Well if you knew how to read then you would know that I already gave the update. You're just another punk behind his keyboard acting tough. Nice assumstions there but you're wrong on all of them. I got teased and harrassed on a forum? Ha, I can tell internet is serious business for you. I do the trolling boy, not you.I'll tell you who he is - He is "afterlife" in a previous life on these forums. FaP got teased and harrassed so much for his ignorance and stupidity as "aFTeRLiFe" that he created a new name - yeah - like people couldn't figure that out! Now his ignorance is showing through again - who will he be next - "n00b" or how about "LoSeR". So, he can't contact family because of work and EVERYTHING else - He probably flips hamburgers at work and "everything else" is online gaming with his other dweebs - yeah - more important than family.
So FaP - have you got an update on the injured family members yet - people want to know.