Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Education Secretary To Deliver First-Annual 'State Of The Groomers' Speech

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will be delivering America's first-annual "State of the Groomers" speech this evening, sources say.

"I will be speaking tonight from the hallowed halls of the Department of Education to reassure Americans that the state of our grooming is strong," said Cardona. "Public School teachers have dedicated their lives to grooming children for years, and tonight we must make them feel seen, supported, and protected."

Cardona's team confirmed he plans to outline recent advances in child grooming in grades K-12, as well as several policy proposals to protect the practice of state-sanctioned grooming for years to come.



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

It is getting even worse, the promotion and teaching of degenerate and deviant behavior in schools using cartoon pornography.



PREMO Member

'Gender-Affirming' Surgery Is White Supremacy!

Dr. Peters is upset because surgical mutilation of the genitals is actually white supremacy—or something. It’s not actually very clear what his argument is.

Via Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery:

[Gender-affirming surgery] has long been practiced under the influence of a binary bias [that] reinforces white, western ideals about gender identity and expression, further impacting care sought by BIPOC gender diverse individuals who may come from a lineage of more expansive understandings of gender…
We continue to reinforce white ideals of what it means to be masculine/feminine which continues the ‘othering’ of those impacted by colonialism and white supremacy.

To remedy the rampant white supremacy in transgender surgery, Peters recommends an alternative kind of operation he calls a “shaft-only phalloplasty,” which would neutralize the white supremacy through unexplained mechanisms.


Well-Known Member
She needs a foot up her ass. Treating these people with kid gloves is wrong.
She is a cute girl, She will never be a man, it's crazy to want to be.
Maybe one day she will wake up.


PREMO Member

Why Is the Left Pushing Straight Men to Date Trans Dudes?

I believe in freedom of choice, yet the left — whom I once considered the open-minded side of the aisle — won’t leave me alone until I’m engaging in a bedroom blitzkrieg with a tri-pansexual transamabob — and that ain’t happening.

Check out this man who thinks he has a period. All I see is a question mark.

Why are the bolshies pushing demi genders on straight men like myself? Several reasons, including;

PINKO-RAMA! There are 45 goals for the communists to take over the nation without a shot. Goal #8 is “Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as normal, natural, and healthy.”

Call me a bigot, but this “lady” below is not normal, natural, or healthy, though I detect a lot of degeneracy:

Blame Game

Another reason the left says straight men should date dudettes is so they can blame us for all the lonely she-wolves out there. Check out this article: Study: Trans People Suffering Because Straight People Won’t Date Them.

Once again, I’m the evil, straight white man, responsible for all the wrongs in the world — this time because I won’t take a booger queen to Olive Garden this Saturday.

In Huffpo’s unintentionally hilarious article, “Trans Women Deserve To Be Loved Proudly. Straight Guys, I’m Looking At You,” the lefty Pravda rag not only expects straight men to date the trannies, but they also suggest that, should we choose not to go for a chick with a twig and berries, we are guilty of “fragile masculinity and shaky sexuality.”


PREMO Member

Democrats Forcing Teachers to Lie

This is an issue that should be completely non-partisan and not even worthy of debate. So, of course, because woke Democrat lawmakers are involved, it has become highly partisan and a heated debate.

When most observers contemplate this issue and engage in the emotional discussion that inevitably ensues, one's perspective will naturally gravitate toward either the parent who would like to know what's going on with their child when they're at school or that of the child who might wish to keep certain secrets from their parents.

Lost in this discussion is the role of the teacher.

The most outspoken representatives of the education class will advocate for secrecy to prevail. They believe they are the only adults who can be trusted with such things and that the parent inevitably is a judgmental abuser who will force their child to suicide rather than compassionately deal with their gender identity issues.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Well you just used it so I assumed you'd know.
Never heard that one before but a search says derogatory term for a woman or girl.

After watching Game of Thrones and The Boys I thought their favorite word like that was c###. :sshrug:
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Never heard that one before but a search says derogatory term for a woman or girl.

After watching Game of Thrones and The Boys I thought their favorite word like that was c###. :sshrug:
Same with Ricky Gervais.