Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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Trans woman showered with four Wisconsin high school girls, violated their privacy, letter to district claims

After the class, the girls entered the girls’ athletic locker room to shower and change for class. However, upon entering, they noticed the transgender student, a senior, in the area containing lockers and benches. WILL claim that the transgender student was 18 years old at the time of the incident.

The girls said that the transgender student was not in the first-hour PE class they were participating in.

The letter went on to say that the girls were surprised to see the transgender student in the locker room, although it additionally notes that they knew that the student identifies as transgender and had used girls’ bathrooms before. The girls proceeded to use the shower without interacting with the transgender student.

Furthermore, WILL claimed that the girls entered the shower area with their swimsuits on to rinse off, a practice that is common after swimming in PE class. Moreover, the letter alleges that the transgender student entered the girls’ shower area, approached them, and announced "I’m trans, by the way."

The letter alleges that the transgender student "undressed fully and showered completely naked right next to one of the girls."

"He was initially turned towards the wall but eventually turned and fully exposed his male genitalia to the four girls."

there was NO reason for this dude to go over naked and say ANYTHING to these girls ..... my opinion he gets off on showing off his junk

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas exposed for autogynephilia and fetishistic lifestyle: report

The discovery of an Instagram account allegedly linked to Thomas contained posts about the swimmer’s apparent preoccupation with autogynephilia — or fetishistic transvestism.



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Scion Of Law Firm Defending Schools In Sex Abuse Cases Is Arrested In Child Abuse Sting

“Putting her to bed and waking her up to do a few extra things will be so fun,” Hoppe wrote in a text message to the undercover agent referring to a planned meeting between her, the undercover agent and his purported daughter, according to charging documents.

The documents say Hoppe sent the agent a video and photos of young girls being raped. She also allegedly texted that “a great thing to do is to wake her up by trying new things…that hazy/ dreamlike state is perfect to introduce a variety of new things…especially with someone to help with positioning Her body.”

“If I were you, I’d start building up Thursday telling her that you know it’s gonna be super fun we’re gonna hang out with an old friend of yours. It’s going to be like the best night ever blah blah blah and then once I get there, obviously, it will take a slight turn,” she allegedly wrote.

When confronted by authorities at a hotel in Warrington, Virginia, where she had expected to meet the eight-year-old girl, Hoppe–who has volunteered with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program–claimed she was there “in order to help the UC’s child. Hoppe admitted that she had not alerted the police nor any law enforcement authorities regarding her communications with the UC, his location, or the fact that he was sexually abusing his daughter. Hoppe admitted to distributing the images of child sexual abuse material to the UC and stated that she did so to keep the UC talking,” court documents allege.


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Transgender-Identified Montana Lawmaker Censured For ‘Hate-Filled’ Comments

A Montana Democrat was censured by the state assembly Thursday after hate-filled comments that accused Republicans of having “blood on your hands” over transgender legislation.

Rep. Zooey Zephyr, the state’s first transgender-identified lawmaker in the Montana legislature, mocked Republican prayers in a floor speech this week as the House debated a bill to codify the sex binary of male and female. Senate Bill 99, which ultimately cleared the lower chamber, bans transgender medical interventions for minors with gender dysphoria.

“The only thing I will say is if you vote yes on this bill, and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time there’s an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands,” Zephyr said.



PREMO Member

Trans Rights Means No Rights at All

The fiction of “trans rights” places a tremendous burden on the vast majority of people whose brains and bodies are in sync. We’re forced to play along with the fiction that brains — which learn and grow and change all the time — are what determine our “true” gender. And yet the nature and features of our bodies — fixed at conception by our genetic code — are infinitely malleable, mere plastic to be molded by surgery and drugs to conform to the brain’s whims.

Worse, by conflating a mental health issue with a civil rights issue, the Left has found a clever new way to upend the entire notion of rights.

The impact on individuals of this fiction has been to deny the right of adolescent girls to survive their awkward stage intact — and there’s got to be a special place in Hell for surgeons who butcher the bodies of teenage girls under the influence of this social contagion. “Gender dysmorphia used to be more common in men,” Zachary Faria wrote for the Washington Examiner last November, “but with the rise in the promotion of transgenderism and gender transitions on social media, unsurprisingly young women and girls have fallen down the rabbit hole.”

Women have lost the right to have their own spaces, their own sports, and even — when you look at the glamorization of pantomime “women” like Dylan Mulvaney — their own selves. Straight men have lost the right to admit we’re attracted only to real women. So have lesbians for that matter, because being LGB is no defense against the Q and the T.


PREMO Member
In any case, the statement at the link is pretty amazing. It starts with: ‘We, the members of the Black Women’s Caucus of Women’s Declaration International USA, believe that it is crucial for Black Women to denounce gender identity ideology.’

Some highlights:

Gender ideologues employ the ‘forced-teaming’ tactic against Black women in order to shame us into being work mules for their campaign of male sexual privileges that they call ‘transgender rights.’ While these efforts are masked as progressive and inclusive concepts, gender identity ideology is actually intrusive and harmful to women, and uniquely so to Black women.
Gender identity ideology … is also incompatible with the fight for women’s rights because it allows men access to spaces and activities designated for women such as bathrooms, sports teams, and housing. It has been reported that 1 in 4 Black girls are sexually assaulted before the age of 18 and 35% of Black women report experiencing physical sexual violence. Policies that allow men unfettered access to female-designated facilities put Black women and girls, a demographic disproportionately impacted by male violence, at an even higher risk.

And they brought the receipts:

There have already been deadly consequences where an employer ignored a Black woman’s whistleblowing regarding a male who demanded to be recognized as a woman. Monica Archer, a caseworker in a women’s shelter, warned her employers about a client, Harvey Marcelin living as Marceline Harvey, who’d made threats against her and other shelter employees. Archer was fired for speaking out. Marcelin had already served 50 years for murdering and dismembering two women and after Archer’s whistleblowing was ignored, Marcelin was found to have murdered and dismembered a 68-year-old ‘gal-pal’ he had met while living in the women’s shelter.



PREMO Member

Trans swimmer Lia Thomas hits back at teammates who 'half support' her and women who 'use the guise of feminism to push transphobic beliefs' in fiery podcast calling out their implicit bias

Thomas, who was widely criticized throughout the swim season, has called her former teammates and critics fake feminists who are pushing transphobic values under the disguise that they are 'supporting women.'

'They're like: "Oh, we respect Lia as a woman, as a trans woman, whatever, we respect her identity, we just don't think it's fair."

'You can't really have that half support. Like I respect you as a woman here, but not here,' the NCAA gold medalist said on a promotional clip for the podcast, posted to Instagram.

'They're using the guise of feminism to sort of push transphobic beliefs. I think a lot of people in that camp sort of carry an implicit bias against trans people, but don’t want to, I guess, fully manifest or speak that out. And so they try to just play it off as this sort of half-support.

'You can't do that you can't sort of break down me as a person into little pieces.'


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience

Trans swimmer Lia Thomas hits back at teammates who 'half support' her and women who 'use the guise of feminism to push transphobic beliefs' in fiery podcast calling out their implicit bias

Thomas, who was widely criticized throughout the swim season, has called her former teammates and critics fake feminists who are pushing transphobic values under the disguise that they are 'supporting women.'

'They're like: "Oh, we respect Lia as a woman, as a trans woman, whatever, we respect her identity, we just don't think it's fair."

'You can't really have that half support. Like I respect you as a woman here, but not here,' the NCAA gold medalist said on a promotional clip for the podcast, posted to Instagram.

'They're using the guise of feminism to sort of push transphobic beliefs. I think a lot of people in that camp sort of carry an implicit bias against trans people, but don’t want to, I guess, fully manifest or speak that out. And so they try to just play it off as this sort of half-support.

'You can't do that you can't sort of break down me as a person into little pieces.'
Lia, darling, get some mental help. What you have is an illness. You need psychiatric help. All the hormones in the world won't cure that. You are NOT a woman and you will never BE a woman.


Well-Known Member
Lia, darling, get some mental help. What you have is an illness. You need psychiatric help. All the hormones in the world won't cure that. You are NOT a woman and you will never BE a woman.
It isn't Lia (or whatever this idiot's male name is) that needs help, it is the society that accepts this crazy mother trucker as a woman that needs the help. It's a man competing against women in THEIR sport folks. Stop the horsesheit stop the thought that people can change their sex just by putting on a dress or saying they are female , stop it even if they do mutilate their genitals.
It just can't be done


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Dylan Mulvaney Cost Bud Light, Now He Wants Journalists Arrested

The clip is short, so perhaps there’s some broader context here. I’d struggle to imagine what Mulvaney could otherwise be saying, though, that would make what’s in the video acceptable. He clearly says that it should be illegal to call him a “he” in news articles like the one you’re reading now.

That’s not surprising because at the center of transgender ideology is the beating heart of authoritarianism. We are so far past the “we just want to be left alone” framing used during the gay marriage debate that it seems like an eternity ago. Transgender ideology is a completely different animal that demands absolute subservience and affirmation from everyone who interacts with it.

It’s not enough for a person to take a libertarian approach to transgenderism. Doing that still gets one labeled a bigot and shunned. Instead, the demand is that you must actively participate in promoting the lie that men can become women, women can become men, and that some have no gender at all. Never mind all the other nonsensical “genders” being claimed as reality.

The truth is, those calling Dylan Mulvaney a man are not “misgendering” him. They are gendering him based on an accurate reading of objective reality. Yet, we are quickly approaching the point where speaking the simple truth risks criminal liability. That’s already happening in places like the United Kingdom, and it’s just a matter of time before the scourge of criminalization reaches American shores.


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Minnesota Trans Lawmaker Wanted To Remove Anti-Pedophile Clause From Human Rights Statute, Cries Victim As Colleagues Move To Protect Children

Minnesota State Rep. Leigh Finke, a member of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party and the first self-identified transgender in the Minnesota Legislature, introduced an amendment in his Take Pride Act that would have altered the definition of “sexual orientation” in the Minnesota Human Rights Act such that a provision clarifying that the term “does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult” would have been omitted. The move, in other words, would have allowed adults who claim attraction to children as part of their “sexual orientation” to be protected from discrimination under the law.

After the proposed amendment made national headlines, however, the Minnesota House unanimously voted on Wednesday to amend the Minnesota Human Rights Act in order to explicitly clarify that “the physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult is not a protected class” under the law. Minnesota State Rep. Harry Niska, a member of the Republican Party who introduced the clarification, said the unanimous vote was a “glimmer of common sense.”