Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


Long Haired Country Boy
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Not trying to be a smartass, but Chrome will give you options if you highlight a word and right click, one of which is define. On the phone, lots of times you don't even have to right click the word to define it. Tip of the day.


PREMO Member

Oklahoma Judge: Sperm-Donor Baby Belongs With Mother And Father, Not Mom’s Lesbian Ex

Williams, McGuire said, “was able to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that she acted in a parental role during her marriage” but ultimately, “there was no evidence presented regarding the length of time it would take to establish a ‘meaningful emotional relationship with the child.’”

That meant giving Harlan Vaughn, the couple’s sperm supplier who is now in a relationship with Wilson, full parental rights. McGuire said Williams, who never legally adopted the child nor birthed him, did not qualify for a “mother–child relationship” under state law.

“The reality is that the law provides a legal remedy to those seeking parental rights. There was a legal remedy available to Williams. She knowingly chose not to pursue it,” McGuire wrote.

The mix of same-sex marriage laws and the rapidly expanding world of assisted reproduction is fraught with legal challenges. This latest ruling is just one example of why enabling and protecting the deliberate creation of motherless or fatherless children is not just legally problematic, but also in violation of children’s natural rights.


PREMO Member

Trans Teacher with Z-Cup Prosthetic Breasts Dresses Normally Outside of School

But the transgender teacher, Kayla Lemieux, apparently dresses as a normal man when he is not teaching children. In fact, a neighbor of Lemieux told the New York Post that “He wears prosthetic breasts extremely infrequently.”

The neighbor went on to add that he specifically wears them when he goes to school, remarking, “He puts the breasts on to teach” as well as “occasionally when he goes for a walk.”

The teacher, who previously went by the name Kerry, was seen donning the prosthetic breasts upon leaving Ontario’s Oakville Trafalgar High School, along with glasses and a blonde wig.

After running errands, Lemieux went home and came out of his house, this time without the costume. The neighbor, who wished to remain unidentified, said that Lemieux was first spotted wearing the prosthetic breasts on the street in May, but that now he sees Lemieux leave his house dressed as a man more often than as a woman.


Well-Known Member
Never heard that one before but a search says derogatory term for a woman or girl.

After watching Game of Thrones and The Boys I thought their favorite word like that was c###.

Just say ****.jpg

From an Australian FB friend (very much a female).


Well-Known Member
Not to change subject of thread but since it was mentioned:

Predictive Programming and Revelation of the Method

Interesting thread 23 examples:

In the Ohio train thread I posted a link telling of a movie made before the derailment.


PREMO Member

‘South Park’ goes viral for ‘brutally honest take’ on trans rights, abortion

The animated doc then explains the basic birds and bees to Garrison. “You can’t have periods, either. You had a sex change, Mr. Garrison, but you don’t have ovaries or a womb. You don’t produce eggs.”

A disgruntled Garrison then bemoans the possibility that they will never feel what it’s like to have a baby grow inside them — or experience what it’s like to “scramble its brains.”

When the doctor affirms, once again, that Garrison will never experience the full joys of womanhood, Garrison states: “But I paid $5,000 to be a woman. This would mean I’m not really a woman. I’m just a guy with a mutilated penis.”
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American Beauty
PREMO Member

‘South Park’ goes viral for ‘brutally honest take’ on trans rights, abortion

The animated doc then explains the basic birds and bees to Garrison. “You can’t have periods, either. You had a sex change, Mr. Garrison, but you don’t have ovaries or a womb. You don’t produce eggs.”

A disgruntled Garrison then bemoans the possibility that they will never feel what it’s like to have a baby grow inside them — or experience what it’s like to “scramble its brains.”

When the doctor affirms, once again, that Garrison will never experience the full joys of womanhood, Garrison states: “But I paid $5,000 to be a woman. This would mean I’m not really a woman. I’m just a guy with a mutilated penis.”
Did you miss post 568 from yesterday morning?


PREMO Member
For the first time following Townhall's bombshell investigation into a suburban LGBTQ pedophile ring near Atlanta, gay activists turned-alleged child rapists Zachary and William Zulock, who are accused of sexually abusing their adopted sons, made physical appearances in the courtroom for separate motion hearings on Feb. 1 as the Georgia child-prostitution case gears up for trial.

There, during back-to-back court proceedings, Judge Jeffrey Foster considered Walton County District Attorney Randy McGinley's motion for the restriction of "extrajudicial statements," commonly referred to as a gag order, and cautioned that the same-sex couple's not-so-private communications from behind bars have been made public by a family whistleblower of sorts.

The judge's warning came after Townhall published Zachary and William's recorded jailhouse calls and text conversations with a concerned family member, who shared the material exclusively with Townhall to shine a spotlight on the Zulock case that has seen an all-out media blackout—at the local and national level—since news of the married men's arrests broke over the summer.



PREMO Member
The issue is that the LGBT activist community and their allies (not to be confused with the LGBT people who keep to themselves and don’t bother anybody) got a taste of victory and, having felled the first domino, thought that it was their time to dominate the culture and force everyone else into acceptance and obedience. It’s their belief that you should just lie back and take it.

I mean this both figuratively and very, very literally.

Watch this clip below of a man being asked if he would rather have sex with the oldest woman in the world or the hottest trans woman in the world. His reaction is that he’d rather have sex with a very old woman because having sex with a transgender man would make him gay, which he is not. This caused one person in the room to erupt in anger and leave, while another accused him of being “hateful.”



Well-Known Member
The issue is that the LGBT activist community and their allies (not to be confused with the LGBT people who keep to themselves and don’t bother anybody) got a taste of victory and, having felled the first domino, thought that it was their time to dominate the culture and force everyone else into acceptance and obedience. It’s their belief that you should just lie back and take it.

I mean this both figuratively and very, very literally.

Watch this clip below of a man being asked if he would rather have sex with the oldest woman in the world or the hottest trans woman in the world. His reaction is that he’d rather have sex with a very old woman because having sex with a transgender man would make him gay, which he is not. This caused one person in the room to erupt in anger and leave, while another accused him of being “hateful.”

Non-pay site for the article: