Accident W/Injuries Point Lookout Rd & Aster Drive

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I'll tell you who he is - He is "afterlife" in a previous life on these forums. FaP got teased and harrassed so much for his ignorance and stupidity as "aFTeRLiFe" that he created a new name - yeah - like people couldn't figure that out! Now his ignorance is showing through again - who will he be next - "n00b" or how about "LoSeR". So, he can't contact family because of work and EVERYTHING else - He probably flips hamburgers at work and "everything else" is online gaming with his other dweebs - yeah - more important than family.
So FaP - have you got an update on the injured family members yet - people want to know.
Well if you knew how to read then you would know that I already gave the update. You're just another punk behind his keyboard acting tough. Nice assumstions there but you're wrong on all of them.:whistle: I got teased and harrassed on a forum? Ha, I can tell internet is serious business for you. I do the trolling boy, not you.


Well-Known Member
Well if you knew how to read then you would know that I already gave the update. You're just another punk behind his keyboard acting tough. Nice assumstions there but you're wrong on all of them.:whistle: I got teased and harrassed on a forum? Ha, I can tell internet is serious business for you. I do the trolling boy, not you.

any update today? Last update I read was they were in surgery. If you posted after that, I didn't see.


any update today? Last update I read was they were in surgery. If you posted after that, I didn't see.
Woman has two broken legs, boy is in full body cast. With legs in cast too, doing ok but of course in pain.


Error 404
I'll tell you who he is - He is "afterlife" in a previous life on these forums. FaP got teased and harrassed so much for his ignorance and stupidity as "aFTeRLiFe" that he created a new name - yeah - like people couldn't figure that out! Now his ignorance is showing through again - who will he be next - "n00b" or how about "LoSeR". So, he can't contact family because of work and EVERYTHING else - He probably flips hamburgers at work and "everything else" is online gaming with his other dweebs - yeah - more important than family.

:yay: cool story, bro.

BTW no one rly cares.


YA RLY! and no one asked for your opinion so please get down on your knees and start sucking, something you'll only be good at. k thx!

Instead of being on the computer telling someone to suck your/a dick, shouldn't you be with your family grieving the loss of your cousin :shrug:

I just lost someone close to me in a similar situtation almost 2 months ago and other than talking to friends on the computer for support from them I was with her/my family. This should open up your eyes and make you realize that tomorrow is never promised, so hold the ones you love close. They could be gone tomorrow.....jmho. I am very sorry for your loss and hope that God gives your family strength to get through this. Now stop being so nasty plz.


Error 404
Yes I know but the thing is its kinda pathetic how alot of idiots come on this forum just to insult or start #### with others. So hey I just wanna give it back to them until they realize how much a idiot they are as well.

And I know who your talkin about I sorta knew the girl myself from school but yea sorry for the loss R.I.P to her. :huggy:


Yes I know but the thing is its kinda pathetic how alot of idiots come on this forum just to insult or start #### with others. So hey I just wanna give it back to them until they realize how much a idiot they are as well.

And I know who your talkin about I sorta knew the girl myself from school but yea sorry for the loss R.I.P to her. :huggy:

Apology accepted. And yes, people do insult and :elaine: here on the forums. But you just have to be the bigger person and ignore the crap they are stirring, I've learned that being here for a few years. People say stuff to get a rise out of someone just to make things interesting on the forums. Let it roll off your back and don't let the bs get to you.

Again, I am sorry for your familys loss. :huggy:


Power with Control

Since speed or alcohol was not a factor it is safe to say it really was an ACCIDENT. We can point the finger all day long but when it comes down to it there were mistakes made by all parties involved. (except maybe the car coming towards Ms. Hall's car)

No, those things not being present doesn't make it an accident. An accident is a thing no one has any control over. An incident is a thing that could have been prevented by some choice not taken, or a poor one taken. As to mistakes being made by all parties, we certainly cant say that, not without there being more information than we have. Could be one or both drivers made mistakes, we dont know. I repeat from my earlier post, from what we know now, someone made a mistake, we dont know who, and the only reason to care is to highlight it so others may not repeat that mistake.


Error 404
Apology accepted. And yes, people do insult and :elaine: here on the forums. But you just have to be the bigger person and ignore the crap they are stirring, I've learned that being here for a few years. People say stuff to get a rise out of someone just to make things interesting on the forums. Let it roll off your back and don't let the bs get to you.

Again, I am sorry for your familys loss. :huggy:
KK I will do so :) and thanks


I bowl overhand
Yes I know but the thing is its kinda pathetic how alot of idiots come on this forum just to insult or start #### with others. So hey I just wanna give it back to them until they realize how much a idiot they are as well.

And I know who your talkin about I sorta knew the girl myself from school but yea sorry for the loss R.I.P to her. :huggy:

Who are the idiots??


Error 404
I am sorry to hear about the loss of life. May she RIP and the family overcome her loss.

Terence, you are a "F"ing idiot.

I just looked at your profile.

Living life and succeeding in life

:yay: congratulations, you know how to look at peoples profiles arent you special! Someone give this guy a cookie or a round of applause.

and bob I dont name names but you can look through the thread and see them. hell you can look through the whole forums and see them.


I just found out today that I am related to Crystal....her mother & my father are cousins. What a small world....she is a distant cousin, that is why I did not know who she was.....I guess in a way it is good that I did not know her well if at all...I don't think I could go through another loss of a young family member that I was close to again so soon....May she Rest In Peace :frown:


New Member
I Stand Corrected...

No, those things not being present doesn't make it an accident. An accident is a thing no one has any control over. An incident is a thing that could have been prevented by some choice not taken, or a poor one taken. As to mistakes being made by all parties, we certainly cant say that, not without there being more information than we have. Could be one or both drivers made mistakes, we dont know. I repeat from my earlier post, from what we know now, someone made a mistake, we dont know who, and the only reason to care is to highlight it so others may not repeat that mistake.

I am sure the driver who a** ended her and created this incident didn't get in his/her vehicle looking for someone to rear end. That's why I said accident. Also, I said mistakes by all parties EXCEPT MAYBE the driver of the 3rd vehicle. (not my direct quote, that's the gist of it) So I guess then MOST parties involved made mistakes. The driver passing on the shoulder, the mother who neglected to retrain the child properly, and the 50 yr. old woman who didn't speak up about it.

I agree, that hopefully other people who don't pay attention while driving or passing and maybe don't buckle or restrain their children properly will learn from this. This is just an unfortunate loss and incident for all involved. That poor child....


Power with Control
My point is that it isn't intention that counts. Very, very, few crashes are the result of intent to crash, the occasional suicide jockey notwithstanding. I did not address the lack of seat belts, becuase they most likely had nothing to do with causing the crash. The consequences of the crash flow from it, and they are what they are. The only thing I want to see people take away from this, as always, is to realize that behind the wheel, every split second counts. And the choices made can affect lives forever.

Its not just another pass on the right, its a potential collision between two +3,000 pound pieces of metal.
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