Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member
Reality Check: Let's Talk About Those '496 Anti-LGBT' Bills Throughout the U.S.

Leftists love nothing more than rolling around like a pig in a thick puddle of victimy goodness, and those good-for-nothing Bolshie tricksters from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are happy to help them achieve scapegoat nirvana.

The mega-pinkos at the ACLU have compiled a list of “496 anti-LGBT bills” up for consideration in the 2023 legislative session, some of which have already passed into law but most of which have been defeated. The ACLU apparatchiks refer to these as “bills targeting LGBTQ rights,” but as you’re about to see, this isn’t even in the neighborhood of reality — unless you think the LGBT’s angry Gaystapo has a right to groom your kid, beat your daughter to a pulp in a martial arts match, or keep you from knowing what your children are learning at school.

The highest profile bill is what the leftists laughingly referred to as Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which is now a law. Nowhere does the word “gay” appear.


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, based on screenshots provided by a whistleblower, Libs of TikTok reported that the University of Arizona’s nursing school is teaching nursing students to begin questioning kids about their gender identity as early as three years’ old. Basically, from the time kids can speak English.


The slides are plainly titled, “Asking pediatric patients about gender identity.” The first slide suggests “What to ask - Ages 3 to 13:”

“Some kids feel like a girl on the inside, some kids feel like a boy on the inside, and some kids feel like neither, both, or someone else. What about you? How do you feel on the inside? There’s no right or wrong answer.”

Oh yes. Yes there is a wrong answer.

The second training slide, subtitled “When to ask,” suggests “Start at around age 3, during the well visit.”

Whoever is running the University of Arizona’s nursing program is crazier than a sprayed roach.

You might well ask, what does confusing small children — who still believe in mermaids and Santa Claus — about their sexual identities have to do with medical care? Libs asked the University of Arizona for an explanation, and you know what happened. Crickets.

This seems a whole lot more like a recipe for creating gender dysphoria than for treating it. What do you think?



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
That thing looks like one of Victor Von Frankenstein's early experiments.

Damnit Igor, stop grabbing the Abby brains.


Well-Known Member
I know we are hurting for teachers, but even if no one cared about any of the gender stuff I would still want to avoid narcissistic teachers that need to make everything about themselves. How effectively can they focus on teaching children when they clearly spend so much time focusing on themselves and promoting their agendas/ideologies. Every time they say "look at me" that's a time they are not looking at the kids that need their guidance.


PREMO Member
Trans TikTok personality Bennie Carollo is here to educate us about brains. Bennie argues that “there’s a lot of research to show that trans women have brains that are very much in alignment with [their] gender identity.” Does he share his analysis of this prevalent research? Of course not. According to Bennie, “anybody who tries to call trans women biological males are coping and seething, so you should make fun of them.” Interesting. Incidentally, Bennie has since nuked his TikTok. Cope and seethe, Bennie.




PREMO Member

BREAKING: Mayor of Burbank gets spanking from drag queen in front of children at campaign event

Another day, another wildly inappropriate drag show…but wait! This one’s somehow worse. At a drag-themed fundraiser for a Democratic senate candidate in California, Burbank city mayor Konstantine Anthony got SPANKED by a drag queen. And kids were present.

Maybe this is normal behavior for him, given that he’s the same guy who approved of lewd book “Gender Queer” being available in Burbank schools.

Feel free to take a look at other photos from the drag show fundraiser, where at least one child is pictured.

These people are shameless. How could someone be PROUD enough of this event to tweet about it?


PREMO Member
According to trans TikToker @rosemontoya, “you can be straight and still attracted to trans women because trans women are real women and saying otherwise is transphobic?” Now, to be clear, this person does not attempt to make the impossible argument that two men engaging in sexual intercourse is heterosexual in nature, only that not doing so would be transphobic.




PREMO Member

Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence Go To Confession, Apologize For Public Masturbator

A local chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is apologizing after The Daily Wire reported that a former member of its community was arrested last month for masturbating at a beachfront park in California.

Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, the alleged public masturbator, had been active in the local Eureka, California, chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for years, even attending a drag reading at the public school with the group back in 2018. Ellis-Gilmore appeared to go by several names in the group, including “Novice Sister Bethe Cockhim,” and “Novice Sister Man Romeo,” according to social media posts.

The Eureka House of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence told The Daily Wire on Wednesday that Ellis-Gilmore’s arrest “is an embarrassment and a blight on our name.”