I had no morale choice...he was there and I just had to sink him in to me.
Then define "adult". If the age of consent is 18 and two 17 year olds have been boinking for months, is he now a child molesting sex offender when he turns 18 a few months, or even days, ahead of her?
Do we really want this much government regulation of sex? Really? At what point do we raise our own children, instead of letting the state do it?
I got feeling that Parents like you, don't have this problem.
Are predicting the future of those Kids?
Your Liberal side always shines.
Teen sex involves no one except the two parties engaging in it.
Well, Vrai... what do they do with underage drinkers? Underage DUIers? Do you see them throwing those kids in jail? I don't... I think underage sex should be handled the same as they do other underage offenses... brought up on charges because that is how we get them to recognize that they broke the law, they will most likely get probation combined with schooling and counseling, and the parents will be put on notice as well thereby eliminating the "oh not my little Johnny/Susie... I had no idea..." excuses. I don't see why it should be handled any different. Oh yeah, repeat offenses would lead to harsher sentences, etc. and so on... isn't that what we do with our lawbreaking teens now...
No, I am merely stating that ALL parents think their young child will be a virgin on their wedding night, or at least until they turn 18. Statistics say that's not likely.
That's alot of People, but I have theory about that statement you will not like.
I didnt before I was 18I disagree, I think most people have had sex before they were 18 or married :shrug: Maybe that should be another poll![]()
That's alot of People, but I have theory about that statement you will not like.
You make Excuses for everything.
Sp? All
It is what it is and no excuses.
I was 24 when I had my first (accident) and 32 with my second (planned)
The fact is teenagers will have sex. You didn't?
Luckily, my daughter can take the pill, and I should not be a grandmother for years.
No offense, but even when I can decipher your posts, they still bore the hell out of me and I find them to have no relevance to the discussion at hand, but you hit a nerve so i'll give my liberal opinion..
My parents raised me to consider the consequences of all my actions.No, I am merely stating that ALL parents think their young child will be a virgin on their wedding night, or at least until they turn 18. Statistics say that's not likely.
Yes, but why promote it by handing out condoms? Does that like not give the OK.