Well-Known Member
You are really Captain Obvious, aren't you?
Well, I thought it might help in this case.

You are really Captain Obvious, aren't you?
Sounds like you've been meeting the wrong kind of chicks
I started typing out this big long gonna tell you off speech, then I saw your disclaimer
oh and yay for disclaimers! i still don't date chicks with kids in almost all cases though. :shrug:
Sounds like you've been meeting the wrong kind of chicks
Most people I know use myspace to keep in touch with people they don't get to see all the time... sometimes people use it for dates, but I use it to have a place to express myself in writing and update my friends and family on life in my world.
I started typing out this big long gonna tell you off speech, then I saw your disclaimer
Why not? How would you feel if you had kids and the ladies wouldnt date you for such reasons...
Why not? How would you feel if you had kids and the ladies wouldnt date you for such reasons...
Before you had kids, did you ever date anyone with kids?
Before you had kids, did you ever date anyone with kids?
I was young when I had my first so no, but throughout the years I have dated men with kids.
It didnt bother me. Those kids already had a mom and my son had a dad.
I was young when I had my first so no, but throughout the years I have dated men with kids.
It didnt bother me. Those kids already had a mom and my son had a dad.
So, Dad's responsible for the child and pregancy if the mom chooses, but has no choice if she chooses to kill the child?Hey, whose problem is that?
You are responsible for who you put your wiener into. Wear a condom, which you should be doing anyway.
A thought, though, is that none of us would be here if mommy had decided it was better that our brain be sucked out while we were in the womb.
I'm sure it's much different when you have your own kids. It can be extremely difficult at times dating a single parent when you don't have your own kids. I don't really blame anyone for saying they won't date someone with kids. It can be really great, but it can also be a huge headache.
It's different. My son recently drew a picture of his family. He included me, him and my BF, the sweetest pic ever.
So, Dad's responsible for the child and pregancy if the mom chooses, but has no choice if she chooses to kill the child?
Here, I thought mother and father were both responsible for the baby once they decided to take action to make it.pretty much. gotta love it!
well if it's just for fun then that's fine...but i'm young and don't want to be thinking about kids right now, so I won't do that in most cases. if i find someone to be special and worth a shot then ok, but otherwise i'm gonna pass. plus that brings me back to my previous post where I had the disclaimer that kinda discusses my opinions of that.
if someone used a good condom (even if it broke, that's hard to control) and birth control and still got knocked up then that sucks. otherwise there was more that could have been done and it was that woman's choice. granted, divorce cases are different than the unwedded ones who got knocked up so the whole protection part doesn't apply there. But if someone wasn't careful (and not married) and got pregnant, why should I pity them? I don't understand why I should take exception to someone with a kid if they made a mistake. That's not my fault. If they had an extreme amount of bad luck but were being responsible then ok, i'll talk. Otherwise, I don't wanna end up being baby daddy #2 (or 3 or 4 or ...). Then again, wouldn't wanna be baby daddy #1 either.
Honestly, the whole baby daddy thing is usually a bad scenario. Sure, sometimes the guy is ok...but most cases I've seen is with some jerk that you have to deal with and sometimes the chick ends up wanting to get back with baby daddy or just sleep with him again or who knows what. I know it's not always the case, but is it really worth trying to sift through and see if those complications arise? Especially when there are plenty of single women that don't have kids. Like I said, it's not something I'd always say no to...but if I dated someone with a kid, I'd probably have to get to know them VERY well first so I know their situation enough to make a good judgement call.
Not the whole thing...just the portion that would GAF what you say.I think your mommy did have your brain sucked out..
Its all fun and games until you and the BF break up and your son gets really confused why his daddy left him.
Every situation is different... and who am I to judge someone else's decisions when faced with their own situation?