Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member

A Male Prisoner Who Murdered A Baby Wants A Vagina. The ACLU Wants Taxpayers To Pay For It.

Richardson is a “woman trapped in a man’s body” and has identified as female since he was six years old, the complaint claims. He has been able to obtain “panties, make up, and form fitting clothing” in prison, but his genitals still cause him distress, and he has attempted suicide because of his gender dysphoria, the complaint says.

“She has soiled herself rather than use the toilet because of the stress of seeing her genitals,” the complaint states.

The ACLU did not respond to a request for comment.

The office of Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita pushed back on the lawsuit in a statement Monday, saying the state’s taxpayers do not want their money going toward gender surgeries for prisoners.

“The approximate cost of these surgeries ranges from $10,000 to $150,000,” Rokita’s office said. “This is not necessary medical treatment – it is an atrocity. This should be common sense, which is something the ACLU continuously ignores. We will not back down and will continue to back the rule of law.”

If he wants to die, he should be allowed to do so, saving tax payers his up keep.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

A Male Prisoner Who Murdered A Baby Wants A Vagina. The ACLU Wants Taxpayers To Pay For It.

Richardson is a “woman trapped in a man’s body” and has identified as female since he was six years old, the complaint claims. He has been able to obtain “panties, make up, and form fitting clothing” in prison, but his genitals still cause him distress, and he has attempted suicide because of his gender dysphoria, the complaint says.

“She has soiled herself rather than use the toilet because of the stress of seeing her genitals,” the complaint states.

The ACLU did not respond to a request for comment.

The office of Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita pushed back on the lawsuit in a statement Monday, saying the state’s taxpayers do not want their money going toward gender surgeries for prisoners.

“The approximate cost of these surgeries ranges from $10,000 to $150,000,” Rokita’s office said. “This is not necessary medical treatment – it is an atrocity. This should be common sense, which is something the ACLU continuously ignores. We will not back down and will continue to back the rule of law.”

If he wants to die, he should be allowed to do so, saving tax payers his up keep.
Give him a closet, a wad of gauze and a scalpel and let him see how much he wants to free Willy.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
They're trying to normalize pedophilia on a mass scale. Well guess what, parents and grandparents who actually love their offspring aren't going to allow the perverts to win. Those that do sacrifice their child's innocence and mental wellbeing to these monsters should be executed and their bodies left for the buzzards to pick at. The children that are "gender confused" need counseling and/or a strong role model, not gender transition and hormone therapy. The perpetrators of these vile actions against children should be surgically altered so that they're no longer a threat to the innocents.

I won't even bring religion into the equation except to say that they will get their just rewards come Judgment Day and I want a front row seat. If they think Manhattan, Kansas is hot, they ain't seen nothing yet. 🔥 👿 🔥


PREMO Member

🔥 Late last month, NBC News ran a rather shocking story headlined, “Former ABC investigative journalist pleads guilty to child pornography charges.”

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ABC’s senior, Washington DC-based investigative reporter, James Gordon Meek, 53, used to cover national security issues for the network until he resigned last year after his arrest. Meeks notably won an Emmy for his 2017 reporting on the Pulse gay nightclub shooting. Late last month, he pleaded guilty to illegal possession and transportation of child pornography.

Most ironically, and most relevant for the bigger story, Mr. Meek was the reporter who captained the charge to “debunk” the so-called Pizzagate ‘conspiracy theory,’ which arose out of leaked emails from Clinton-advisor John Pederast, I mean Podesta, and claimed that high-ranking democrat officials, including members of Hillary Clinton's campaign, were involved in a child sex trafficking ring operating out of a highly-sketchy pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong located in Washington, D.C.

In Washington, D.C. — coincidentally right where debunking reporter and chronic pedophile Meeks lived.

I made a horrible mistake by pulling up Meek’s case in PACER (the federal court system database), in order to read the arresting FBI agent’s original affidavit. I won’t subject you to the pure, unadulterated evil described in that appalling document, except to say I pray for the FBI agent who had to review the evidence and draft it.

But to give you a general sense of what we’re talking about, among many other awful things, Mr. Meek’s personal iPhone contained a video of the forcible sodomy of a screaming and crying infant girl, along with the reporter’s unbelievable descriptions of his extreme sexual arousal and grotesque, infuriating rape fantasies of repeating the same act himself.

It also included screenshots of reporter Meek’s chats on kids’ social media platforms, where he was coercing children into sending him naked photos. And that’s probably enough to brief you in.

Significantly, FBI agents found child sexual abuse images and videos going back to at least 2014 — well before Meeks “debunked” the Comet Ping Pong story. In other words, he was doing exactly what he debunked at the time he was debunking it.

(On an aside, in his upcoming sentencing, Meeks faces less prison time than does President Trump.)

I was on the fence about whether to include this story at all, when I did a routine cross-reference search for “ABC child charges.”

I found an epidemic.

Here are just a few of this week’s headlines that one single search returned:

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There were more. Maybe a lot more. I don’t even know how many more, I had to stop scrolling due to running out of time.

In a sense, in hindsight, the Comet Ping Pong conspiracy hypothesis was undoubtedly right. Setting aside the fact it was only “debunked” by people like Meeks with obvious motives to bury the story, in a broader perspective, there clearly is a BIG problem. Is this epidemic of pedophilia the temptation created by (apparently) easily-available CSAM (child sexual abuse material) online? Is it naked trans men at the White House? Is it the legalization and acceptance of atypical sexual practices?

Or is it something else? Is the Nation possessed?

Finally — kudos, once again, to the FBI field agents who carefully planned and executed reporter Meeks’ investigation. FBI leadership has taken a lot of well-earned criticism lately, but there are plenty of good agents still working in the agency. Thank you.



PREMO Member
“The report triggered a series of lengthy disciplinary meetings and a full-fledged character assassination campaign against her involving Oberlin faculty and the women’s lacrosse team,” IWF noted.

Audio recordings show Oberlin’s associated vice president for athletics, Natalie Winkelfoos, telling Russell that “you fall into a category of people that are filled with hate in the world.”

Another staff member, Creg Jantz, the senior associate director of athletics, told Russell that “it’s acceptable to have your own opinions, but when they go against your college’s beliefs, it’s a problem. For your employment.”



PREMO Member

🔥 Gender identity is an immutable characteristic people are born with; it’s definitely not a personal lifestyle choice or anything. Gender identity is also completely fluid, more of a journey of personal discovery, but is definitely not a choice.

Just deal with it.

Exhibit A appeared yesterday in the UK Daily mail. Remember Kerry Lemieux a/k/a “Kayla Lemieux”? He’s the infamous Canadian trans shop teacher with the ‘ZZ’ sized prosthetic boobs. Well. He was.

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I don’t know whether to label this as progress, or as a mockery of a travesty. For example, we wonder how Mr. Lemieux will identify next semester.

But the real crazy people in this story are the Canadian school board officials, who are treating all of Mr. Lemieux’s back-and-forthing with deadly seriousness, as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world, it happens all the time. Much more than Lemieux, the officials evidence the profound failure of Canadian public school education.



PREMO Member

Mother of trafficked Virginia girl sues school district over secret gender transition

Blair said her daughter was severely bullied in school, but alleges that the school district withheld information as to why that was happening: the fact that Sage was identifying as a boy in school.

"It was verbal, physical, sexually harassed with constant threats of rape by the male classmates," she said of her daughter's 2021 freshman year at Appomattox County High School. "Despite this, the school encouraged her to use the boys' bathroom."

Sage had a history of mental health issues including depression, eating disorders, self-harm, and hallucinations, and Blair informed the school of it prior to any of the incidents. However, the school pursued a social transition for Sage behind the back of her parents, the lawsuit filed by the Child & Parent Rights Campaign alleges.

Withholding the information on Sage's stated gender identity in school "deprived" Blair of being able to "exercise her fundamental parental rights to direct the upbringing of her daughter, including making educational and mental health decisions," according to the lawsuit.

Vernadette Broyles, Blair's attorney from the CPRC, told the Washington Examiner that Sage ran away from home due to severe bullying and harassment at school.

"The school officials were encouraging her to use the boys' bathroom, even though they knew she was being threatened with sexual assault, so she perceived herself that she wasn't safe and she runs away from home," Broyles said. "She runs into the arms of a waiting pedophile, who encounters her, rapes her, traffics her with two other men, and takes her across state lines into Washington, D.C., and then ultimately into Maryland."


PREMO Member

Joe Rogan Takes Blowtorch To ‘Gender Affirming Care’ For Minors: It’s ‘Childhood Mutilation’

“What scares me about this is what they’re doing with children,” Rogan said. “It’s terrifying that they’re calling it ‘gender affirming care’ when it’s really childhood mutilation before you have the ability to figure out what ‘permanent’ means. You’re f***ing seven years old. You can’t get your face tattooed. You can’t go to war, you can’t get married. There’s reasons for all that stuff. You’re too young.”

“And this idea that you should be able to make life changing choices like hormone blockers, which are not reversible, no matter what the f*** they say. They say it’s reversible. No, the changes happened to your body during puberty and if you stop those changes, that change, you can’t reverse that,” he continued. “You’re going to have a micro penis, you’re taking estrogen while your body is developing, you’re blocking testosterone. If you’re doing all that stuff, it’s going to have an effect on your body.”

Rogan noted that many people who go through transgender procedures are not happy and have lifelong regrets about their decision.

“Now if you’re happy with that effect, and you don’t care, okay, but how many people aren’t?” he said. “And how many people are young? And how many detransitioners are there who have horrible stories? And you’re a monster and a bigot if you even bring that up, which is f***ing insane.”



PREMO Member

California Dems Could Remove Visitation Rights for 'Non-Affirming' Parents

California Democrats are threatening the visitation rights of divorced or separated parents who don’t "affirm" their gender-confused child’s identity under a last-minute change to a proposal meant to protect children from abusers.

The Democrats have put forward two bills that would change California family law to make "gender affirmation" part of a child's health, safety, and welfare, trying to pass them side-by-side. The first, which was introduced earlier this year, would allow judges to remove custody from "non-affirming" parents. The second would force custody judges deciding visitation rights to consider "a parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity or gender expression," according to language added to the bill last week that will take effect if the first proposal passes.

Neither bill defines what "affirmation" means, leaving it to judges to decide if it includes irreversible puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital surgeries. Nor does it specify what age a child should be before his or her preferred identity should be unquestioningly "affirmed."


PREMO Member
In the North Allegheny School District in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bus driver Erika Blumer decorates her school bus with trans propaganda. Why is she promoting the sexualization of children and why is the district okay with this? Does this need to be plastered all over a school bus?

Another They/Them violent threat in my DMs. What is there to do but smile in the face of insanity? It’s honestly laughable. It takes a unique brand of cognitive dissonance and a glaring lack of historical understanding to accuse a Jewish person of being a nazi.

This show doesn’t stop, so stay tuned, tell a friend. Keep exposing! Send us what you find at: Submissions@LibsOfTikTok.com.

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Just sneakin' around....
? It's not "her" bus. The district owns/leases it. She has no business using it as her personal space. I'd make her pay for restoration if I were the owner.