Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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Tennessee Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Drag Shows in Front of Kids

The bill classifies “male and female impersonators” as adult cabaret performers, while also banning “adult-oriented performances that are harmful to minors.” The legislation, SB3, now makes its way to Republican Gov. Bill Lee’s office.

State Rep. Chris Todd, R-Madison County, filed the bill, saying “this is a common sense child-safety bill.” The bill, which passed by a vote of 79 to 19, makes it illegal to host an “adult cabaret performance” in a location where children are present. The legislation, which was proposed by Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson also bans adult cabaret performances on public property.



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Tennessee Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Drag Shows in Front of Kids

The bill classifies “male and female impersonators” as adult cabaret performers, while also banning “adult-oriented performances that are harmful to minors.” The legislation, SB3, now makes its way to Republican Gov. Bill Lee’s office.

State Rep. Chris Todd, R-Madison County, filed the bill, saying “this is a common sense child-safety bill.” The bill, which passed by a vote of 79 to 19, makes it illegal to host an “adult cabaret performance” in a location where children are present. The legislation, which was proposed by Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson also bans adult cabaret performances on public property.

The party of small government, y’all!


PREMO Member

New York teacher 'manipulated' fifth-grade student into changing gender without parents' consent - which drove her to consider suicide, lawsuit claims

  • It was only after the girl, 9, drew suicidal images that her parents found out teacher Debra Rosenquist was calling her 'Leo' and using he/him pronouns
  • Superintendent Jennifer J. Quinn and Terryville Road Elementary School principal Annemarie V. Sciove admitted they knew about Rosenquist's antics

A New York teacher is being sued for allegedly manipulating a fifth-grade girl into changing gender without her parents' consent.

The nine-year-old child, who was taught by Debra Rosenquist at Terryville Road Elementary School in Long Island, identifies as a girl but was being called a boy's name and given male pronouns in class.

The damning lawsuit claims that Rosenquist started calling the fifth-grader 'Leo' and using he/him pronouns in class in October 2021 - unbeknownst to the girl's parents.

It was only months later in January 2022 - when the girl was caught drawing a picture of a suicidal girl with the words 'I wanna kill myself' - that her parents were informed that she was being called male pronouns in school.

Rosenquist also allegedly read from LGBT books that were not on the school district's curriculum, and told her students to 'try being gay' even if they were not.


Beloved Misanthrope