Well-Known Member
Where in the 7 Circles of Hell are some of you guys driving where you have so many close calls every single damned time you get behind the wheel?
I probably put on 40 miles today between RTE 4 and several of the windy two lane roads and didn't have one car come at me in my lane, cross the center line or even cut me off. Not even on the really narrow one between Rose Haven and the Beach.
Yeah, you mentioned Rt. 4. You have some fairly good enforcement effort by the LEO in Calvert. Charles Co. effort is so-so. St. Mary's, well, it speaks for itself. 235 from St. James to all the way to and including Mechanicsville are pretty bad. From Chingville Road to 4 and 235 is even worse. Coming back with the wife today from Calvert, there was another accident near Gate 1 Southbound on 235. It continues to add up more and more. The problem is, this is not just numbers we are talking about. We are talking about injures. Many of which are serious. And unforunately, we are also talking about deaths. Deaths of people of ALL ages can and do die from vehicle accidents. Sheriff Cameron once said people are in too much of a hurry. I think Sheriff Hall would agree the problem continues. Combine it with cell phone use while drving, other distracted driving and drugged or drunk driving, it spells an ugly combination. I am sure the Sheriff is aware of it and is trying to do the best he can under the circumstances.


Power with Control
So this morning, heading north on 5. Get behind a normal Honda sedan about at Cooks. Going 45 in the 50, wandring back and forth between the white on the right and the centerline on the left. Occasionally dipping a wheel into the centerline and over onto the shoulder. When hey did with oncoming, I honked and they pulled back. This continued up til about a 1/2 mile past the Nach-T farm road. Then they must have put the phone down becuase they suddenly stopped weaving and got up to 60mph. Until about a mile out of the GMR intersection when the speed dropped and the weaving began again.

It's really not hard to spot. Passed a young (30s maybe) on GMR yesterday about 3:20pm as we were going about 35mph. She had her phone propped on the steering wheel pecking away as I passed her on the bike. I slowed til she was back next to me and she was still at it. I tooted the horn (and yes, I'm ready in case they swerve:)) and gave her the fingers pointed at my eyes then straight ahead.


Active Member
Sitting at the light on north?east?bound 4 at HT today. F150 next to me starts rolling forward. Light still red. Rolls into the Camry in front of them. F150 driver looks sufficiently startled. (Wonder what they were doing to roll forward and not notice?). Driver of the Camry does not register any reaction to the obvious BAM into their back bumper. Light turns and Camry goes on their merry way. (Wonder why they didn't get out and look at their bumper?)


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Sitting at the light on north?east?bound 4 at HT today. F150 next to me starts rolling forward. Light still red. Rolls into the Camry in front of them. F150 driver looks sufficiently startled. (Wonder what they were doing to roll forward and not notice?). Driver of the Camry does not register any reaction to the obvious BAM into their back bumper. Light turns and Camry goes on their merry way. (Wonder why they didn't get out and look at their bumper?)
Both of them must have been on their phones and not paying attention.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday on the road in front of the gym in L'town (area of poppa johns & pet store) some chic coming out of the gym (I think) just walked right out in front of us and never looked up, never checked up, NOTHING staring at that damn phone. I told hubby we should have laid on the horn and hopefully scared her back into reality but we didn't.


Power with Control
Shadow And Bone Focus GIF by NETFLIX


Well-Known Member
So this morning, heading north on 5. Get behind a normal Honda sedan about at Cooks. Going 45 in the 50, wandring back and forth between the white on the right and the centerline on the left. Occasionally dipping a wheel into the centerline and over onto the shoulder. When hey did with oncoming, I honked and they pulled back. This continued up til about a 1/2 mile past the Nach-T farm road. Then they must have put the phone down becuase they suddenly stopped weaving and got up to 60mph. Until about a mile out of the GMR intersection when the speed dropped and the weaving began again.

It's really not hard to spot. Passed a young (30s maybe) on GMR yesterday about 3:20pm as we were going about 35mph. She had her phone propped on the steering wheel pecking away as I passed her on the bike. I slowed til she was back next to me and she was still at it. I tooted the horn (and yes, I'm ready in case they swerve:)) and gave her the fingers pointed at my eyes then straight ahead.
Had the same thing happen last week coming home from work. On Rt. 249 headed toward 5, it was also a Honda, crossing the center line and on the shoulder and doing about 40 mph. We get to the stoplight in Callaway and she makes a left onto 5, I'm still following her, but not too close. She almost has a head on collision as she drifts way over the centerline, thank God she must've looked up at the right time and avoided the collision. That must've done the trick because she was driving a lot better after that.


Power with Control
Had the same thing happen last week coming home from work. On Rt. 249 headed toward 5, it was also a Honda, crossing the center line and on the shoulder and doing about 40 mph. We get to the stoplight in Callaway and she makes a left onto 5, I'm still following her, but not too close. She almost has a head on collision as she drifts way over the centerline, thank God she must've looked up at the right time and avoided the collision. That must've done the trick because she was driving a lot better after that.

I mean when you read the crash reports, way too many of them were either the mildest turns in the county or straight roads.


Well-Known Member
So this morning, heading north on 5. Get behind a normal Honda sedan about at Cooks. Going 45 in the 50, wandring back and forth between the white on the right and the centerline on the left. Occasionally dipping a wheel into the centerline and over onto the shoulder. When hey did with oncoming, I honked and they pulled back. This continued up til about a 1/2 mile past the Nach-T farm road. Then they must have put the phone down becuase they suddenly stopped weaving and got up to 60mph. Until about a mile out of the GMR intersection when the speed dropped and the weaving began again.

It's really not hard to spot. Passed a young (30s maybe) on GMR yesterday about 3:20pm as we were going about 35mph. She had her phone propped on the steering wheel pecking away as I passed her on the bike. I slowed til she was back next to me and she was still at it. I tooted the horn (and yes, I'm ready in case they swerve:)) and gave her the fingers pointed at my eyes then straight ahead.
You mentioned you were on your bike. I am g;lad you made it. Every person I know that has a bike has told me that people aim for anyone that is on their bike in St. Mary's County. That's a pretty rough statement. But, a statement I have heard so often.


Power with Control
You mentioned you were on your bike. I am g;lad you made it. Every person I know that has a bike has told me that people aim for anyone that is on their bike in St. Mary's County. That's a pretty rough statement. But, a statement I have heard so often.
Not really, and I say that as someone who rides 4-5 times a week locally and has for 16 years now year round. I've never been targeted, but I always ride as if I will be. Meaning I don't assume you won't see me, I assume you do and will take action to run into me. That allows me lots of cushion to react.

MOTORCYCLES need to pay attention also

We sure do. Any rider hit because a car did something the rider didn't expect wasn't anticipating well enough.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You mentioned you were on your bike. I am g;lad you made it. Every person I know that has a bike has told me that people aim for anyone that is on their bike in St. Mary's County. That's a pretty rough statement. But, a statement I have heard so often.
I've been riding for over 50 years and I don't recall a single incident where anyone purposely "aimed" for me. That said, the degree to which I've been "invisible" to someone in a car is absolutely amazing sometimes. You get used to practically gaining eye contact with a driver and yet watch them pull out right in front of you anyway.

I was on the scooter for 5 hours last weekend - 2 1/2 hours each way - to attend the services for an old friend of mine, up in Carroll County. Despite traveling through some of the most congested areas of the state between here and there, the ride was surprisingly "event free".

Brother of a friend of mine was killed on his bike a couple weeks ago. Stopped at a road construction location by the traffic control guy, he was run over from behind by a guy in a pickup truck that was focused on texting instead of driving. I stopped counting the number of cycle-riding friends and acquaintances I've lost or seen severely crippled over the last 50's not a small number, and the majority of them from moron car/truck drivers.
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Honorary SMIB
I saw a guy on a bike yesterday almost get whacked. It was on the road between the Beach and Rose Haven and he was behind me. Decided to pass me and the guy in front of me on a double yellow on one of those blind curves. Couldn't see the F250 coming the other way. How he got out of it without dumping the bike (which he almost did) or becoming a hood ornament I don't know. Lost sight of him after he gunned it.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I saw a guy on a bike yesterday almost get whacked. It was on the road between the Beach and Rose Haven and he was behind me. Decided to pass me and the guy in front of me on a double yellow on one of those blind curves. Couldn't see the F250 coming the other way. How he got out of it without dumping the bike (which he almost did) or becoming a hood ornament I don't know. Lost sight of him after he gunned it.
Stupid still can hurt. And it should. I see crotch rockets racing to be the first one at the scene of a horrific accident all the time.