Having spent the time I have shooting the PSL with the PSOP scope....I can assure you that what it can and does put accurately on target at 500+ is nothing to shrug off or dismiss. A true Dragunov does better.
My SOF friends have a high regard for the PKM and are trained to use it....yet another weapon that fires the 54r.
With what ammo? Corrosive Yellow or Silver lol....
And what target? An Abrams?
They are great machine guns but.
The legendary myth continues..
A rimmed cartridge is soooo 100 years ago for many reasons...
And men working have no choice to use whats issued to them or what can be acquired/liberated.
My choice then was a M14, PSG 1 or a G3
I would have choose a M1D next if available...
Come on, Russia went what 50 years without a high level bolt action service rifle.
Spray and pray...
Thats what they are built for...
Im from Missouri, and I also spent some years overseas. Those will never shoot on the same level as are Standard Service Rifles and ammunition.
Those along with the ammunition are not designed for LR accuracy....
Its not like the Taliban are trained marksman using russian MTs-116М or a SV-98 with quality Lapua ammunition..
If those rifles were repeatable with reliable accuracy we would see them on the 'Line' across the country every weekend at Across the Course Matches.... But you dont see them...And there is a reason for it.
Volley Returned.....