Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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Sex education...or normalizing pedophilia? You decide

Reduxx shared a video produced by a Dutch sexual education “charity” that might just trip your triggers, as it did mine. It doesn’t promote pedophilia per se, but it dramatically normalizes the discussion of explicit sexual topics with children and also suggests that adults rubbing and kissing children can be pleasurable.

The context is “sex education,” but in many instances within the video, the line between sexual activity and normal adult/child affection is blurred to the point of nonexistence. It’s difficult to distinguish how adults talking to children like this from obvious grooming.

Reduxx translated the video and blurred the images of the children since the Rutgers Foundation clearly thought that sharing the faces of children discussing masturbation and getting their genitals rubbed by adults was just fine.

On March 20, the Rutgers Foundation uploaded a video titled Wat vind ik fijn (Eng: What Do I like?) to social media. The charity, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, purports to focus on issues of childhood sexuality and sex education.
The 5-minute long video produced by Rutgers was intended to kick off “Spring Jitters Week,” a national project encouraging the expansion of sexual education in primary schools.
In the video, young children of varying ages are seen discussing sexual topics with their parents or guardians. But the graphic nature of the conversations left many viewers disturbed.

The video is incredibly disturbing, not just for what is said but for the entire tone of the discussions.

It is always going to be true that adults educating children about sexual matters will be challenging. Questions about what is age-appropriate will of course dominate, but hardly the only issue. Children who are awakening to their sexuality will undoubtedly feel shame and embarrassment, and adults have to find a way to overcome their own squeamishness as well.

One would hope that a charity dedicated to educating people about how to deal with these challenges could find a better way. Instead, they produced this video.

To a 4-year-old boy named Mats, equally as invasive questions are posed about penises and masturbation.
“What about you? Do you ever play with your dick? Do you ever touch your willie,” his mother asks. “Yes, and how does that feel? And when do you do that?”
The young boy responds that he is unsure of how to answer.
His mother continues with a barrage of questions: “Do you do that when we’re eating? No, right? Or in the classroom? No, not at all. Why don’t you do that in class? When can you play with your dick?”
To another boy, referring to sex as “****ing or sucking” is suggested by his mother and father.
Less than 24 hours after the video was released, the Rutgers Foundation deleted the video, claiming it was being taken “out of context” by some.
“We find that the video is being taken out of context by some people online and used to spread misinformation. To protect the children in the video, we have taken the video offline,” the foundation wrote on their official Twitter.

There are just so so many things wrong with this. If you produced a video of a sexual predator grooming a child to consider sexual activities with an adult it would look much like what the Rutgers Foundation produced. The initial discussion to me was the creepiest–an adult asking a 4-year-old child about how they liked to be rubbed by an adult is just creepy.


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California Bill Would Redefine 'Infertility' To Give Men Access to Pregnancy Treatments

Freshman state senator Caroline Menjivar (D.), who coauthored the bill with Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D.), said: "It will ensure that queer couples no longer have to pay more out of pocket to start families than non-queer families. ... This bill is critical to achieving full-lived equality for LGBTQ+ people, as well as advancing well-rounded and comprehensive health care for all Californians."

In liberal California, opposition to the bill, S.B. 729, has been muted and focused on concerns about ballooning insurance premiums. But the measure is part of a nascent campaign by LGBT rights advocates that could open a new front in the national culture war over gender.

California already requires health care insurance providers to cover certain fertility treatments for policyholders who are medically infertile. The law defines infertility based on a physician's diagnosis or according to the widely accepted definition of not being able to have a child after a year or more of trying.


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McKnight’s post was fairly innocuous, encouraging his followers to adhere to the traditional liturgical calendar — instead of the new secular one — and to hold onto their French Catholic identity by “enthron[ing] the Sacred Heart in your home this month,” “Wear[ing] the Sacred Heart as a badge wherever you go,” “Pray[ing] the Rosary” in French, and reading his blog post titled, “This Tremendous Weight.”

“The push to have every mainstream value and holiday represented in some way in our Louisiana ought to make no sense at all to any Louisianais or Louisianaise, unless recognized as a forward offensive by an ever-encroaching enemy that has sought for generations to destroy our unique culture which is so intimately tied to our Catholic identity,” wrote McKnight.

Within a few hours of his Instagram post, several of McKnight’s customers, some of whom he had a personal relationship with, began canceling their orders. This included McKnight’s biggest clients — two high-end New Orleans restaurants that previously committed to buying from him throughout the summer.

“While we’ve never required our customers to pass a litmus test before serving them, it seems our values, which come from lives lived as Louisiana Catholics, are considered unacceptable by some,” McKnight wrote in a second Instagram post following the backlash.

McKnight supports his family exclusively through their pasture-based family farm. Harrison Weinhold, a patron of Backwater Foie Gras and friend of McKnight’s, told The Federalist that the canceled orders are costing the family somewhere between $6,000 to $10,000 a month in total revenue.



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High-profile Twitch streamer “Nickmercs,” whose real name is Nicholas Kolcheff, became so popular on the video game Call of Duty that the company gave him his own operator skin. But then the company took it away when Kolcheff made a supposedly anti-LGBTQ comment.

Nickmercs was the first streamer to ever get a skin in Call of Duty, joining the ranks of celebrities like NBA player Kevin Durant and horror movie legend Leatherface. A “skin” includes purchasable in-game cosmetics that make the player look a certain way during gameplay.

The controversy began when Kolcheff responded to a thread posted by esports Hall of Fame broadcaster Chris Puckett. Puckett linked to an article describing the fight that occurred outside a Glendale, California, school board meeting.



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'Nobody told me how lonely being a man is': Transgender man weeps while explaining how much easier it was to make friends with 'open, vulnerable women' - and says he can see why suicide rate among males is higher

  • James Barnes, who was born female but transitioned to male eight years ago, works as a life coach to help others going through life changes
  • Breaking down in tears, Barnes said: 'No one told me how lonely being a man is'

A clip of a weeping transgender man has swept the internet, after he cried while saying how much harder it was to strike up meaningful friendships as a man than it had been as a woman.

James Barnes, who was born female but transitioned to male eight years ago, works as a life coach to help others going through life changes. He recently opened up about the challenges he's faced since becoming a man - especially loneliness.

Breaking down in tears, Barnes said: 'No one told me how lonely being a man is.

'I had closer friendships with random women I met in the bathroom at clubs before I transitioned because of how open women are, than I've had in my 8 years of transitioning because women are just so much more vulnerable and deep than men.

'We knew what depth felt like before we transitioned, we knew what it felt like to have people want to hug us, and have people want to talk to us, and have a community.

'And then you transition and you're just a guy walking down the street that people cross the street so they're not near you. And friendships are so much harder to build, and people are colder.'



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🎈 Yesterday, Libs of TikTok brought us another tragicomic trans video. Without taking away from the very real suffering this person is obviously feeling over their poor life choices, the clip illustrates that we’ve finally achieved one of mankind’s oldest and most longed-for dreams: to walk in each other’s shoes for a while and see what it feels like!

This woman, surgically and hormonally altered into a passable facsimile of a man, is now learning the hard way something nobody ever warned her about and apparently she never suspected: that men don’t trust and bond with each other as quickly and easily as women do.

And so she’s LONELY. She explained that living as a man:

“Friendships are so much harder to build, and people are colder … Instead of wanting to talk to you and hug you, people cross the street so they don’t have to be near you… I now understand why the suicide rate is so much higher for men.”

That’s all true, Sally. Welcome to the club. On the plus side, once established, male friendships are extremely sturdy, and usually last a lifetime without any maintenance at all.

This video clip is profound on so many levels. On the surface, it is the predictable expression of creeping regret over a single impulsive, foolish, life-altering choice. Below that we find more evidence that gender is not, in fact, malleable; a female brain muses and a woman’s heart beats inside that superficially boyish body. Under that, we find the grand experiment: brave feminists, who for so long having been convinced to envy men, can now try it out for themselves and report back to the rest of us.

Another unfortunate discovery is that, for some reason, trans men don’t seem to be having the success in men’s sports that trans women are having in women’s sports. It probably has something to do with why girls have softball and boys have baseball, but we’re not allowed to talk about that.

PS — and Sally, men don’t talk that way. No crying.



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🔥 The Post Millennial ran an intriguing story this weekend headlined, “BREAKING: Children stomp on Pride flags as Christian and Muslim parents protest LGBTQ indoctrination in Ottawa schools.”

The fracas, which is growing into something resembling a movement, has united Christian and Muslim parents against the so-called “Pride” phenomenon. Muslim outrage seems to have initially sprouted from a recent viral classroom audio clip, which features an Edmonton high school teacher. In the leaked recording, the harpy-like instructor can be heard berating innocent Muslim students for not being sufficiently enthusiastic about Pride and atypical sexual behaviors that they believe earn you a front-row, reclining seat in the hot place.

The Londonberry School class was discussing Uganda’s new super-strict anti-homosexuality laws. Recently, lawmakers in that African country passed a law criminally prohibiting even identifying as LGBTQ+, upon a wildly lopsided vote of 398 to 2. Ironically, over here in the U.S., if you agree Satanic Pride merchandise should be quietly moved out of the kids’s section to the back of the Target, you’re told you are literally erasing gay people.

Well, how about a law requiring jail time for just SAYING you’re gay? What would that be? Isn’t that more like ‘erasing?’

Anyway, the irate teacher noticed some students expressing sympathy for the Ugandans, and for their right to have their own African culture without it being appropriated by meddlesome, white, female Canadians. Their teacher didn’t like that kind of sympathy for African culture, not one single bit, and it fired her off into a rageful tizzy.

“If you believe that kind of thing, you don’t belong here,” the teacher said shrilly. She continued scolding the students, her voice rising, explaining “That is not what Canada believes; we believe in freedom; we believe people can marry whoever they want. That is in law, and if you don’t think that should be the law, then you can’t be Canadian. You don’t belong here, and I mean it.”

FYI, her saying “you don’t belong here” was a veiled deportation threat, in case that wasn’t obvious.

Here’s the link, listen for yourself.

The sanctimonious teacher also informed the students that, if they wished to be free to worship their Muslim faith without discrimination, they also must effusively participate in Pride events. “That’s how it works,” she said, teaching the students that religious liberties are earned by works of public support for atypical same-sex lifestyles.

The Edmonton parents who listened to the teacher berating kids for not being gay enough felt sort of negative about it. They sort of felt like the teacher was being manipulative, emotionally abusive, and pushing a gay agenda using unjustified threats to deport Muslim families. The parents also questioned the teacher’s understanding of basic civics, since in democratic systems, citizens who don’t agree with laws are supposed to try to effect change, not move out.

Parents were further angered when an Ottawa school board sent out a notice telling staff that, when the new school year began, teachers should use “they/them” pronouns for ALL students, by default, to avoid accidentally “misgendering.”

Of course, calling someone THEY when their pronouns are he/him IS misgendering. The mentally-handicapped school board came up with a daft rule guaranteeing that every student would be misgendered. Parents are objecting.

It’s not just happening in Canada, either.



Beloved Misanthrope
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Whistleblower exposes hospital for performing genital sex change surgeries on minors

Kaiser Permanente, a healthcare company with hospitals across the United States, issued a mandatory training course for all Kaiser employees in Southern California. The course covered topics on “gender-affirming care,” which included information on mastectomies, hysterectomies, vaginoplasties, and phalloplasties. Internal documents indicated that these procedures are allowed to be performed on minors. The training also offered tips for proper binding and tucking.

The presentation began with an introduction on The Platinum Rule: someone is the gender they say they are when they say they are regardless of their transition process. It also emphasized that gender-affirming surgeries or hormones are not necessary for one to transition. Essentially, Kaiser Medical is instructing its nurses to follow arbitrary guidelines rather than the science itself.


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The White House Isn't So Proud of What Happened at Its Pride Party

The Biden administration could not be virtue-signaling any harder about the sixth month of the leftist liturgical calendar, Pride. It raised the most extreme version of the rainbow flag on the two-story White House portico, flanked by two American flags. Then the president’s official Twitter account shared a picture of this garish display and announced, “America is a nation of Pride.”

Yes, dear readers, you now live in a nation dedicated to the deadliest of the seven deadly sins. As such, you probably knew how all of this would turn out. As PJ Media’s Catherine Salgado reported, the White House Pride event turned into the degenerate display anyone familiar with these celebrations could have predicted:

Do you ever feel as if Americans are practically daring God to try the Sodom and Gomorrah fire-and-brimstone treatment on us? Monday was one of those days for me, as it was revealed transgender activists proudly stripped their tops off on the White House lawn during a weekend Pride event Joe Biden and handlers were hosting.
Besides the vile display being an abomination before one of America’s most historic and beloved buildings, there were children present at the event.

At least no chaps without pants underneath were spotted. After the event video surfaced, the Twitterverse felt compelled to point out the disconnect between the vulgar display and the narrative about Joe Biden. Many pointed out a tweet from Jill Biden’s account during the 2020 Election:

Uh-huh. Journalists were also mocked for their previous assessment of President Houseplant:

Now it’s the day after the Pride celebration, and it seems the White House is capable of some shame. According to The Messenger News:

“This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House,” a White House spokesperson told The Messenger via email.
“It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance,” the statement continues. “Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events.”

I have been reliably informed that not affirming the behavior of the radical trans community is equivalent to violence. So, banning them from future events is probably akin to genocide or something. It is also hysterical that the White House believes nudity is not typical behavior at Pride events. There are videos all over social media of Pride parades nationwide where most participants are at least half naked—with children present.

Of course, Rose Montoya, one of the transgender individuals who decided to strip down, wants you to believe there is nothing disrespectful about the behavior. And if you think that him bearing the breasts he had bolted on as an adult is a problem, you are just confirming that he is a woman. He took to Twitter to make his statement in a video looking and sounding like an ’80s metal band singer after a bender.


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Massachusetts middle school students tear down rainbow decorations and chant their pronouns are 'U.S.A.' during Pride celebration: Officials slam 'intolerance and homophobia'

  • Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, were asked to wear rainbow-colored shirts to school to celebrate Pride on June 2
  • However, a student-led protest broke out, where they destroyed Pride decorations, threw stickers on the ground and chanted 'my pronouns are USA'
  • Officials are now calling for the school district to reinstate the DEI board because of the display of 'intolerance and homophobia'



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Sex Ed: Cartoon Network Teaches Seven-Year-Olds Some People Are Neither Girls Nor Boys

Relatively recently, the West birthed a revolutionary idea: Human beings have two disconnected sexual distinctions. Every individual possesses a sex; additionally, as it turns out, each boasts the sex he or she perceives themself to be — AKA “gender identity.” And sometimes, that secondary sex is no sex at all. Such is the trail we’ve blazed as humans; have Western bears caught up? Yes, according to a contemporary cartoon.

Would gender identity have adherents if everyone was surgically unaltered and nude? The answer is evidently also affirmative, as bears are fully unclothed. Despite absolutely exposed unmentionables, they’re wholly attuned to internal identity. So goes the situation at Cartoon Network at least, where TV-Y7rated program We Baby Bears will soon showcase characters who don’t buy into the binary.

From GLAAD.org:

[W]e Baby Bears is back with another LGBTQ inclusive episode just in time for Pride Month! …
In (episode) “Polly’s New Crew,” the bears reunite with their old friend Polly the Pirate Captain. …

The trio of furry folx arrive on Polly’s ship with a new friend named Box. One pirate begins the introductions:

“I am the great Winnifred — she/her. Actor extraordinaire.”

Winnifred is in good pronoun-proclaiming company. A baby bear makes that clear:

“Our crew also has a new addition — meet Box! They use they/them pronouns, and they make an exceptionally good quiche!”

Polly — a parrot, as you might assume — is glad to be with birds of a feather:

“I use they/them pronouns as well!”

Box and Polly high-five over their gender nonconformity.