Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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Federal judge sides with DeSantis on transgender athletes, upholds ban on biological males on female teams

In a 39-page decision dated Monday, U.S. District Judge Roy Altman, an appointee of former President Trump, determined that the law, which "separates public-school sports teams by biological sex," does not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution because it is "sex-based classifications are substantially related to the state’s important interest in promoting women’s athletics."

A Broward County teen student, identified in court documents as D.N., had brought a lawsuit through the Washington, D.C.-based group Human Rights Campaign challenging the constitutionality of the law. Altman acknowledged on Monday that the plaintiff is "right to say that the statute treats transgender girls differently from both cisgender girls and transgender boys." Under the law, the judge noted, "biological females (whether cis or trans) can play on both girls’ and boys’ sports teams."

"Transgender girls, by contrast, considered male by birth, cannot play on girls’ sports teams," Altman wrote. "But not all gender-based classifications violate the Equal Protection Clause."

The judge also rejected the student’s arguments that the law violated Title IX, a federal statute that prohibits sex-based discrimination on the part of educational institutions that receive federal aid, and Altman shot down D.N.’s claim with prejudice that the legislation violates the due process right to privacy.


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WOKE Trans Miss Universe Owner FILES BANKRUPTCY As Company STOCK TANKS After Promoting Transwomen!​



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Rebooted Queer ‘Green Lantern’ Comic Flops Hard as Writer Calls Comics Fans ‘Haters and Queerphobes’

Writer Sheridan warned his followers that “haters and the queerphobes are out in force” ahead of the book’s October 24 debut and he urged them all to do him a “favor” and buy up copies of his gay-themed superhero series.

“The only way we can shut these people down is to make this book an undeniable success,” Sheridan told his fans. “The only way to prove to the big publishers that there’s a huge market for authentic stories about LGBTQIA+ characters and these stories are for everyone is to buy the heck out of books like this.”

Naturally, Sheridan restricted comments on his X post.

But it seems as though Sheridan doesn’t have as many fans as he hoped because so far, issue no. 1 of Alan Scott, Green Lantern has thoroughly tanked, Bounding Into Comics reports.

It appears that few want to see the big gay Green Lantern reboot to date, the book did not appear in the top 50-selling books. Worse, it is ranked 25,763 in the Kindle Store and #170 for Superhero Comics & Graphic Novels.

The book was envisioned as a way to reimagine the long comic book history of character Alan Scott after DC Comics revealed in 2021 that Scott was a closeted gay man, Super Hero Hype reported early in October.

The new book engages in a lot of anti-Americanism, too. Back in the day, the Green Lantern character was an important part of the Justice Society of America (JSA), a comic book staple of patriotic American super heroes fighting to defeat Hitler in WWII.

But in this new tale, the JSA turns out to be a shill effort spearheaded by FBI villain J. Edgar Hoover, and at first Alan Scott does not want to join the group because he feels it is just a jingoist propaganda operation for the U.S.A. Then Hoover tries to force Scott into a sexual encounter, and informs Scott that he has photos of a gay tryst featuring Scott, so he better join the JSA or risk being exposed to the world as a gay man.

The anti-Americanism here reflects similar stories where longtime patriotic superheroes have turned on a dime against the evil United States. Similar transitions to America hating occurred in Captain America and Superman, and others in recent years.


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Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Transgender 'Extravaganza' Sparks Boycott

The petition was started by One Million Moms, a division of the "pro-traditional values" organization American Family Association (AFA). More than 24,000 people have signed the appeal as of press time.

The annual Macy's parade in New York City has been one of the holiday's most famous events since it first took place in 1924. Swarms of people descend onto Manhattan for the festivities, which include floats, marching bands and live performances from popular musicians.

One Million Moms is taking exception to the entertainment scheduled for next week's event.

"The non-binary and transgender extravaganza on display this Thanksgiving will be brought to you by Macy's during their annually sponsored Thanksgiving Day Parade," the petition from One Million Moms reads. "Unless they are forewarned about it, this year's holiday parade will potentially expose tens of millions of viewers at home to the liberal LGBTQ agenda."


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What the Media Aren't Telling You About a Trans Mayor's Suicide

In the wake of Copeland taking his own life, a sea of eulogies flooded in from the sympathetic press. The Daily Beast described 1819 News' deep-dive as an "inhumane" outing. The far-left Salon.com said Copeland's shooting death was "the latest in a list of lives destroyed by the GOP's anti-LGBTQ campaign," as part of "intra-party purg[ing]" of political "traitors" and "purifying" America. Reaching the Northeast, the Boston Globe called Copeland's demise "the toll of anti-trans hate" in the Deep South: "He did not deserve to be publicly mocked, his very personal journey weaponized against him by a right-wing hate machine..."

Local leadership like Lee County Democratic Party Chairperson Jamie Lowe denounced it as "demonizing" as well as "discriminatory and hateful rhetoric." Likewise, "so saddened" by his friend's passing, former U.S. Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) said 1819 News is the "perfect example" of "the self-righteous tend[ing] to throw the largest stones" in "a mean, bitter world."

"Are you happy now?" fumed former Phenix City School Superintendent Larry DiChiara. "What crime did he commit?"

However, there's much more to the story than what is being woefully told. According to Copeland's digital footprint, he harbored a predatory nature steeped in envy, 1819 News uncovered. His thirst for the opposite sex, a sexual "infatuation," manifested in stalking, preying upon the lives of those who populated his tiny town, and obsessive odes to the bodies of women he so desired.

Aside from wearing plus-sized women's clothes and undergarments, the mayor authored violent erotica fantasizing about murdering a female constituent—a real-life resident living in Copeland's community—and assuming the victim's identity.

The erotic fiction fixates on a local businesswoman whose likeness, livelihood, and life Copeland coveted. "I wanted her life!" reads the synopsis of Copeland's murderous 11-chapter saga. "[N]othing can stop me from turning myself into her carbon copy."

"Dangerous Obsession," an R-rated story written by Copeland in a first-person narrative, names the Smiths Station local that the narrator stalks and where she works, a beauty salon that's a short drive from Copeland's mayoral office headquartered at City Hall. "Like always," the narrator says, he'd ride by the boutique to catch a glimpse of the beautician through the window.

(For the sake of the woman's privacy, 1819 News redacted a copy of Copeland's story, censoring any identifying information. The woman, who was close to the Copeland family, was distraught when informed of the story's existence and being its subject.)

[story at the link]


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Karine Jean-Pierre Stuns the Public as She Promotes “Transgender Day of Remembrance” – “We Grieve the 26 Transgender Americans who were Killed this Year” (VIDEO)

The Biden Administration is a total joke.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday actually took time to promote “transgender day of remembrance” – a completely made up thing in order to somehow make transgender people martyrs and heroes.

They are not.

“Today, on Transgender Day of Remembrance, we grieve the 26 transgender Americans who were killed this year. Year after year, we see that these victims are disproportionately black women and women of color,” Karine Jean-Pierre said.

More than 60% of transgender murder victims are sex workers.

What about the more than 70,000 Americans who die of fentanyl overdoses per year thanks to Joe Biden’s open borders?

How many Americans have died at the hands of transgender terrorists this year?

Transgender terrorist Audrey Hale murdered 6 Christians, including 3 children, at a private Christian school in Nashville earlier this year.

Kimbrady Carriker, 40, a transgender or crossdresser, was arrested over the summer for fatally shooting 5 people and injuring two children in the Kingsessing neighborhood of Philadelphia.

These two killers are the just the tip of the iceberg.

Stunned conservatives responded to the Biden Regime’s absurd remarks on transgenders.



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Trans Soccer Player Breaks Female Player's KNEE, QUITS & THREATENS To SUE After THEY REFUSE TO PLAY!​

Transgender woman footballer quits and threatens to sue for discrimination because rivals refuse to compete against her after she left opponents 'terrified' and broke knee of a player 'blocking her shot'

  • Francesca Needham played for Rossington Main Ladies, near Doncaster
  • The FA has a new draft policy on transgender players that is yet to be published

A transgender woman footballer whose physical power on the pitch left opponents 'terrified' is considering taking legal action for discrimination after opposing teams refused to play against her.

The boycott is said to have followed a player suffering a broken knee when 'blocking a shot' from the trans player Francesca Needham, 30.

When word spread about the incident, some players refused to play against Needham for 'safety' reasons and two matches in the Sheffield and Hallamshire Women's League were called off.

Now Needham has announced she is to 'step down from playing football for the foreseeable future' for the sake of her club Rossington Main Ladies, which is based in a former pit village near Doncaster, South Yorkshire.

But far from backing down, the player is threatening to sue as she said she has abided by all Football Association policies on transgender players.



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Trans Cricket Star LASHES OUT & RETIRES After International League BANS Transwomen From Women's Game​



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Karine Jean-Pierre Stuns the Public as She Promotes “Transgender Day of Remembrance” – “We Grieve the 26 Transgender Americans who were Killed this Year” (VIDEO)

The Biden Administration is a total joke.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday actually took time to promote “transgender day of remembrance” – a completely made up thing in order to somehow make transgender people martyrs and heroes.

3 of the People Biden Idolized During 'Transgender Day of Remembrance' Died Attacking Innocent People

Time after time, the Biden Administration has chosen to paint transgender people as victims despite the thousands of Americans, for example, who have died from fentanyl poisoning after being brought into the U.S. due to Biden's wide-open border.

The White House grieved over Manuel “Tortuguita” Teran’s death, who, according to the progressive activist organization, was an “Indigenous queer and nonbinary environmental activist” who was shot and killed by police officers.

However, what the Leftist organization failed to mention was that Teran was only shot by the police because he fired first during a “forest defenders” campout.

You can bet the Biden Administration also failed to mention that little detail.

Meanwhile, another “brave” transgender person who is being honored by the White House is Banko Brown, who was shot and killed by a security guard at a San Francisco Walgreens after shoplifting. The 24-year-old allegedly threatened to stab the security officer several times as he attempted to prevent Brown from leaving the store.

But according to the White House, these woke transgender people are the ones “under attack.”

Natasha Chart, a former Left-wing activist who quit after being bullied by male transgender activists, told Breitbart News that Democrats are pushing the “Transgender Day of Remembrance” idea because “it helps to create a new victim class that will stimulate sympathy from disconnected women who are seeking purpose and status.”


Just sneakin' around....
Not too long ago, those same rebuttals would have been denounced, the author trashed and the account deleted for being intolerant. So glad the tide is turning, and reasonable people with reasonable thoughts are stepping up again.


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Woke School Board Mother IN TEARS SHOCKED That Muslim Parents Don't Want Kids Reading LGBT Books​



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"Confessions of a Social Constructionist"

"Gender is a Social Construct" is a Social Construct​

We often hear that gender is a social construct, but is it? In a recent article, "Confessions of a Social Constructionist" published in Quillette, Dr. Christopher Dummit admits that much of his work on the study of gender was basically, all made up. He believed that gender was self-evidently a social construct, and never thought to question that presupposition. Let's question it today, but looking at the history of biological denial in the social sciences and whether or not gender really is a social construct.



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The Biden Administration Is Scheming To Take Your Kids Away

The Biden administration has proposed new rules for foster care, which would treat any parent rejecting LGBT ideology as a child abuser. The public comment deadline is today, the Monday after Thanksgiving, a bureaucratic middle finger to the public it is supposed to serve. The proposed regulations state that “to be considered a safe and appropriate placement, a provider is expected to utilize the child’s identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression.” In short, those who don’t believe the superstition that a child can somehow be born into the wrong body are, per the Biden administration, unfit to be foster parents.

This won’t stop with foster parents.

Cutting Christians and other dissenters from the sexual revolution out of the foster care system is only the start. Given the government control of the foster care system, this is a convenient place for the left to establish the precedent that rejecting gender ideology and the rest of the LGBT movement’s dogmas is abusive and harmful to children and that those who do so are unfit parents. Once they have set this point, they’ll expand it to everyone else — after all, if it’s abuse for foster parents, it’s abuse for biological parents as well.

This should not be a surprise. Democrats have been suggesting taking children away from “non-affirming” parents for years now, but they have thus far been too scared to go through with it. But the folks in Biden’s administration — led by Babylon Bee “Man of the Year” Rachel Levine — are going to see if they can get the ball rolling this time.