack fundamental rights,” claiming that they “by extension, attack our democracy.” The vice president also criticized the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade in 2022, saying the justices “took a constitutional right that has been recognized from the people of America.”

“I fundamentally believe that you can gauge the strength of a democracy based on the strength of women in that democracy,” Harris told the crowd.


Well-Known Member
“When you attack the rights of women in America, you are attacking America,”
And this is how it works in the Democratic Party - admittedly, to significant effect ---

1. Take your side of an issue, and make it a human right - make it anything - a "living wage" or a "right to health care".
2. Take those who disagree, however nuanced a difference and make them enemies of human rights
3. And thereby a threat to democracy.

Mind you, the "enemy" doesn't even have to DO anything - they can be merely voicing their opposition to you. In the world of the Democratic Party, holding a view different from the hivemind is a threat to democracy, and thus revealing they have no concept of what actual democracy or freedom, means.


Well-Known Member
Six weeks is a little too far.
Certainly I am against abortion, but 3 to 4 months is makes more sense..
No abortions after 5 months unless for the life of the mother is what I consider a proper law.


PREMO Member
A former professor was allegedly fired from a Catholic seminary after he offered to fly women to states that allowed abortions after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year, according to The Guardian.

Greg Williams, a pilot and former professor at St. Joseph Seminary College in Louisiana, posted on Facebook following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization offering his piloting services to any women who were in a state that banned abortion, according to The Guardian. Williams was reportedly informed on July 5, 2022, that he was fired from his position at St. Joseph due to violating the terms of his contract by “publicly and deliberately advocat[ing] a position contrary to the official teaching of the Catholic Church.”

“It’s a hell of a thing to have [the church] have an official letter addressed to me saying I’m doing heinous evil,” Williams told the Guardian. “It’s like – what are you talking about?”



PREMO Member
The Supreme Court is activist, abortion is health care, pro-life laws are confusing, and abortion drugs are safe.

Those were the talking points from Democratic senators and their witnesses at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing held on April 26 titled “The Assault on Reproductive Rights in a Post-Dobbs America.”

Committee Chairman Richard Durbin, D-Ill., opened by criticizing the Supreme Court’s “judicial activism” in overruling Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which invented and affirmed a constitutional right to abortion.

No one attempted, or even suggested, that Roe had properly interpreted the Constitution or explained how correcting such a grave error could be called “activist.”

Instead, it was clear that, to Durbin, an “activist” decision was simply one he didn’t like.


Democrats and their witnesses referred interchangeably to “abortion care” and “health care,” with Durbin even claiming that mifepristone, one of the drugs used in a majority of abortions today, is “used by women seeking care for miscarriage.”

Not according to the Food and Drug Administration. One resource posted on the FDA website, for example, opens by stating that mifepristone is “approved … to end an intrauterine pregnancy.” Planned Parenthood simply calls mifepristone “the abortion pill.” The difference between a miscarriage and an abortion is the difference between dying of natural causes and dying from homicide.

The first witness was Amanda Zurawski, a Texas woman who described a very complicated pregnancy and her doctor’s professed confusion about whether he could perform an abortion. Her real point came later in her testimony: “No one should be forced to remain pregnant against their will for any reason, emergency or no emergency.”



PREMO Member

While she was melting down, Kennedy did not — showing the fundamental difference that she couldn’t support her position and wasn’t being straightforward about it. “I just want to understand what your position is,” he said. “I think you’re afraid to say that you do support that. If you do support it, I think–just for the purposes of an intellectual discussion–you ought to just say so.”

After she said that she would have that discussion with him, he asked the question again and she avoided it again. “We could start if you answered that question,” he said. “I can’t go to my next question ’til you answer that question.”

Ultimately, Kennedy moved on, but he proved his point about the Democrats on this whole issue. As Rebecca Downs at our sister site Townhall observes, they want to claim they just want to codify Roe v. Wade, when what they are truly pushing with their Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) is abortion without limit, something with which the majority of Americans do not agree.

While the Democratic witness refused to be straight, the Republicans had no trouble with that question. One witness even skewered Goodwin’s “conditions” of the pregnancy argument.

One such witness, Dr. Ingrid Skop, offered a particularly telling point about how abortion up until birth is not even needed. “I do not support unfettered abortion, and I would like to point out that, if a woman did have a life-threatening condition in pregnancy past approximately 22-weeks, that baby can be delivered alive by induction or C-section, and we can try to save that baby. The intent of abortion is a dead baby, and that is not necessary in that situation,” she shared.



PREMO Member
Princeton students host musical titled ‘To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before’

A group of Princeton University students performed a feminist musical over the weekend focused on abortion and “self-empowerment.”

“To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before; A Love/Hate Letter to Storytelling” explores “the challenges of being heard and cultivating self-empowerment as a queer, cognitively-disabled (ADHD) woman in artistic spaces that traditionally center archaic, western, patriarchal narratives grounded in firm structures of storytelling and comedy,” according to a program description.

The production, written by Princeton senior Jenni Lawson, debuted on Friday and Saturday in the school’s Lewis Center for the Arts.


PREMO Member

Effort to Sue NON Abortion Pregnancy Clinic Out of Existance

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul came up with the idea for the legislation and released a statement after the measure passed the House Wednesday.

“Patients report going to crisis pregnancy centers, sometimes even receiving exams and ultrasounds, thinking they were visiting a different clinic that offers the full range of reproductive care. This is an extreme violation of trust and patient privacy that should not occur in our state," Raoul said. "I would like to thank members of the House for passing legislation to help my office hold those engaging in deceptive practices accountable.”

Republican lawmakers pushed back on the need for this bill.

"Honestly, this bill, its hard for me to understand why we need it," said state Rep. Bill Hauter, R-Morton. "How it would be constitutional in any way, and the sponsor's description of pregnancy care centers is nothing that I recognize."

State Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Dieterich, asked Raoul, who was in attendance during debate in the House, to answer the questions they had but was directed to speak only to the bill's sponsor.

"Perhaps the Attorney General can elaborate on some of these questions we are asking here," Niemerg said. "This is a very broad brush that you are painting with, representative, and I think the people of Illinois deserve to know through examples what will be applicable and what won't be applicable under this act, don't you agree?"

Bill sponsor state Rep. Terra Costa Howard, D-Lombard, answered most of the Republican's questions on what is applicable by saying that each case will be examined by the AG's office on a case by case basis.

Costa Howard said her goal is for women to have honest health care.

“These fake clinics were set up specifically to deceive patients who are seeking reproductive health care,” Costa Howard said. “These so-called clinics actually put patients’ health at risk by interfering with their access to comprehensive care, and it’s time to hold them accountable for their deceptive practices.”

State Rep. Amy Grant, R-Wheaton, argued against the measure, saying if it was to pass, women would be at risk of missing out on important health care information.

"Expecting mothers deserve to know about these risks associated with abortions," Grant said. "Pregnancy centers shouldn't be afraid to share these truths so women can be fully informed and empowered to make the appropriate decision for themselves and, hopefully, for their future healthy children."


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

Effort to Sue NON Abortion Pregnancy Clinic Out of Existance

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul came up with the idea for the legislation and released a statement after the measure passed the House Wednesday.

“Patients report going to crisis pregnancy centers, sometimes even receiving exams and ultrasounds, thinking they were visiting a different clinic that offers the full range of reproductive care. This is an extreme violation of trust and patient privacy that should not occur in our state," Raoul said. "I would like to thank members of the House for passing legislation to help my office hold those engaging in deceptive practices accountable.”

Republican lawmakers pushed back on the need for this bill.

"Honestly, this bill, its hard for me to understand why we need it," said state Rep. Bill Hauter, R-Morton. "How it would be constitutional in any way, and the sponsor's description of pregnancy care centers is nothing that I recognize."

State Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Dieterich, asked Raoul, who was in attendance during debate in the House, to answer the questions they had but was directed to speak only to the bill's sponsor.

"Perhaps the Attorney General can elaborate on some of these questions we are asking here," Niemerg said. "This is a very broad brush that you are painting with, representative, and I think the people of Illinois deserve to know through examples what will be applicable and what won't be applicable under this act, don't you agree?"

Bill sponsor state Rep. Terra Costa Howard, D-Lombard, answered most of the Republican's questions on what is applicable by saying that each case will be examined by the AG's office on a case by case basis.

Costa Howard said her goal is for women to have honest health care.

“These fake clinics were set up specifically to deceive patients who are seeking reproductive health care,” Costa Howard said. “These so-called clinics actually put patients’ health at risk by interfering with their access to comprehensive care, and it’s time to hold them accountable for their deceptive practices.”

State Rep. Amy Grant, R-Wheaton, argued against the measure, saying if it was to pass, women would be at risk of missing out on important health care information.

"Expecting mothers deserve to know about these risks associated with abortions," Grant said. "Pregnancy centers shouldn't be afraid to share these truths so women can be fully informed and empowered to make the appropriate decision for themselves and, hopefully, for their future healthy children."
This sounds like a prime example of weaponizing government against a viewpoint.


PREMO Member
Would you look at that? Vicki Ringer really thought she could get away with pushing this atrocious lie about a woman in Alabama being charged with a felony over a stillbirth. What sort of monster thinks this is ok?

Don’t answer that, we know the sort of monster who does that.

Luckily, Community Notes took that monster to the shed:

A 24-year-old woman in Alabama was arrested and charged with a felony after she suffered a stillbirth. We told y’all this would be a consequence of abortion bans.
— Vicki Ringer (@vickiringer) May 25, 2023

Umm … murder IS a felony. Just sayin’.

Would you look at that?! The woman wasn’t charged with a felony over the stillbirth, she was charged with chemical endangerment … which likely killed the poor unborn child.

Womp womp womp.

Honestly, we’re shocked she’s left it up.

You folks have got to make up your mind. She’s a criminal if she gets an abortion and she’s a criminal if she delivers. Drug use is not ok, but don’t pretend treatment is readily available. Another woman had her child taken from her after her epilepsy meds caused a miscarriage.
— Vicki Ringer (@vickiringer) May 25, 2023



PREMO Member

Pro-Choice Activist Brutally Attacks Two Elderly Pro-Life Advocates Outside Baltimore Planned Parenthood: Report

According to Roswell, the assailant asked Planned Parenthood “deathscorts” to hold his drink before attacking Schafer, who reportedly had his back turned away from the person at the time of the assault.

At that point, Crosby attempted to assist Schafer, but was hit in the face and “slammed” against the glass of the building, knocking him to the ground and toppling a ceramic planter in the process. The suspect then proceeded to kick Crosby in the head.

Roswell said a nurse from a nearby pro-life pregnancy center rushed over to aid the men after a client “screamed” upon witnessing the attack.

Baltimore City Police said investigators obtained video footage of the incident showing the suspect as a white male with brown hair and a full beard, wearing a gray T-shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes, The Daily Signal reported.

Authorities said the suspect could be seen passing Crosby and Schafer before turning around and “having a visibly aggressive conversation” with the 80-year-old victim, CBS reported.

A witness told police the attack began with a debate over abortion rights, saying the suspect “did not yell or use obscenities, but that the suspect did talk in a loud manner to get his points across.”


Well-Known Member

Pro-Choice Activist Brutally Attacks Two Elderly Pro-Life Advocates Outside Baltimore Planned Parenthood: Report

According to Roswell, the assailant asked Planned Parenthood “deathscorts” to hold his drink before attacking Schafer, who reportedly had his back turned away from the person at the time of the assault.

At that point, Crosby attempted to assist Schafer, but was hit in the face and “slammed” against the glass of the building, knocking him to the ground and toppling a ceramic planter in the process. The suspect then proceeded to kick Crosby in the head.

Roswell said a nurse from a nearby pro-life pregnancy center rushed over to aid the men after a client “screamed” upon witnessing the attack.

Baltimore City Police said investigators obtained video footage of the incident showing the suspect as a white male with brown hair and a full beard, wearing a gray T-shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes, The Daily Signal reported.

Authorities said the suspect could be seen passing Crosby and Schafer before turning around and “having a visibly aggressive conversation” with the 80-year-old victim, CBS reported.

A witness told police the attack began with a debate over abortion rights, saying the suspect “did not yell or use obscenities, but that the suspect did talk in a loud manner to get his points across.”
White male with brown hair and a full beard?

Sheeeeeit. It's open season on that Mofo. Find him and kick his so stupid ass.