Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


Well-Known Member
Fight back . It's past time. Pronouns are the same as they have always been. He She and it, do fine.
It's time some common sense entered the stage.

You don't have to offend these people by ignoring them. If ignoring them offends them. F them.
You can stare at their crazed costumes, you can laugh at them. If they don't like it F them.
The media needs to call them by their real pronoun, not the ones they dream up.

If it's a biological male call them that and add that the person is having mental problems and is in denial.


Just sneakin' around....


PREMO Member
🔥 Today let us celebrate the quiet heroism. Enjoy this clip of Australian 2nd Liberal (i.e. conservative) Senator Alex Antic, who was formerly a commercial litigator like me, delivering a mild but devastating critique of so-called “Pride” month.

In part, Alex said:

“Pride month is a four week campaign from the corporate sector where we’re all told to celebrate the sexual preferences of a small minority of the population at the risk of excommunication from polite society should we refuse.”

Indeed. I couldn’t have said it better, and I definitely couldn’t have done it with his highly-engaging Australian accent.



PREMO Member

Pentagon Created Pride Coloring Book For Children

DOD announced the theme for Pride month in 2023 was “Equality Without Exception — Pride In All Who Serve,” and planned to host activities through various sub-agencies, including parades and family story hours, to observe Pride month. The activity booklet is geared toward younger audiences, according to DOD’s Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), which is noted on the final page as having published the book, and was promoted to children by other DOD entities, the Daily Caller News Foundation found.


PREMO Member

Michigan City Bans LGBTQ Pride Flag, Other Political Flags from City Property

The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted unanimously on Tuesday to approve a resolution that would ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag from being flown on the city’s public property.

The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit.

The resolution passed “after three hours of public comments and months of intense debate,” the Detroit Free Press reported.

“Hassan and other members of the council said the LGBTQ+ community and others are welcome in Hamtramck but that they need to respect religious freedom,” according to the report. “Some proponents of the resolution said the Pride flag clashes with their faith. Several speakers from Dearborn who were leaders in protests last year against LGBTQ books spoke at the Hamtramck meeting, saying American soldiers sacrificed for the U.S. flag, not the Pride flag.”


PREMO Member
Fox added, “We know that West Michigan is a conservative area in many ways. We need to recognize that some stories related to LGBTQ issues are going to be controversial and polarizing in our community. While you personally may not agree with a certain position, people are entitled to their opinions and they are our viewers.”

“If we are covering pride events we need to consider how to make the story balanced and get both sides of the issue,” she wrote.

That last point resulted in some pushback from the pro-Pride forces.

Metro Times:

What is the other side here, exactly? That LGBTQ+ people should not exist? During Pride Month? What is the other side of, say, Black History Month?
Unsurprisingly, the memo appears to have sparked an internal revolt. “This memo was met with immediate pushback from our newsroom. The guidance is not being followed,” WOOD-TV executive producer Luke Stier wrote on Twitter on Thursday. “The only two people involved in its creation have been removed from any discussions surrounding @WOODTV Pride coverage as our corporation conducts a thorough investigation.”
“It has been an awfully difficult week for our newsroom,” WOOD-TV producer Kyle M. also tweeted on Thursday. “The silver lining in this mess is that our staff is united in pushing back on this ridiculous and hurtful memo that was sent out.”

If it is now “ridiculous and hurtful” to offend some viewers, perhaps that WOOD-TV producer should find another place to work. Of course, the conservative viewers who were made uncomfortable or were offended by the Pride coverage can safely be ignored and marginalized.



PREMO Member
🔥 Hot on the heels of yesterday’s news about Harvard’s iCorpse house of horrors, the New York Post ran this unbelievable headline: “Penn State Professor Themis Matsoukas Accused of Performing Sexual Acts With His Dog: ‘I Do It To Blow Off Steam’.”

I’ll tread carefully; this is a family blog, after all.

Themis Matsoukas, 64, is a longtime Penn State chemical engineering professor and also an Elizabeth Warren donor, unsurprisingly. Matsoukas was arrested this week after an Alan Seeger State Park trail camera — recently installed to nab some pesky hand sanitizer thieves — caught the award-winning professor wandering around buck naked (he kept his shoes and socks on), masturbating in the open spaces, and — worst of all — molesting his border collie.

He was just trying to get closer to nature.

Recovered video also showed Matsoukas trying to self-record his eclectic adventures using a silver iPad. So the rangers organized a canine rescue mission and got a subpoena to search the professor’s house. According to the police report, when officers arrived and served the subpoena, Matsoukas seemed nervous. And when they asked for the silver iPad, the transgressive professor broke down crying.

“I’m done, I’m dead, you don’t understand, I do it to blow off steam,” he emotionally explained to the investigators. As the officers pressed Matsoukas to produce the incriminating tablet, the situation worsened: the award-winning professor actually begged the officers to kill him.

“What do I have to do to get you to shoot me? I need to die,” he pleaded.

According to unnamed authorities, evidence collected from his home showed the Penn State professor has been doing this sort of thing since at least 2014. Court records show the professor was arrested on Monday and charged with one count each of sexual intercourse with an animal, cruelty to animals, indecent exposure, open lewdness, and disorderly conduct.

He will first appear in court on July 19th. In the meantime, he’s been suspended from teaching at Penn, and his dog has a new home.

There are several takeaways here. First, as we saw in the Harvard story, the good news is society has not yet descended into utter depravity; law enforcement treated this abhorrent bestiality seriously and brought Matsoukas to justice. It seems clear his arrest was a blessing to everyone including himself.

Unfortunately, as with the Harvard story, nobody’s calling it evil, perverted, or shameful. The New York Post did call his behavior “sickening displays,” which was on the right track.

I’ll say it. Penn State’s award-winning professor’s behavior was evil, perverted, shameful, and was ALSO a sickening display.

It was curious that Matsoukas begged for death. Ironically, he was asking for Biblical punishment. Bestiality is covered in the Bible — so it’s clearly been a problem for a long time — and death is the immediate Biblical remedy. (Lev. 20:15-16.). But we are more enlightened these days, or something, so the professor will only get jail time instead of capital punishment.

More interesting, to me, is the question of how the highly-regarded professor who had everything most people ever want could mentally descend to the point he was asking the cops to kill him. Not only did Matsoukas de-humanize himself, but he was also begging to get caught. I mean, he was doing it in PUBLIC.

The question that preoccupies me most is: What is stopping whatever happened to Matsoukas from happening to anyone else?

You cannot write him off as crazy, because he functioned extremely well in all other areas and concealed his conduct for years. Crazy people can’t hide their illness, not for long. Ditto for some kind of biological imperfection. It’s totally unrealistic to say a tumor or brain malformation would only affect THIS particular taboo temptation.

Nor can you say the science professor had his own values and thought what he was doing was okay. He clearly knew it was wrong. For one thing, he tried to hide it. Plus, the reports of his behavior upon arrest perfectly describe a man so ashamed he’d rather die.

Matoukas knew it was illegal. He knew exposure would be utterly humiliating and career-ending, if not life-ending. He was a highly-educated member of the élite class. He was a scientist. He had a great life, apart from his sordid, criminally hedonistic pastimes, that is.

If he knew it was wrong, and he wasn’t crazy, and he knew the stakes, but he couldn’t stop and was obviously trying to get caught so someone else could stop him — what was going on? WHY?

I don’t have a theory, not any scientific one. To explain this, I would have to lean into my faith and say the guy was possessed by a demon who toyed with him and then destroyed him. It was unglamorous, self-destructive, abject evil.

Still, I’m open to secular explanations. What do you think?

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Just sneakin' around....
Nickelodeon is airing commercials for Pride Month. It's adults who think of, and create these commercials, and the alphabet mix in the kid's shows. The kids just think because an adult said it was ok, that it's ok and just go along with the latest "in" thing. The kids don't have a real clue.


PREMO Member

This Picture Book Tells Kids They’ll Be Depressed If They’re Not Transgender, And It’s In A Public Library

A friend of mine took her two young children — a boy, 6, and a girl, 4 — to the Indianapolis Public Library, Glendale branch, this week and let them pick out some books from the kids’ section. It wasn’t until she got home that among the ones chosen by her daughter, who hasn’t yet learned to read, was Tabitha and Magoo Dress Up Too, a colorful picture book by Michelle Tea, the creator of “drag queen story hour.”


The pages are filled with illustrations of little boys wearing dresses, girls wearing male sports attire, other boys in wigs, wearing heels and make-up and on and on. Also jarring are drawings of swords, snakes, and one creature with the head of a cat but the body of a cow. (All that’s missing are seven heads, 10 horns, and 10 crowns.)

My friend noted the passage on one page in particular that she said concerned her the most: “You see, my dear children, when gender expression / is hampered with rules, it just leads to depression!”

Just what every parent wants — to explain the concept of depression to their 4-year-old daughter.

“I’m a moderate who previously thought the book bans were outrageous,” my friend told me, referring to the attempt by some local governments to restrict sex-themed kids’ books in public libraries and schools. “I support the gays and the queens but not the idea of teaching a child they should be depressed over the gender they were born into.”


PREMO Member

Dismantling One of the Pride Cult's Arguments for Gay Bible Characters

The Rainbow Mafia loves to try to turn heroes of the faith into gay men. One of the longest-held gay Bible tropes is that David and Jonathan were gay lovers. Those who argue for this ridiculous interpretation of scripture generally cite two passages.

In 1 Samuel 20, Jonathan learns that his father, King Saul, intends to kill David, who God anointed to replace Saul as king. When Jonathan delivers the news and David knows he has to go into hiding, verse 41 tells us, “And as soon as the boy had gone, David rose from beside the stone heap and fell on his face to the ground and bowed three times. And they kissed one another and wept with one another, David weeping the most.”

In 2 Samuel 1:26, when David learns of Jonathan’s death in battle, he laments, “I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; very pleasant have you been to me; your love to me was extraordinary, surpassing the love of women.”

Q Spirit, a website that “promotes LGBTQ spirituality,” says of David and Jonathan, “It’s impossible to know whether David and Jonathan expressed their love sexually. Some consider David to be bisexual, since the Hebrew scriptures also recount how he committed adultery with Bathsheba and later made her one of his eight wives. There is no doubt that many people today do honor David and Jonathan as gay saints.”

A site called “Would Jesus Discriminate?” writes:

David states the love he shared with Jonathan was greater than what he had experienced with women. Have you ever heard a heterosexual man say he loved his male friend more than his wife? This goes well beyond deep friendship between two heterosexual men.
In this story, we have a direct biblical answer to our question: Can two people of the same sex live in a loving, committed relationship with God’s favor? The answer is “yes,” because Jonathan and David did, and the Bible celebrates their relationship.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
They can try to normalize their unnatural behavior all they want, but the bottom line is that it's considered an abomination in the eyes of The Lord. They'll find out how He feels about it when He judges them.


PREMO Member

New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years

The number of students in pre-kindergarten through senior year claiming to be “nonbinary” increased from 16 to 675 from 2019 to 2022, according to the data.

Eight of those children are in preschool.

“In the 2019–2020 school year, of those 16 nonbinary students, 10 were in high school. The youngest was in second grade, state records show,” the Epoch Times reports. “In the 2020–2021 school year, there were 85 nonbinary students; the two youngest two were in pre-kindergarten classes. By the 2021–2022 school year, that number had soared to 376 nonbinary students, with eight in pre-kindergarten.”

During the 2022–2023 school year, 41 students claiming to be “nonbinary” were in 5th grade or below.

“Almost every culture of which we have any record has taught girls to be women and boys to be men,” child development psychologist Leonard Sax told the outlet. “We don’t do that. Instead, we undermine that. And the results are not good. And we’re seeing an explosion in anxiety and depression among American kids.”