Abortions vs. Born out of Wedlock...


New Member
crabcake said:
How? :confused:

I'm one of those wimmens blessed to not have cramps that often when I'm ovulating/"on", and I don't mark my calendar up with "O"s, "P"s, and crap. Should I purchase an ovulation monitor? :shrug:

It comes down to this and this alone: if you are NOT prepared mentally, financially, emotionally, physically, et al to have a child, don't have sex. :shrug:

But the reality is few people will enact that thinking when hopping in the sack; we take risks, use the 'ole "it won't happen to me" line, etc., and then we are :banghead: when it does. What defines you as a person is whether you step up to the plate and accept responsibility for your actions or not. :ohwell:
You wimmins know when you can get preggy or not. I agree with your post. I was retaliating against that meam Wenchy implying that it's all the guys fault if he doesn't vulcanize that thang.... :lol:

In fact, I have to go back & reply to another post..... stand by. :jet:


New Member
Wenchy said:
I feel there are people who should not have children. I believe in mandatory sterilization until one can prove they are mentally and financially capable of raising a child.


Don't do it !
Wenchy said:

It's your friggin stoopid demonic seed that's populating the planet.

Come to Wenchy...:poorbaby: I'll cut off your balls and make it an experience to remember.
One last fling. Then you get my balls ?
You sound like a black widow.
If you cut them off. Next thing you know my voice will sound like yours, then I will start to think like you.
Sorry but no thank you. I would rather not think one sided.


Mikeinsmd said:
You wimmins know when you can get preggy or not. I agree with your post. I was retaliating against that meam Wenchy implying that it's all the guys fault if he doesn't vulcanize that thang.... :lol:

In fact, I have to go back & reply to another post..... stand by. :jet:

I'm such a meamie. :rolleyes:

Next time a hot number spreads her thighs for you...

Well? Think about it.

Where is your brain?


Flipside said:
One last fling. Then you get my balls ?
You sound like a black widow.
If you cut them off. Next thing you know my voice will sound like yours, then I will start to think like you.
Sorry but no thank you. I would rather not think one sided.

Go on with your small headed self then.

Sex is to procreate and create "Little Creature's of Love."

This is what God intended.

God also gave us a brain and reasoning.

I love to bite the man's head off (Praying Mantis, not Black Widow)


Praying Mantis

Wow! I just found this. Feed me before having sex with me, and you might be ok.

Founded Santa Cruz California 1979

SANTA CRUZ, CALIF-Male praying mantises don't lose their heads over females after all. Videotapes taken by biologists at the University of California show that female praying mantises do not decapitate their male partners prior to copulation--a misconception that has held on for nearly 200 years.
According to Eckehard Liske and W. Jackson Davis, the male mantis performs a ritual dance and the female, instead of attacking her mate, responds with a dance of her own. Neither dance had ever before been observed by scientists. While the female's dance begins with a menacing stance, it ends with a nonthreatening posture signaling her receptiveness. "It's really a lovely display," says Davis.
The problem with previous studies, says Davis, was privacy. Apparently the adagio had never been witnessed before because the mantises were distracted by the well-lit scientists watching them. Davis and Liske observed the insects, which were put under bright lights, from a darkened room.

Another reason for the headless lover theory, according to Davis, is that in previous studies researchers simply haven't given enough food to their subjects. A female mantis eats up to 15 fullgrown crickets a day and is usually more hungry than amorous.
These experimental problems had led researchers to believe that the male mantis could offer a sexual response only after the brain was removed, a reflex similar to a chicken running with its head cut off. Now, Davis is happy to report, "the male mantis performs quite well with his head in place."
Mating with a female praying mantis, above, is a lot easier on the male mantis than previously believed.


New Member
Wenchy said:
I'm such a meamie. :rolleyes: You know I'm kiddin :mad:

Next time a hot number spreads her thighs for you...Well? Think about it. Where is your brain?
This boy is always prepared...... How do you think I made it all these years with no curtain climbers?? :lmao:

(Wonder who'll be first with the joke?) :razz:


Mikeinsmd said:
This boy is always prepared...... How do you think I made it all these years with no curtain climbers?? :lmao:

(Wonder who'll be first with the joke?) :razz:

Because, you were waiting for mine to grow up. :love:

How are the college funds looking? :really:


curiouser and curiouser
tomchamp said:
I was asking Mike! Why the tig comment?
Because of this:
I feel there are people who should not have children. I believe in mandatory sterilization until one can prove they are mentally and financially capable of raising a child.
Please try to keep up. :flowers:


curiouser and curiouser
tomchamp said:
Do you know her? Really!
Did I say that I did? You asked why Mike made the comment, and I explained it. I don't have to have been personally introduced to a third party to explain someone's post.


But wait, there's more...
Mikeinsmd said:
This boy is always prepared...... How do you think I made it all these years with no curtain climbers?? :lmao:

(Wonder who'll be first with the joke?) :razz:
:confused: I climbed the curtains the night we ...


Takin' it to IM. :wink: