Chloe Coles story will not be swept under the rug. We will not cower to the death threats, cyber bullying, and disregard for civil conversation. We will not cower to the student body’s threat to get us kicked out of our university. A university should be a place where we can have civil discourse, learn, and hear new ideas and perspectives that challenge our own. Just because someone’s beliefs are different than yours does not make it hate speech or transphobia. I would like to acknowledge the fact that the people who preach “everyone is welcome here” and “hate has no home here” are the exact people who have told me to kill myself, die in a car crash, get put “in a saw trap so painful & inescapable that its not even worth trying to save yourself” or wish that I form a rash and “the fine little layers of your skin start to peel with such vigor that no skin graft will ever truly heal the scars left over.” To those people commenting on these things: I love you, I’m happy you are here, and I would love to engage in civil discourse on these matters. Yes, I continue to acknowledge biological reality: men have XY chromosomes and women have XX chromosomes. Men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. Children cannot consent to cross-sex hormones or procedures cutting off their private parts. Acknowledging these things is not hate, it is seeking the truth and what is good and right in the world. I do not hate lgbtq+ people and I can assure you no one on this project does.