Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member

Why can a nine-year-old boy consent to having his penis filleted but not fellated?

Another thing a nine-year-old boy cannot do is to consent to sexual relations with another person. We sensibly deem the nine-year-old brain incapable of granting consent to such an act.

But the people who labeled themselves “woke” until society began associating their chosen label with their nutty ideas, say that a nine-year-old boy – without his parent’s consent or even knowledge – should be able to have his penis amputated. He can get his penis filleted but not fellated.

Amputation of his penis is apparently exempt from the prohibition on mutilating other parts of his body. He still can’t get a tattoo.

Of course, these former wokesters don’t refer to this amputation of a boy’s penis as “penis amputation.” They instead refer to it as “gender affirming” care. This “gender affirming” care is designed to disguise the fact that the boy has a Y chromosome – to disguise the fact that he’s a boy by making him look like a girl

You might think they would put the little boy’s amputated penis into an organ bank for recycling on a little girl who wants the inverse kind of “gender affirming” care. Or you might think they would put the amputated penis into a deep freezer so that it might be re-attached if the little boy changes his mind as he grows up, as little boys are known to do.

But no, the amputated penis gets disposed of as medical waste like a malignant tumor (though I suspect that a few are in specimen jars as trophies on some wokester’s bookcase).


PREMO Member
The video was released by LGBTQ+ outlet PinkNews — where it was reported that Sunak, the conservative party’s leader since the exit of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, made the comments on June 5th. The outlet — along with a number on Twitter — claimed that Sunak was mocking trans-identifying women, although his comments appeared to directly and specifically address comments made by the leader of an opposition party.


🚨🚨Prime minister of the UK 🇬🇧 Rishi Sunak gets caught making fun of trans people🫣

These are the same people that indoctrinate our children with trans garbage and throw it in our faces every single day – You can’t make this crap up👇 pic.twitter.com/XNXdcxCl19

— Kevin – WE THE PEOPLE❤️ – DAD🦁 🐉 🔥 – (@bambkb) June 18, 2023

In the video, which does not show Sunak’s face, the prime minister could be heard saying, “It shows his spectacular misjudgement and why he’s completely unfit to lead our country.”



PREMO Member

Leftists Feeling Betrayed After Muslim-Governed Michigan City Bans Pride Flag

There’s nothing unreasonable about that at all, but the UK’s Guardian on Saturday painted the whole affair in a markedly different light, stressing the palpable ingratitude of Hamtramck’s Muslims to the Leftists who did so much to help them get to where they are today. The Guardian began by reminding us all of how much the local Muslims owed to the Leftists who allied with them: “In 2015, many liberal residents in Hamtramck, Michigan, celebrated as their city attracted international attention for becoming the first in the United States to elect a Muslim-majority city council.”

This was a truly great thing that grew even greater in retrospect, for it amounted to a repudiation of the man who before too long was to become the source and summit of all evil in the modern world, one Donald J. Trump. “They viewed the power shift and diversity,” the Guardian explained, “as a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.” So the Leftists and the Muslims were both on the side of the angels, happily united to strike back against racism, xenophobia, bigotry and “Islamophobia.” How could such a perfect partnership possibly go bad?

That’s just the question Leftists are asking now, if the Guardian’s report is to be believed: “This week many of those same residents watched in dismay as a now fully Muslim and socially conservative city council passed legislation banning Pride flags from being flown on city property that had — like many others being flown around the country — been intended to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community.”

Being wholly on the side of the Left in this unexpected and unprecedented breach, the Guardian went out of its way to portray the Muslims who were standing against the “Pride” madness in the ugliest possible manner: “Muslim residents packing city hall erupted in cheers after the council’s unanimous vote, and on Hamtramck’s social media pages, the taunting has been relentless: ‘Fagless City,’ read one post, emphasized with emojis of a bicep flexing.” As if that weren’t enough, “In a tense monologue before the vote, Councilmember Mohammed Hassan shouted his justification at LGBTQ+ supporters: ‘I’m working for the people, what the majority of the people like.’” For all their crocodile tears over alleged threats to “our democracy,” Leftists don’t want the majority to have what it likes. Leftists want to give the majority and the minority what Leftists know is good for both. The job of the great unwashed masses is to submit meekly and accept what our moral and intellectual superiors prescribe for us, from eating bugs and giving up fossil fuels to turning in our weapons and avoiding what the elites claim is “hate speech.”


PREMO Member


PREMO Member
🔥 Biden’s Monkeypox advisor Demetre Daskalakis interviewed on MSNBC over the weekend and said some remarkable things. You’re going to think I made it up.

Daskalakis says the Biden administration’s goals are to “support peoples’ joy” as opposed to stigmatizing them as “risky.” He explained, “One person’s idea of risk is another person’s idea of a great festival or a Friday night.”

Festivals! Well, Demetre would know. Here he is at a festival with his puppy. He doesn’t look very joyful though. Maybe he keeps it locked inside.

It’s Biden’s best and brightest! Remember, this is your modern democrat party, the grand experiment to give political power to people who historically would have been shunned and kept as far away from the wheels of influence as possible, if not locked away.

It’s kind of like handing out permanent markers to a pre-K classroom, except the stakes are even higher. Nothing could possibly go wrong with this plan.



PREMO Member

Disney-owned ABC News profiles child identifying as transgender at 3 years old: 'I'm a girl person'

ABC News, a company owned by Disney, published a sympathetic profile about parents in Texas who claim their child came out as transgendered at age 3.

"When she was 3, one day, she told me, ‘I'm a girl person,’ a parent told ABC News in a story published Sunday.

It was National Daughters Day "and she said, ‘Can I be your daughter?’ – which made me cry," the mother, who went by "Susan" for the story, told ABC News.


PREMO Member
Supreme Court rejects appeal from religious college disputing transgender dorm rooms

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal on Tuesday from a Christian college in Missouri that sued the Biden administration over a requirement to open dorm rooms and shared shower spaces to members of the opposite sex.

The College of the Ozarks asked the justices to block the Department of Housing and Urban Development directive that added "gender identity" to the definition of "sex" in the 1968 Fair Housing Act.

"Because the college's faith teaches that sex is based on male-female biology, not gender identity, the college assigns its dorms, roommates, and intimate spaces by sex and communicates that policy to students," the college told the Supreme Court in its appeal.


PREMO Member

UK teacher calls 8th-grader 'despicable' for saying people can't identify as cats: 'How dare you'

"How dare you, you just really upset someone, saying things like that [you] should be in an asylum," said a teacher at Rye College, a coeducational secondary school in East Sussex, according to a Sunday report from the Telegraph.

The student responded, "I didn't say that. I said if they want to identify like a cat or something then they're like genuinely unwell."

Cat classroom UK teacher

The eighth grader said, "I said if they want to identify like a cat or something then they're like genuinely unwell." (Adobe Stock )

During the heated interaction, the teacher argued the students' views on gender ideology were not consistent with "equity and inclusion," and were therefore not an acceptable opinion. She added a threat that the students would be reported to the administration, should go to a different school and would benefit from a re-education.

"If you don't like [these ideas], you need to go to different school, and I am reporting you to [the assistant headteacher]. You need to have a proper educational conversation about equality, diversity and inclusion."


Well-Known Member

Disney-owned ABC News profiles child identifying as transgender at 3 years old: 'I'm a girl person'

ABC News, a company owned by Disney, published a sympathetic profile about parents in Texas who claim their child came out as transgendered at age 3.

"When she was 3, one day, she told me, ‘I'm a girl person,’ a parent told ABC News in a story published Sunday.

It was National Daughters Day "and she said, ‘Can I be your daughter?’ – which made me cry," the mother, who went by "Susan" for the story, told ABC News.

My 3 yr old granddaughter one day claimed to be a puppy and wanted to lick everyone. We didn't feed her dog food. The next day she went back to being a princess.


..if momma ain't happy...

It was National Daughters Day "and she said, ‘Can I be your daughter?’ – which made me cry," the mother, who went by "Susan" for the story, told ABC News.
No baby, you are my son, and will always be my son. I don't have daughters.

Children are not born with basic knowledge. They have to be taught how to tidy their bed, brush their teeth, pick up their toys. As they get older, more chores and responsibilities - run the clothes washer, load the dishwasher, cook some basic food. And the difficult things - why is the sky blue, why do I have to learn these things, why am I not a girl? It's up to parents to teach kids the things they don't know.

It's not difficult to help kids understand.


Well-Known Member
No baby, you are my son, and will always be my son. I don't have daughters.

Children are not born with basic knowledge. They have to be taught how to tidy their bed, brush their teeth, pick up their toys. As they get older, more chores and responsibilities - run the clothes washer, load the dishwasher, cook some basic food. And the difficult things - why is the sky blue, why do I have to learn these things, why am I not a girl? It's up to parents to teach kids the things they don't know.

It's not difficult to help kids understand.

Its the crazed parents who are telling these kids things. Can it be as simple as I wanted a girl and instead go a son so I'm gonna make him a girl.


Just sneakin' around....
Its the crazed parents who are telling these kids things. Can it be as simple as I wanted a girl and instead go a son so I'm gonna make him a girl.
Maybe. Ever see those gender reveals when a parent (more often the woman) doesn't get the gender they want? Total breakdowns. Wouldn't surprise me if they harbored this resentment.


PREMO Member
Transgender ideology collapsed in on itself on Wednesday as the president of the Human Rights Campaign thoroughly discredited herself under questioning on Capitol Hill.

RedState previously reported on an exchange that involved Riley Gaines, a female swimmer turned activist who has become the leading edge in the fight to protect women’s sports from biological men. In it, Gaines corrects Kelley Robinson after she laughably claims that Serena and Venus Williams are stronger and better than men. In reality, the Williams sisters once lost to the 203rd-ranked male player after he downed several beers.

The embarrassment continued during Ted Cruz’s questioning. The Texas senator challenged Robinson to answer whether there’s a difference between men and women.



PREMO Member

Transgender child from MTV documentary is now detransitioning

MTV ran a documentary about transgender kids in 2016 that featured Milo, who is now detransitioning after having "gender-affirming" surgery. The only place you'll hear about it is on social media.

Milo appeared in a 2016 MTV documentary as a “transgender child.” She began testosterone at 14, double mastectomy at 16, hysterectomy at 21 and one of her ovaries ruptured as a complication from surgery. She is now detransitioning and believes she has undiagnosed autism. pic.twitter.com/bMosHeUwQl
— Christina Buttons (@buttonslives) June 21, 2023

How many supposed healthcare providers plant the idea in kids' minds that their transgender and immediately schedule them for gender-affirming care like puberty blockers and hormone therapy?
