Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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Oberlin College Removes Women’s Lacrosse Coach Who Publicly Claimed College Targeted Her For Objecting To Men Playing Women’s Sports

You Can’t Fix Stupid: This was totally unexpected coming from Oberlin College, it’s not like they have done anything similarly vindictive in the past which came back to bite them, from which they might have learned.

Now Kim Russell is the FORMER Head Coach of the Oberlin College Women’s Lacrosse team. Oberlin College removed her on 9-11, according to this report from IWF on September 12:

Yesterday, Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) Storyteller Kim Russell was terminated from her position as Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach at Oberlin College and instead reassigned to a newly created position by the university as an Employee Wellness Project Manager – a job which does not involve interaction with students. While a private institution reserves the right to fire or demote any employee at their own discretion, IWF considers this action by Oberlin as clear retaliation for Coach Kim Russell breaking her silence to expose Oberlin’s disciplinary meetings and full-fledged character assassination against her after she weighed in on the national debate over whether men who identify as women should participate in women’s sports..
Oberlin College, in an attempt to curtail additional headlines, told Fox News they did not fire Coach Russell, but rather reassigned and removed her the head coaching position. Oberlin was quick to restrict her access to the team and athletic events with athletes once Russell’s IWF documentary went public, and less than two weeks later she no longer has her beloved coaching job.
“I’ve just been blown away by the continued increase in biological men playing in women’s and girls’ sports,” Kim continued. “I’m really passionate about this because the reason we have these opportunities to play and to coach is because of the women who came before me, who fought for Title IX, who fought for us to have these opportunities. I don’t think the younger generation understands that these opportunities weren’t here years ago.”
Russell concluded the interview, asking the critical question: “If we are going to allow biological males to compete in women’s and girls’ sports, why do we even have women’s and girls’ sports, why do we have Title IX, and why do we have legislation for women?”



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Girl Scouts, Diversity, and Sodomite Patches

A few months ago, I wrote a column on the moral decay of the Girl Scouts. That column was triggered when the Girl Scouts of Northern California (GSNORCAL.ORG) sent out their Camp Culture Code and many parents were shocked by it.

The Code is broken up into six Sections with either subgroups of instructions or Q&A segments for clarification under each. For the sake of this column, I’m only going to include section 5,”Racial and Ethnic Diversity,” which I found to be the most offensive:

How does GSNorCal practice anti-racism?
GSNorCal strives to promote equity by centering our attention on our Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color-identified (BIPOC) community members who are furthest from racial justice. Girl Scouts can be catalysts for change, promoting equitable outcomes for all members as they strive to make the world a better place. This is outlined in GSNorCal’s Culture Code for Equity and Belonging.
The ongoing violence that is occurring against countless BIPOC reaffirms that racism is not a thing of the past. GSNorCal has made a continued commitment to becoming an antiracist organization. Antiracism is the practice of proactively working towards dismantling racist views, cultures, and systemic practices that have historically oppressed, and continue to prevent BIPOC from participating, prospering, and reaching their full potential in our society. Systemic racism affects everyone, including our campers, and requires care and commitment to dismantle.
What are GSNorCal’s practices for equity, inclusion, and belonging?
At GSNorCal, we are part of a movement to build equity, inclusion, diversity, and belonging. We work to end all forms of oppression. As a leader, that means I…
DISCOVER myself in a racist and unjust world

  1. I understand our world was built on structural racism.
  2. I recognize there are intersections between racism and all forms of oppression.
  3. I acknowledge that white people benefit from unearned privileges based on skin color.
  4. I honor the legacy of Freedom Fighters who came before me.
  5. I learn key terms to empower myself as a student of social justice.
CONNECT with my heart wide-open
  1. I value relationships with people who are different from me.
  2. I know hurting hurts, even if I didn’t mean to do it.
  3. I believe you if you tell me you’ve been harmed.
  4. I can tolerate feeling uncomfortable while I learn.
  5. I take the risk and have courageous conversations.
TAKE ACTION to make the world better for all people.
  1. I center and nurture the leadership of people of color.
  2. I listen and take in feedback as a gift
  3. I speak up about racism and all forms of oppression.
  4. I work to change policies to be racially equitable.
  5. I take responsibility for things I say and do.

Obviously, I was never a Girl Scout, but this is clearly not the same organization as in decades past. Could you ever have imagined that something that used to be as wholesome as the Girl Scouts would fill our children’s heads with this much division, hatred, and lies? They are literally attempting to brainwash kids. If you are white, they are teaching your child to feel guilt, grief, and shame, and that your heritage is corrupt.

Now, an organization called One Million Moms has exposed another, even lower rung on the Girl Scouts’ moral ladder. This is a quote from the Girl Scouts website:

The Girl Scout LGBTQ+ Pride Month Celebration Fun Patch is designed for Girl Scouts of all levels and their leaders to honor LGBTQ+ history, celebrate their diverse cultures and identities of LGBTQ+ people, and acknowledge the many contributions that the LGBTQ+ community has made and continues to make across our nation. Girls and leaders have plenty of activities to choose from to earn this fun patch and we encourage Girl Scouts of all identities to participate.
In order to earn the patch, the following must be accomplished:
  • Sketch a portrait of a member of the LGBTQ+ community who you admire.
  • Make a LGBTQ+ music playlist.
  • Create art that celebrates how families come in all kinds.
  • Participate in No Name-Calling Week, which is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
  • Attend an LGBTQ+ Pride celebration.

One Million Moms also pointed out that only approximately 15% of the money from cookie sales goes to the local troop. The remainder is taken by the national Girl Scouts of the USA organization.


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Missouri Dept of Health investigating Starbucks barista with diaper fetish after he filmed himself dispensing whipped cream into his diaper

There’s nothing better than a frappuccino from Starbucks with a generous swirl of whipped cream on top. But unfortunately, this Starbucks barista in Ballwin, Missouri will make you re-think your drink order.

Jesse Scott Johnson (AKA “Jessica Lillian Johnson”) is part of the ABDL (Adult Baby and Diaper Lover) community, whose members obtain sexual pleasure from wearing diapers and being humiliated. Libs of TikTok obtained screenshots of Johnson’s social media account, where he most definitely achieves both.

Here’s the full video where Johnson takes the Starbucks whipped cream dispenser, shoves the nozzle into his diaper, and squeezes a lot of whipped cream into said diaper. And then follows that with a grande full of ice. To accomplish what? Not sure.

There’s a lot to unpack here. Why is Johnson pantsless in a diaper at work? Did he proceed to serve customers with the whipped– never mind. What’s done is done. But I’d be willing to bet this violates multiple health codes. It’s safe to say that next time you walk into a Starbucks, you might want to skip the whip.


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Navy Puts The Kibosh On Digital Recruiting Program After Discovering Enlistees Aren’t Into Drag Queens

In May, The Daily Caller revealed that the Navy brought on Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley — an active-duty drag queen who goes by the stage name Harpy Daniels and identifies as non-binary — to be a “Navy Digital Ambassador.” The Digital Ambassador Pilot Program, which ran from October 2022 to March 2023, was reportedly “designed to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates” for military recruitment.

In a letter sent to Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., on Tuesday, Erik Raven, the under secretary of the Navy, confirmed that the branch’s Digital Ambassador Pilot Program “will not be continued.”

“The Navy learned lessons from the pilot program that will inform our digital engagement and outreach going forward,” Raven wrote. “Our digital outreach efforts will maintain the important distinction between Sailors’ official activities and their personal lives.”


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Male crowned homecoming queen, beating out four other girls in Missouri school

Oak Park High School students in Kansas City, Missouri just got sent a message loud and clear: boys are just better at things than girls are. Even at being a girl. Tristan Young, a male student who identifies as a female, was crowned the homecoming queen this week. He beat out four lovely female candidates because actually identifying as the gender that you are is like, sooo 2010.

Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time a transgender student was named Homecoming Queen at Oak Park High School. Back in 2015, a different boy who identified as a girl snagged the title.

We spoke with a parent in the district who asked to remain anonymous and she was disgusted by the district’s actions. She told us, “I’m appalled by NKC Schools’ continued support of the LGBT agenda. NKC Schools says they are “Champions for All Students” yet by embracing radical political statements like this they not only indoctrinate children, but they are placing certain student populations over others. Having two homecoming “queens” that are boys is a disgrace to the NKC Schools community. I hope more parents, community members and district employees start speaking out and start protecting children.”

This insane gender rhetoric not only teaches women and girls that men do things better, but also that a man who identifies as a woman is somehow more deserving of recognition and accomplishments in women’s spaces.


Just sneakin' around....
Can't help but think the trans was elected homecoming queen as a lark, a joke. After all, these are high school kids. Maybe it was their way of being anti-LBGTQ by being absurd about it and laughing behind everyone's back.

Just thinking out loud here. Unless you actually know the kids, this is pure conjecture.


PREMO Member

Texas Church Holds a “Drag Sunday” Service to Bless the Satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Drag Queens

The Cathedral of Hope, the world’s largest LGBTQ-friendly church, hosted a “Drag Sunday” service honoring the satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. While the churches argue that their actions are a step towards inclusivity, many conservatives see this as a blatant disregard for the sanctity of religious spaces and the teachings of the Bible.

The Cathedral of Hope in Dallas is a liberal Christian church that is part of the United Church of Christ (UCC). The UCC is a socially liberal Protestant Christian denomination with roots in the Congregational, Continental Reformed, and Lutheran traditions.

On Sunday morning, the Cathedral of Hope held a service to bestow blessings upon the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of queer and trans nuns known for their blasphemous acts mocking Catholicism.


PREMO Member
🔥 Trans rights are colliding with gay rights again, and guess which survives? The UK Daily Mail ran a story yesterday headlined, “Plans for a ban on gay conversion therapy are set to be ditched amid concerns about unintended consequences.

“Gay conversion therapy” is a hysterical, made-up, liberal fund-raising bogeyman. Woke donors have been taught that dark Christian conservatives run covert camps deep in the forest where kidnapped gay teenagers are waterboarded and brainwashed, violently transforming them into self-loathing heterosexuals, or something.

It’s sort of like a liberal version of the MK-Ultra conspiracy theory, except with less evidence.

The funniest part of their theory is that liberals also believe that gay sexual preferences are immutable biological characteristics than cannot possibly be changed. Except by Christian conservatives, apparently. That inherent contradiction is also the rationale for their suspicion and disgust: they say nobody should even try to change an immutable characteristic like an atypical sexual preference.

You see, sexual preference is not like your gender, for instance, which you can easily change by just amputating all your sex organs and taking powerful hormones for the rest of your life. But you can’t change sexual preference, no way, no how.

Anyway, the hysteria over “gay conversion therapy” fully blossomed, as these things always do, into woke censorship in the form of angry accusations the instant anyone questions whether sexual preference is an immutable characteristic or not. You’re trying to convert gay people! Fascist!

So starting with Boris Johnson, the UK government has long promised the British people a law to “ban” such odious conversion practices, to protect delicate gay folks from being exposed to any alternative ideas, by outlawing things like gentle spiritual counseling aimed at helping someone figure out whether their sexual preference is something they actually want or whether it might really be a harmful, tragic artifact left over from some childhood trauma.

Conversion therapy has been a hot topic lately, albeit somewhat under the radar. For example, back in July Michigan banned “gay conversion therapy,” joining 21 other blue states:

image 2.png

Suicide! Again. Suddenly, liberals have discovered kids are killing themselves in droves over their sex choices, which they previously didn’t even know about until they were older. Even with those high stakes, Michigan’s law was not quite as fulsome as proponents would have you believe. Excluding the enforcement language, Michigan’s new anti-ban law is only one short sentence:

A mental health professional shall not engage in conversion therapy with a minor.​

So first of all … were Michigan’s “mental health professionals” driving lots of kids into suicide or something? Was that the problem Michigan’s democrats just fixed? Anyway. Obviously, the law doesn’t ban secret, deep-woods religious conversion camps. Or even the “conversion” of adults.

One suspects that the Constitution’s protection of religious liberties and free speech had a lot to do with them leaving the church completely out of it. And, even boiled down to that one line, Michigan’s new law remains susceptible to a First Amendment challenge, in my view. But that’s for another post.

Back to the Mail article. The news was the UK has now chucked its effort to enact a national ‘conversion’ ban right into the bin. The problem was, unlike Michigan, Britain was shooting for the Full Monte; they wanted to outlaw all conversations about people’s atypical lifestyle choices. But they just couldn’t figure out how to word the law without also roping in, get this, gender conversations.

Some ministers are said to be concerned that the ban could have 'unintended consequences' for parents and teachers dealing with trans children.

In other words, the pro-gay contingent crashed right into the pro-trans contingent: they worried that all the new “affirming” conversations with kids could be prosecuted as “conversion” under a broadly-defined law. Of course, most officials expressed it the opposing way, claiming they didn’t want to punish parents who question their child’s sudden new gender “decision.”

Bottom line, this is progress. Apart from some leftover virtue-signaling, so-called “gay conversion bans” seem to have run their course, now eclipsed by the faltering trans debate.



PREMO Member
🔥 The Canadian Broadcast Company ran a story Wednesday headlined, “Arrests, heated exchanges mark rallies for and against teaching LGBTQ rights in schools.


Canadian parents are facing an altogether new problem: fake parents. On Monday, the Toronto Sun ran a story headlined, “Even as 'spies' try to derail it, Hands Off Our Kids protest is set for Wednesday.

Yep. LGBTQ+ activists pretended to be parents, joined local protest groups, and tried to sabotage protest logistics and event planning:

“It has happened,” said Toronto organizer Bahira Abdulsalam. Some of the people she thought were helping co-ordinate the Sept. 20 demonstration at Queen’s Park in Toronto, Parliament Hill in Ottawa and city halls across Canada were actually working to derail it. Abdulsalam said one claiming to be the leader “hijacked it” by saying they were “cancelling the protest.”
Kamel El-Cheikh said they have had similar issues for the Ottawa event as well. “Yes, they tried to sabotage,” he said. “We are now highly sophisticated as a result. We have our intelligence as well.”

The CBC conceded that policies are slowly emerging in school districts across Canada that require students to obtain parental consent before teachers may use different “preferred” first names or pronouns. Parent protestors want these policies to become the default standard. LGBTQ+ advocates oppose parental consent rules, claiming the policies “violate children's rights,” whatever that means, and argue that transgender kids should be able to be “out” to everyone except their own parents.

I mean, why should the parents want to know about something like that?



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This gentleman is here to educate you about your lack of parental rights. He says while children’s rights are recognized, “there is no such thing as parental rights.” He goes so far as to insinuate that if your child keeps a secret from you, that’s on you and you’re a conspiracy theorist. That problem certainly couldn’t be due to groomer educators encouraging kids to keep secrets, because that doesn’t happen, right?

watch video here


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I was unsure about Mr. Tyson's veracity before this, now I'm sure, and not in a positive direction.


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Berlin hands out books normalizing prostitution to children (and it gets worse)



