Alec Baldwin=jerk


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BadGirl said:
You're not in his shoes, you have no idea what the child and the mom have done to him.. are you saying 11 year olds and 12 year olds are above being evil?

And I know, being an adult you have NEVER lost your cool with a child, especially a manipulative little brat, that is CONSTANTLY trying to get away with something. He lost his temper.. he didn't beat anyone, he didn't threaten to beat anyone.. he chewed her out.. hurt her feeling, BIG whoop..

Sounds like he was threatening to come beat her a$$ to me.
Look, the guy is an idiot for saying what he said. My kids tick me off plenty. But you are the adult and degrading a child to make yourself feel better is stupid and damaging. You can get your point across and discipline your kids plenty without saying stuff like that. I'll stick by this- the kid is 11 and regardless of what a pain in the butt she is, he shouldn't have done it. I'll venture to guess it isn't close to the first time. Why would that kid want to do anything to respect a father that treats her like that. No wonder she didn't answer the freakin' phone.


New Member
God, you can see and hear crappier parenting skills by standing outside the waldork mall for 5 minutes.

WHo cares...he got pissed because his girl wouldn't pick up her phone. Granted, some of his language was inappropriate, who cares. How would you feel if your kid continuosly didn't pick up the phone for your scheduled calls?

If I didn't pick up and call my parents at 10:30 every night I was out, I would be grounded for a week.

Toss this one up to the "If anybody cares its because there are famous people involved" list.


New Member
nachomama said:
Does anybody envision Kim doing a happy dance as she listened to this message?

I'm not saying what he did was right, but SHE was the one who let the voice message out. What he said was probably hurtful enough for the child, but now the whole world knows what Daddy thinks of his little girl. He may be an azz, but as a child I don't think I'd want people looking at me and only remembering what Daddy said about me. If she wanted to use it in court, so be it, but she shouldn't have allowed it to be released.

Kim, a quick lesson in parenting...two wrongs don't make a right.



New Member
Not only should she have kept the matters private from an ethical standpoint, apparently both "parents" were under some sort of court ordered gag rule. Of course, she'll claim the voice message was "stolen", just like the pop tarts whose home made "educational" films find the light of day (i.e. Paris Hilton, Pam Anderson). I don't know which pair is worse, these two or Whitney & Bobby.


I bowl overhand
jenbengen said:
Sounds like he was threatening to come beat her a$$ to me.
Look, the guy is an idiot for saying what he said. My kids tick me off plenty. But you are the adult and degrading a child to make yourself feel better is stupid and damaging. You can get your point across and discipline your kids plenty without saying stuff like that. I'll stick by this- the kid is 11 and regardless of what a pain in the butt she is, he shouldn't have done it. I'll venture to guess it isn't close to the first time. Why would that kid want to do anything to respect a father that treats her like that. No wonder she didn't answer the freakin' phone.
Funny, I've never hear ANYONE accuse him of being an abusive parent of beating his kids.. you think someone that would abuse his kids would wait until they were 11? You sure are reading a LOT into that message. He called her names, and threatened to straighten her out.. which to me means.. "Prepare yourself for the but chewing of your life." Bottom line is.. Everyone in here is proof.. what the mom wanted to do she accomplished.. SHe manipuated her husband and her daughter, and has now manipulated all of you. You've already convicted him in the court of public opinion without knowing the whole story. He just may be the best father most kids would ever have, and even the best ones lose their tempers now and then.


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mommarock said:

I agree that the mom should be in some trouble herself for acting like a child, as well. They both have some serious issues. She shouldn't be so worried about what everybody thinks- the judge had already issued him to be away from the kid until it was figured out. Her sending it to the media was simply to get even. She needs to get over herself- this isn't about her image, it's about a child.


I bowl overhand
And if this girl grew up to be a hellion, that didn't know right from wrong, was in the headlines for a gamut of indiscretions, you'd be saying "Where were the parents?? WHy didn't they set her down, and set down the law?" He did the best he could to punish the girl. Again he called her names, but you don't know what led to it.. Kudo's to him for at least giving enough of a crap about his daughter to be willing to travel to where she is to "set her straight".
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100% Goapele Head!
I agree with Bob, I have chewed my children out, my sister's my brothers, my mom, my bosses, telemarketers... If someone does something that deserves me to get in their ass I do. If someone else was to dig in their kid's ass about something that the child did that I felt warranted it, I would understand and if I didnt agree it warranted I would keep my mouth shut.

The parent has to deal with the kid not the rest of us. More so, if he didnt care he wouldn't be fighting for custody or even getting upset with the kid. Most fathers when done with loving their child just ignore them which I hope Alec doesn't get to that point.

His language may not have been acceptable to others but again, that's that man's child. If he has done something wrong let it be taken to court. And, I agree that there are some really awful children in the world as young as 5yrs old. Of course their level of mischief is different at each age and at 11y/o that's the main age children begin smelling themselves, especially girls.

For the record, I have an 8y/o and a lot of times call him my 9y/o and he will be 9 in June. I've been doing this since February 2007 right around the time I began saying that I have a 13y/o which is my oldest whose birthday was in March. I say I am 32 sometimes and I am 31. His daughter probably tells people she is 13y/o anyway if she is anything like most people's children. :shrug:

JMO :flowers:


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itsbob said:
And if this girl grew up to be a hellion, that didn't know right from wrong, was in the headlines for a gaumt of indeiscretions, you'd be saying "Where were the parents?? WHy didn't they set her down, and set down the law?" He did the best he could to punish the girl. Again he called her names, but you don't know what led to it.. Kudo's to him for at least giving enough of a crap about his daughter to be willing to travel to where she is to "set her straight".

I just hope he isn't taken his hatred towards his ex-wife out on his daughter. It happens and it is SAD.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Kudo's to him for at least giving enough of a crap about his daughter to be willing to travel to where she is to "set her straight".
Bob, I can't even believe you.

Alec Baldwin has been arrested before for slapping his wife around. He has a reputation for being "difficult" on movie sets. Obviously, he is an abusive, violent person and this tape just reiterates it.

I'm shocked that some of you are defending him.


Come Play at BigWoodys
jenbengen said:
I just hope he isn't taken his hatred towards his ex-wife out on his daughter. It happens and it is SAD.

I have to agree with Bob. Now granted I don't really like the Baldwins but Child custody battles can be horrible and this has been going on for years. If you could only call your child at a certain time on a certain day a week and say that he hasnt been able to talk to her for weeks then it could get frustrating. So before you bury the guy make sure all sides have had the right to speak.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FastCarsSpeed said:
Child custody battles can be horrible and this has been going on for years. If you could only call your child at a certain time on a certain day a week and say that he hasnt been able to talk to her for weeks then it could get frustrating.
Why take it out on her? It's not her fault.


vraiblonde said:
The he blew up and left that on her voice mail tells me he's an out of control nut.
I must agree... What a flaming lunatic!


I bowl overhand
jenbengen said:
I just hope he isn't taken his hatred towards his ex-wife out on his daughter. It happens and it is SAD.
listening to the message it sounds like a VERY frustrated dad, that wants nothing more than have his daughter grow up to be a good person, and something is going wrong, and it's out of his control. She's not the person he was hoping her to be at the age of 11, and there is absolutely nothing he can do about it but yell at an answering machine.

You can not imagine how frustrating that could possibly be, watching YOUR child become something you detest, yet their is nothing you can do about it.


itsbob said:
listening to the message it sounds like a VERY frustrated dad, that wants nothing more than have his daughter grow up to be a good person, and something is going wrong, and it's out of his control. She's not the person he was hoping her to be at the age of 11, and there is absolutely nothing he can do about it but yell at an answering machine.

You can not imagine how frustrating that could possibly be, watching YOUR child become something you detest, yet their is nothing you can do about it.
Yeah but all of this over a missed call? I mean come on! He didn't catch her having sex or doing drugs. The reaction seems over the top.


I bowl overhand
Kain99 said:
I must agree... What a flaming lunatic!
Other than calling her names, I didn't hear the screaming and the ranting of a lunatic.. I heard utter frustration. Bewilderment even.


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vraiblonde said:
Bob, I can't even believe you.

Alec Baldwin has been arrested before for slapping his wife around. He has a reputation for being "difficult" on movie sets. Obviously, he is an abusive, violent person and this tape just reiterates it.

I'm shocked that some of you are defending him.

:thewave: Hooray for some common since! Thank you!!!


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Bob, I can't even believe you.

Alec Baldwin has been arrested before for slapping his wife around. He has a reputation for being "difficult" on movie sets. Obviously, he is an abusive, violent person and this tape just reiterates it.

I'm shocked that some of you are defending him.

Thank you :peace:

Who knows if Kim dropped the tape off at the media (someone in the house, a friend, whatever) might have done it. You know there are actually people out in the world that feel so much compassion for their friends/family that they would actually do it themselves. Not everyone is a Sociopath. :shrug:


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Kain99 said:
Yeah but all of this over a missed call? I mean come on! He didn't catch her having sex or doing drugs. The reaction seems over the top.

No kidding! God help her if she actually does something like that.