Abortions vs. Born out of Wedlock...


kwillia said:
Millions of oopsies are born every year in this country, so don't go acting like abortion is the first choice...:rolleyes:
I'm not..I'm just stating a fact!
How would anyone know if the oopsie would or wouldn't work out.
No one is a fortune teller.

Oh it would be to much of a burden on me now. So kill it.
Doesn't that sound horrible ?
gumbo said:
Oh it would be to much of a burden on me now. So kill it.
Doesn't that sound horrible ?
"The little squirt won't stop crying so I think I'll smash it's head against the wall" sounds even worse.


curiouser and curiouser
gumbo said:
How would anyone know if the oopsie would or wouldn't work out.
Well, if you're a crack whore, you can make a fair bet on it not working out. :shrug:


kwillia said:
"The little squirt won't stop crying so I think I'll smash it's head against the wall" sounds even worse.
And how often does this happen in comparison to how many abortions are done everyday?
gumbo said:
Whats your point ?
Being married is just a piece of paper and allot of the women are making that choice.
I found the number to be impressive. I also find it hard to believe how willing you are to make wild azz assumptions that your narrow view of the life of an "oopsie" fits the bill for all oopsies. I'm not going to argue about it with you.


kwillia said:
I found the number to be impressive. I also find it hard to believe how willing you are to make wild azz assumptions that your narrow view of the life of an "oopsie" fits the bill for all oopsies. I'm not going to argue about it with you.
Good thing ..You would loose miserably.
Because my views of life are anything but narrow.
It has become common practice of convenience to have abortions and get divorced.
The numbers you found impressive are based on your wild azz assumptions, that the birth of a child, is a negative impact on the majority of these women that gave birth out of wedlock. :whack:

Philosophically speaking ..Life always prevails ! It's one's narrow assumptions and narrow views that make life dark and evil.

Happy Happy Joy Joy...Gumbo :cheers:
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New Member
I think that maybe it's just too late at night to read this thread..
I love my kids... I do everything I can to give them what they need. They make me a better human.

I see no mistakes here.
Over population is becoming a serious problem but I don't agree abortion should be used as a birth control. People have brains and should use them. Late term abortion sickens me. JMO....


Routinely Derailed
I believe in being celibate while unwed, and I believe that rape should be a death penalty offense, and I believe that abortion is murder. I think that children born out of wedlock that could become a burden on society (due to financial incapacity of the parent) are best dispatched via adoption, and I believe that adopting children from other countries is only okay if we don't have a large number of our own awaiting adoption. These are just my beliefs.

Fred Hoeck

New Member
Justanotherjoe said:
Over population is becoming a serious problem but I don't agree abortion should be used as a birth control. People have brains and should use them. Late term abortion sickens me. JMO....
Actually, under-population is the problem. Why are retirement systems going broke? Now young people to pay into them! Look at all the people killed in natural disasters. We need more people to replace them. People thought the worrld was over populated 150 years ago, the world can handle more. Technology feeds more people on less land. The Third World needs more freedom and capatilism, less dictatorships and socialism. That is the answer to population.

"Unwanted" babies can be adopted, many wait for the chance to adopt.
"Shotgun weddings" were a civilizing effect on young men, now they can run wild with now responsibilities. Is that good?


Well-Known Member
Hey closedminded one...

Railroad said:
I think that children born out of wedlock that could become a burden on society (due to financial incapacity of the parent) are best dispatched via adoption.
And what about those children who are born out of wedlock that are being raised without any state assistance? Everyone on here knows that I'm a single mom. I get NO help from the state. I get NO help from his father. I work every day. Should I have dispatched him via adoption? :rolleyes:


Marriage has nothing to do with child rearing.

Men and women that won't help support their children should have their wages garnished until the child is 22, if they refused to work, shoot them in the back of the head and burry them in an unmarked grave.


Routinely Derailed
sockgirl77 said:
And what about those children who are born out of wedlock that are being raised without any state assistance? Everyone on here knows that I'm a single mom. I get NO help from the state. I get NO help from his father. I work every day. Should I have dispatched him via adoption? :rolleyes:
And you're doing very well at it, because you have the financial capacity to do it! My hat's off to you, because you are dealing with it responsibly and are making the moeny necessary to do it without being a burden on others! I say "bravo" to you! :yay: Your case is consistent with what I said.

By the way, no, I had no idea that you were a single mother, and I have no idea how many other single parents there are in these forums. I don't seek to offend, but I'm honest about what I believe. I'm not asking anyone to agree with me.
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Well-Known Member
Railroad said:
And you're doing very well at it, because you have the financial capacity to do it! My hat's off to you, because you are dealing with it responsibly and are making the moeny necessary to do it without being a burden on others! I say "bravo" to you! :yay: Your case is consistent with what I said.

By the way, no, I had no idea that you were a single mother, and I have no idea how many other single parents there are in these forums. I don't seek to offend, but I'm honest about what I believe. I'm not asking anyone to agree with me.
TYVM :flowers:


100% Goapele Head!
sweetpea said:
It's still their business...now whether or not they should be cut off from assistance after continuing to have chitlins is another matter all together.

Chitlins = stinky terdy looking things that comes from a pigs insides. :confused:


Opinions on this subject definitely vary from person to person and vary strongly. This is a situational topic. I have always considered myself pro-choice, but have a difficult time accepting abortion as birth control. However, I have to admit that I sit on the fence when it comes to this topic because I have never been in a woman’s shoes when she has had to make this choice. I do not think that anybody can judge anybody else on this until they have walked in their shoes.

I do not agree that a person should be able to have an abortion every other day because they were irresponsible. Then yes, that person should be shot.

BUT if this baby was conceived of rape…… It would take a very strong woman mentally to accept this child and raise them well. I would have much respect for the woman who has had to endure rape and then raise and love her child regardless of how this child was conceived.

People are always quick to judge other people until they are walking in the same shoes.