Affirmative Action

Should we do away w/ the special "black" program

  • Yes, they are outdated and unfair

    Votes: 30 76.9%
  • No, We still need these programs

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • I don't care but let me start a United White College fund for just white people

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters

Uncle Rico

New Member
My father had to deal with the injustices of affirmative action when he was working. He was skipped for promotion so they could promote a black guy who couldn't even read and write well. I have seen it first hand in my work place. Then there's the NAACP, the United Negro College fund. The list goes on.

With our President Elect being a black man, it should be enough to prove that anyone can be anything if you try hard enough.

Isn't it time to do away with all of these special programs geared to help just blacks?


Well-Known Member
My father had to deal with the injustices of affirmative action when he was working. He was skipped for promotion so they could promote a black guy who couldn't even read and write well. I have seen it first hand in my work place. Then there's the NAACP, the United Negro College fund. The list goes on.

With our President Elect being a black man, it should be enough to prove that anyone can be anything if you try hard enough.

Isn't it time to do away with all of these special programs geared to help just blacks?

What would NGM say?


These programs were 200% needed. Not anymore. I don't feel this way because of Obama.


New Member
My father had to deal with the injustices of affirmative action when he was working. He was skipped for promotion so they could promote a black guy who couldn't even read and write well. I have seen it first hand in my work place. Then there's the NAACP, the United Negro College fund. The list goes on.

With our President Elect being a black man, it should be enough to prove that anyone can be anything if you try hard enough.

Isn't it time to do away with all of these special programs geared to help just blacks?

Wow, it seems to me that there is a SERIOUS problem with African American people on this forum. If you would read your history you would see that such programs were put in place to help people that were not hired because of the color of their skin and were not given a fair chance. Affirmative Action does not just affect African Americans, it affects Latino’s, Asian Americans, women, disabled veterans, people with disabilities that are not veterans, and the list goes on. The law helps with all types of minorities; however America just wants to concentrate on the African American population.
Read and get educated. Affirmative action:smack: - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
Cut him a little slack.

Although you are 100% correct. Affirmative action is most closely identified as an African American program because it is the African American community that utilizes/benefits from it the most. I know you'll want to disagree with me here, but it's true. AA is also touted by prominent members in the black community such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton just to name a few. Both these people could give a rats ass about whether AA was meant to benefit all minorities. Then there's the ALCU.... We won't go there.

The real issue is whether or not the race which benefits most from AA really needs it in today's society? Probably not! Does this justify eliminating the program all together? Again, probably not.

In my opinion and in light of the facts. AA, at a minimum should be revised to eliminate race all together and keeping it available for disabled veterans, people with disabilities that are not veterans and other potential candidates who need a "fair shot" based on non racial factors.

This country has come a long way since AA was implemented and it's severely dated in its current form. If there's one positive thing we'll get out of the election of Barack Obama it's that in America anything is possible. After all he was elected with two possible strikes against him... 1. he is a black man. 2. He has a Muslim name and Muslim heritage. Only in country as free and accepting as America could a person like Barack have the opportunity to become its leader.

Everyone living in this country should now know that they truly can achieve anything they want to no matter where they come from or what the color of their skin may be.


Well-Known Member
And so did my father.
Get over it.
So did I.
And maybe even my children.
That's the way life is.
You take lemons and make lemon-aide.
You shake it off and stomp it down.
You keep it moving.
Stop Crying.

What does this response have to do with what NGM would say?

Please explain....


In My Opinion
dump the programs, there is no reason that somebody cant compete just because of skin color.


Well-Known Member
Wow, it seems to me that there is a SERIOUS problem with African American people on this forum. If you would read your history you would see that such programs were put in place to help people that were not hired because of the color of their skin and were not given a fair chance. Affirmative Action does not just affect African Americans, it affects Latino’s, Asian Americans, women, disabled veterans, people with disabilities that are not veterans, and the list goes on. The law helps with all types of minorities; however America just wants to concentrate on the African American population.
Read and get educated. Affirmative action:smack: - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, you support discrimination, as long as it's whites being discriminated against?

Or, you feel that we have not yet reached a level of equality where a person can reach their goals on their own, without a "leg up" - thus proving that they are not equal? And, you think this is a time when we've had two minority Sec of State, several minority cabinet members of lower rank, a large percentage of Congressmen who are minorities, etc., not to mention a biracial president elect?

I'm not following your line of thinking - why do we need to make unequal (through a discriminatory program) that which has been made equal through society's actions?


New Member
So, you support discrimination, as long as it's whites being discriminated against?

Or, you feel that we have not yet reached a level of equality where a person can reach their goals on their own, without a "leg up" - thus proving that they are not equal? And, you think this is a time when we've had two minority Sec of State, several minority cabinet members of lower rank, a large percentage of Congressmen who are minorities, etc., not to mention a biracial president elect?

I'm not following your line of thinking - why do we need to make unequal (through a discriminatory program) that which has been made equal through society's actions?
I don't make the laws & neither do you.
If you don't like it, MOVE to Canada.
So we BOTH need to have a coke and a smile and _ _ _ _.


Well-Known Member
I don't make the laws & neither do you.
If you don't like it, MOVE to Canada.
So we BOTH need to have a coke and a smile and _ _ _ _.
I thought you had an opinion. Obviously, you haven't thought it through and don't have one.

However, there are other options than moving when one lives in a great country like ours. We can help control the laws that are made (if only a little bit). I would presume by your "MOVE to Canada" suggestion, though, that if something didn't go your way you'd rather run away to a worse country (as all other countries are worse than our own in at least some net way)? That's so sad for you, that you don't have any more faith in your country than that. However, since sooner or later SOMETHING will be against your liking, may I say now that it's been interesting speaking with you, don't let the door slam when you leave, and good bye!


Well-Known Member
I don't make the laws & neither do you.
If you don't like it, MOVE to Canada.
So we BOTH need to have a coke and a smile and _ _ _ _.

Didn't conservatives get excoriated for espousing the: "America, Love it or Leave it" philosophy in the late 60's/early 70's? Or is it okay now that the shoe is on the other foot? Remember, eventually that shoe will come back around and kick you in the a$$.


New Member
I thought you had an opinion. Obviously, you haven't thought it through and don't have one.

However, there are other options than moving when one lives in a great country like ours. We can help control the laws that are made (if only a little bit). I would presume by your "MOVE to Canada" suggestion, though, that if something didn't go your way you'd rather run away to a worse country (as all other countries are worse than our own in at least some net way)? That's so sad for you, that you don't have any more faith in your country than that. However, since sooner or later SOMETHING will be against your liking, may I say now that it's been interesting speaking with you, don't let the door slam when you leave, and good bye!

Obviously, you do not understand that there are some things that we can not change immediately and we have to deal with them until…...(whenever). When the country went to crap that did not change how I felt about the United States. I love the UNITED STATES no matter who the President is. If crusty old John McCain was staggering in office, I would still love the country. My point is this: People deal with it; it’s not the end of the world. It may be the end of things that we have known….How else do we learn as a country unless we go through things and chalk up the experiences so they do not happen again. No matter how the election went someone was going to be mad. This year, it’s you. For the last 8 it’s been me.


New Member
Didn't conservatives get excoriated for espousing the: "America, Love it or Leave it" philosophy in the late 60's/early 70's? Or is it okay now that the shoe is on the other foot? Remember, eventually that shoe will come back around and kick you in the a$$.

Other foot.
Thats why U R MAD.
If it kicks me it kicks me, however it's gonna kick us ALL at the same time.
I hope you are ready also.


New Member
So, you support discrimination, as long as it's whites being discriminated against?

Or, you feel that we have not yet reached a level of equality where a person can reach their goals on their own, without a "leg up" - thus proving that they are not equal? And, you think this is a time when we've had two minority Sec of State, several minority cabinet members of lower rank, a large percentage of Congressmen who are minorities, etc., not to mention a biracial president elect?

I'm not following your line of thinking - why do we need to make unequal (through a discriminatory program) that which has been made equal through society's actions?

I'm sorry you are upset about the last 40+ years. I'm sure that there are ethnic groups that were upset about the prior 400+ years.


Well-Known Member
Other foot.
Thats why U R MAD.
If it kicks me it kicks me, however it's gonna kick us ALL at the same time.
I hope you are ready also.

What was contained in my post that led you to believe that I was mad? I live in the greatest country in the world; which has been proven yet again, because we engaged in a true election. Although some would say it was more a coronation, I'll reserve judgement until after January 20th, 2009. It's a typical liberal transference that you just engaged in. When the collective "you" don't get your way you get angry. It's like watching a 4 year old who has just learned the power of "please". Can I have it? No. Please? No. Pleeease? NO! Pleeeeeeeeeeease. Just like Al Gore, keep asking until you wear them down and get the answer you want. Well, you've finally gotten your "Yes". And I'll just end with the old adage: "Be careful what you wish for."


New Member
What was contained in my post that led you to believe that I was mad? I live in the greatest country in the world; which has been proven yet again, because we engaged in a true election. Although some would say it was more a coronation, I'll reserve judgement until after January 20th, 2009. It's a typical liberal transference that you just engaged in. When the collective "you" don't get your way you get angry. It's like watching a 4 year old who has just learned the power of "please". Can I have it? No. Please? No. Pleeease? NO! Pleeeeeeeeeeease. Just like Al Gore, keep asking until you wear them down and get the answer you want. Well, you've finally gotten your "Yes". And I'll just end with the old adage: "Be careful what you wish for."

I can receive your response with respect. However it’s sad that if we are going to ‘get what we asked for’ it’s not fair that everyone has to suffer because of someone else’s choices. The people that did not vote for Bush had to endure the same hardships that the people that voted for him. So this is the same scenario. Being angry isn’t wrong, it’s what you do with the anger.