Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member

After Police Are Alerted About Graphic LGBT Book, MA Governor Rails Against ‘Book Banning’

Police then notified the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office, though the investigation was eventually dropped because the office determined the matter was to be “managed within the Berkshire Hills Regional School District,” the New York Post reported.

The incident caused an uproar from LGBT advocates and others on the Left, including the state’s Democrat Governor Maura Healey, who said, “Book banning has no place in Massachusetts.”

Healey presumably believes there is not a single book that should be off-limits to children in publicly-funded schools.

As highlighted by The Daily Wire, even the book’s author, Maia Kobabe, has said the content is not for children. Kobabe, who identifies as non-binary and uses the pronouns “e, em, and eir,” said that while her book might be appropriate for “older teens,” she does not recommend it for children.

“It keeps being called a children’s book … but I think that’s coming from a misreading of the comic-book form. ‘Gender Queer’ is a comic, and in full color, but that doesn’t mean it’s for children. I originally wrote it for my parents, and then for older teens who were already asking these questions about themselves. I don’t recommend this book for kids!” she told The Washington Post in an interview published back in September.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Anyone who identifies as an "e, em, or eir" shouldn't be writing anything that gets read outside of a psychiatrists office.


PREMO Member

Queer Non-Binary Wife Loses It Crying LGBTQ DISRESPECT Over Husband Claiming To Be Straight!​



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
"You were born as...?"

"A tragic mistake."

"And now you are...?"

"The reason my parents drink."


Well-Known Member
I never misgender. If it has a dick it's a man, If it had it's dick cut off , it's still a man.
Same with women , strapping on a 9 inch prosthesis does not make it a man.


Well-Known Member
I never misgender. If it has a dick it's a man, If it had it's dick cut off , it's still a man.
Same with women , strapping on a 9 inch prosthesis does not make it a man.
And now this is how I picture you greeting everyone you're not sure about:


PREMO Member

Ohio’s Top Children’s Hospital Coaches Doctors To Circumvent Parents Wary Of Trans Treatments, Training Videos Show

Dr. Lee Ann Conard, the center’s director who introduced herself along with her pronouns and refers to parents predominantly as “caregivers,” says in the training video that there are ways to progress a child towards so-called “gender-affirmation” without parental support. Dr. Conard suggests putting the child in therapy without telling the parent why, and even stopping a young girl’s periods.

“Some kids aren’t ready to tell the parents, and we shouldn’t out them,” Dr. Conard says. “If the kid doesn’t wanna talk to the parent … are there things that we can do medically to help? We can refer a child for therapy without the parent knowing that the kid told us they’re transgender. If they’re having significant anxiety and depression, the other thing is menstrual suppression.”



PREMO Member

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Has Lost His Mind on Transing Children

On Friday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, who claims to be a Republican, signed an executive order banning transgender surgeries for children under the age of 18 at any Ohio hospital or ambulatory facility. That's good, right? Wrong. The order comes a week after the governor vetoed sub-HB 68, a bill that not only would have banned transgender surgeries on children, but also would have outlawed chemical castration, puberty blockers, and men participating in women's sports. It also included a provision that would allow recourse for women harmed by men participating in their sports.

When he vetoed the SAFE Act, DeWine parroted left-wing trans activists, claiming, without evidence, "Ultimately, I believe this is about protecting human life. Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today. They would have taken their life when they were teenagers."

Apparently, he isn't worried about suicide when it comes to banning mutilating irreversible surgeries for mentally ill children.

The blowback from Ohio leaders and citizens was enormous. It's not clear whether that had any effect on DeWine's decision to ban trans surgeries for kids.

The order reads, in part:

WHEREAS, although I vetoed Substitute House Bill 68, I stated clearly in my Veto Message that I agreed with the General Assembly that no gender transition surgeries should be performed on anyone under the age of 18 and I directed agencies under my purview to draft rules to ban this practice in Ohio; and WHEREAS, the Ohio Department of Health has drafted rules that would prohibit gender transition surgeries on anyone under the age of 18 in Ohio’s hospitals and health care facilities, including ambulatory surgical facilities; and WHEREAS, these rules are necessary to protect Ohio’s children and families; and WHEREAS, Section 3701.13 of the Ohio Revised Codes authorizes the Ohio Department of Health to supervise all matters relating to the preservation of the life and health of the people of Ohio; and WHEREAS, Section 3722.06 of the Ohio Revised Code authorizes the Ohio Department of Health to promulgate rules establishing health, safety, welfare, and quality standards for licensed hospitals; and WHEREAS, Section 3702.30 of the Ohio Revised Code authorizes the Ohio Department of Health to promulgate rules establishing quality standards for health care facilities, including ambulatory surgical facilities... [Emphasis added]

Yada, yada, yada. This is the same tyrannical stunt DeWine pulled when he appointed himself Ohio's Covid Czar and, along with Anthony Fauci, proceeded to trample on individual liberties. Children were kept out of school, businesses, many of which went bankrupt, were ordered closed, and Ohioans were ordered to remain in their homes. It got so bad that the Ohio legislature eventually passed a bill giving it the authority to cancel any health orders from the governor that lasted more than 30 days.

DeWine clearly learned nothing from the Covid blowback he received — not just from the legislature, but from Ohioans, who suffered greatly under his maniacal reign.