Affirmative Action

Should we do away w/ the special "black" program

  • Yes, they are outdated and unfair

    Votes: 30 76.9%
  • No, We still need these programs

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • I don't care but let me start a United White College fund for just white people

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Obviously, you do not understand that there are some things that we can not change immediately and we have to deal with them until…...(whenever). When the country went to crap that did not change how I felt about the United States. I love the UNITED STATES no matter who the President is. If crusty old John McCain was staggering in office, I would still love the country. My point is this: People deal with it; it’s not the end of the world. It may be the end of things that we have known….How else do we learn as a country unless we go through things and chalk up the experiences so they do not happen again. No matter how the election went someone was going to be mad. This year, it’s you. For the last 8 it’s been me.
When did we leave Affirmative Action and move on to the election?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you are upset about the last 40+ years. I'm sure that there are ethnic groups that were upset about the prior 400+ years.
If they are, they're fools. People of all races, colors and creeds have been enslaved and wronged for more than four centuries. Pretty much if it didn't happen to you or a relative the you knew growing up, it's a done deal that means nothing today.

Especially if things have been corrected.


New Member
If they are, they're fools. People of all races, colors and creeds have been enslaved and wronged for more than four centuries. Pretty much if it didn't happen to you or a relative the you knew growing up, it's a done deal that means nothing today.

Especially if things have been corrected.

Knew people, lots of relatives.
If it has been corrected, please tell your buddies in the forum.
A lot of them are still stupid.


Well-Known Member
Knew people, lots of relatives.
If it has been corrected, please tell your buddies in the forum.
A lot of them are still stupid.
Oh, don't get me wrong - there are still racists of all colors and creeds. Ignorant bigots will never go away. Think BET has a lot of top executives who are white? Think the American Negro College Fund gives out a lot of cash to American Indians? I've heard of black proms, but never a "white" one, have you?

But, the discrimination you know of from relatives is no longer legal nor tolerated in the vast majority of society, outside of that discrimination that is against whites in retaliation to someone's great grandpa getting the shaft before they were born. The types of discriminations against whites, especially white males, would never be tolerated against anyone else, yet it's CODIFIED against white males. My point is to get rid of ALL discrimination by removing Affirmative Action (I never left topic, don't know why you did).


New Member
Oh, don't get me wrong - there are still racists of all colors and creeds. Ignorant bigots will never go away. Think BET has a lot of top executives who are white? Think the American Negro College Fund gives out a lot of cash to American Indians? I've heard of black proms, but never a "white" one, have you?

But, the discrimination you know of from relatives is no longer legal nor tolerated in the vast majority of society, outside of that discrimination that is against whites in retaliation to someone's great grandpa getting the shaft before they were born. The types of discriminations against whites, especially white males, would never be tolerated against anyone else, yet it's CODIFIED against white males. My point is to get rid of ALL discrimination by removing Affirmative Action (I never left topic, don't know why you did).

Ok, back on topic then...
BET is actually owened by.... WikiAnswers - Who owns BET (read it i'm not giving it to you)
BET is music, video and (junk) just like MTV.
Not sure what a Black prom is, if I think about it i'm sure I could figure it out..:sarcasm:
I think it still needs to be in place, changed a bit though..
Well I don't make the laws and I like White Males...soo........


Well-Known Member
Ok, back on topic then...
BET is actually owened by.... WikiAnswers - Who owns BET (read it i'm not giving it to you)
BET is music, video and (junk) just like MTV.
Not sure what a Black prom is, if I think about it i'm sure I could figure it out..:sarcasm:
I think it still needs to be in place, changed a bit though..
Well I don't make the laws and I like White Males...soo........

They left something out of the info on Mr Robert Johnson. He is the same Robert Johnson who told the NBA that the fact that his financing was inadequate should not disqualify him from purchasing an NBA franchise. What was his reason? Can anyone guess? Come on, class. Don't be shy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

These programs were 200% needed. Not anymore. I don't feel this way because of Obama.

...these programs were 100% DESTRUCTIVE. The mind set that completely ignoring the law is just fine in order to do some social engineering is a rot in our society that will take generations to over come AFTER we end this type of insanity.

If I am given a break, for whatever reason, in terms of qualifying and succeeding at a given task or degree or profession, then, by definition, I am doing a poorer job than what was required before.

This means I am illegitimate. This means I am less. This cements by accomplishments with an asterisk for all time. This means the new standard is not excellence but something less.

It is one thing to provide mentoring and other instructional help in building a better resume, to meet the standard, be it to get into Harvard or the fire department.

Being #1 is not for everybody. Neither is being in the top 100 or top 1,000 but if you earn your way into it, you earned your way and you have met the standard, for all time.

The GI Jane movie illustrates this as simply as it gets; she wanted to make it based on the standards, not gender modification. If she made it under modified standards, where does it end? A failed mission? If I get into Harvard, unqualified, where does it end? A failed law suit? If I make it into the fire department unqualified, where does it end? Dead partners?

'Affirmative action' is legalized racism, an oxymoron equivalent to the Dred Scott decision pretending Dred was not a man therefore not a citizen therefore not eligible to bring suit and feeds directly into the stereotype of inferiority. Achieving, meeting the standard, destroys the stereotype.

The counter would be that after some period of time that 'caught up' people by...requiring less of them, the standards would be raised back up.

Has that happened? No. Are we ever weaker in the sciences and maths and in educational expectations in the aftermath of lowering standards? Yes.

We are all lesser for this. By definition.


Well-Known Member
...these programs were 100% DESTRUCTIVE. The mind set that completely ignoring the law is just fine in order to do some social engineering is a rot in our society that will take generations to over come AFTER we end this type of insanity.

If I am given a break, for whatever reason, in terms of qualifying and succeeding at a given task or degree or profession, then, by definition, I am doing a poorer job than what was required before.

This means I am illegitimate. This means I am less. This cements by accomplishments with an asterisk for all time. This means the new standard is not excellence but something less.

It is one thing to provide mentoring and other instructional help in building a better resume, to meet the standard, be it to get into Harvard or the fire department.

Being #1 is not for everybody. Neither is being in the top 100 or top 1,000 but if you earn your way into it, you earned your way and you have met the standard, for all time.

The GI Jane movie illustrates this as simply as it gets; she wanted to make it based on the standards, not gender modification. If she made it under modified standards, where does it end? A failed mission? If I get into Harvard, unqualified, where does it end? A failed law suit? If I make it into the fire department unqualified, where does it end? Dead partners?

'Affirmative action' is legalized racism, an oxymoron equivalent to the Dred Scott decision pretending Dred was not a man therefore not a citizen therefore not eligible to bring suit and feeds directly into the stereotype of inferiority. Achieving, meeting the standard, destroys the stereotype.

The counter would be that after some period of time that 'caught up' people by...requiring less of them, the standards would be raised back up.

Has that happened? No. Are we ever weaker in the sciences and maths and in educational expectations in the aftermath of lowering standards? Yes.

We are all lesser for this. By definition.

When the fork are you going to run for office? For real.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I can't...

When the fork are you going to run for office? For real.

...even get the support of GOP'ers here on the forums. I can't win. Most people do NOT want to be told they are wrong and they will go to great lengths to make excuses for it, even so far as voting for John McCain, Mr. RINO who NO one supported leading up, but a whole bunch of people got in line like cattle and voted for him anyway because of the R.

I have a far better tax plan than Vrail's sales tax. She killed me in the poll.

I have a far better 'bail out' plan. Paulson won't listen.

I have a far better medical insurance plan. McCain was actually heading the RIGHT way.

I have a far better energy plan. Nothing but crickets.

I have a far better foreign policy plan.

I am against gay marriage bans. There's a whole block of people who hate my position.

There needs to be a solid platform on the CORE principles of what the GOP stands for and they need to be understood and easily discussed. Taxes, social policy, energy, what providing for the common defense means. Foreign policy. Instead, we have had disastrous foreign policy, disastrous energy policy, disastrous social policy and disastrous economic policy and no one wants to just face it, deal with it and move on. They'd rather yell and scream and fuss about now we're stuck with Obama because I voted for Ron Paul. Not because Bush sucked and McCain is little, if that, better. But lack of mind numbed obedience, just like they denounce when Dems do it.

Imagine what would have happened had McCain lost by 20 or 30 million votes? A GOP renaissance. As it is, Huckabee and Romney and Palin and McCain are all pulling in different directions because there is NO agreement on the fundamental issues.

Add to that a fundamental, unshakable belief that, even though the media never was and never will be a supporter of the right, it is, somehow, their fault. That's like blaming the weather.

So, people don't wanna hear it. They just don't.


In My Opinion
I'm sorry you are upset about the last 40+ years. I'm sure that there are ethnic groups that were upset about the prior 400+ years.
can we get some good discussion with those people from that 400 year time frame?

why shouldnt someone that has been discriminated against for the last 40 years not have problems with people that have not been discriminated against for the last 40 years?
lets talk about people that actually worked through those racist years. not the ones that came before them.

that 400 year argument is lame and not acceptable as valid reason for todays discriminatory practice to white males.


New Member
They left something out of the info on Mr Robert Johnson. He is the same Robert Johnson who told the NBA that the fact that his financing was inadequate should not disqualify him from purchasing an NBA franchise. What was his reason? Can anyone guess? Come on, class. Don't be shy.

Basketball now..ummm ok..


New Member
...these programs were 100% DESTRUCTIVE. The mind set that completely ignoring the law is just fine in order to do some social engineering is a rot in our society that will take generations to over come AFTER we end this type of insanity.

If I am given a break, for whatever reason, in terms of qualifying and succeeding at a given task or degree or profession, then, by definition, I am doing a poorer job than what was required before.

This means I am illegitimate. This means I am less. This cements by accomplishments with an asterisk for all time. This means the new standard is not excellence but something less.

It is one thing to provide mentoring and other instructional help in building a better resume, to meet the standard, be it to get into Harvard or the fire department.

Being #1 is not for everybody. Neither is being in the top 100 or top 1,000 but if you earn your way into it, you earned your way and you have met the standard, for all time.

The GI Jane movie illustrates this as simply as it gets; she wanted to make it based on the standards, not gender modification. If she made it under modified standards, where does it end? A failed mission? If I get into Harvard, unqualified, where does it end? A failed law suit? If I make it into the fire department unqualified, where does it end? Dead partners?

'Affirmative action' is legalized racism, an oxymoron equivalent to the Dred Scott decision pretending Dred was not a man therefore not a citizen therefore not eligible to bring suit and feeds directly into the stereotype of inferiority. Achieving, meeting the standard, destroys the stereotype.

The counter would be that after some period of time that 'caught up' people by...requiring less of them, the standards would be raised back up.

Has that happened? No. Are we ever weaker in the sciences and maths and in educational expectations in the aftermath of lowering standards? Yes.

We are all lesser for this. By definition.

One question. Who passed the laws? The Congress and Senate were made up of........
Black folks!
-ankkkkkk- wrong...


New Member
can we get some good discussion with those people from that 400 year time frame?

why shouldnt someone that has been discriminated against for the last 40 years not have problems with people that have not been discriminated against for the last 40 years?
lets talk about people that actually worked through those racist years. not the ones that came before them.

that 400 year argument is lame and not acceptable as valid reason for todays discriminatory practice to white males.

I know plenty of people that marched, lived through Jim Crowe and all of that. Do you?
If not.... Have a coke and a smile and ........(you guessed it) _ _ _ _


In My Opinion
I know plenty of people that marched, lived through Jim Crowe and all of that. Do you?
If not.... Have a coke and a smile and ........(you guessed it) _ _ _ _
how many do you know that were openly discriminated against by their own government to make up for some white guilt crap from 100 years ago.

So, when talking about discrimination, the working blacks today have not F-ing clue what discrimination is.

so, until you figure that out, (you guessed it)


Well-Known Member
Basketball now..ummm ok..

Don't even try that crap with me. The salient fact here is that he attempted to blackmail(is THAT term allowed?) an entire professional sports venture simply by virtue of his skin color. The type of sport is immaterial; but since you felt the need to emphasize it, shouldn't you be taking issue with him for perpetuating the stereotype? He could have tried it with Abe Pollin's hockey team before they sold to Leonsis. Or Edward Bennett Williams' Orioles before they sold to Angelos. So before you resort to the prototypical minority response and get defensive, why don't you try reading for comprehension?


New Member
how many do you know that were openly discriminated against by their own government to make up for some white guilt crap from 100 years ago.

So, when talking about discrimination, the working blacks today have not F-ing clue what discrimination is.
so, until you figure that out, (you guessed it)

How do you know what i've experienced? (you don't)
So..... _ _ _ _.
Here is the thing, you are behind a keyboard being brave=NO NADs in real life. You can't speak on something you know nothing about.
Have a coke and a smile.


New Member
Don't even try that crap with me. The salient fact here is that he attempted to blackmail(is THAT term allowed?) an entire professional sports venture simply by virtue of his skin color. The type of sport is immaterial; but since you felt the need to emphasize it, shouldn't you be taking issue with him for perpetuating the stereotype? He could have tried it with Abe Pollin's hockey team before they sold to Leonsis. Or Edward Bennett Williams' Orioles before they sold to Angelos. So before you resort to the prototypical minority response and get defensive, why don't you try reading for comprehension?
