Alec Baldwin=jerk


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jenbengen said:
I agree that it shouldn't have gone public. But I do care about whether this 11 year old child being put in middle of an ugly divorce as leverage between two ignorant parents, whether they live in Hollywood or not. Divorce can be so ugly!

Kids are often used a battle ax between divorcing parents and they themselves are known to play one parent against the other to get what they want. You might care but what can you really do about it. So Alec is a jerk, big deal. We knew that years ago when he said he was moving to France if Bush got elected.


I bowl overhand
jenbengen said:
Oh, and nobody shoved this crap in your face. You chose to respond to the thread and chose to KEEP responding. Let's agree to disagree, huh?
The thread is what I am talking about.. I'm talking about the news. I turn on the TV as I do every morning to listen to the news, the weather, and I get to hear THIS? Like I care.


Watch it
Sharon said:
We knew that years ago when he said he was moving to France if Bush got elected.

I forgot about that. Well, that settles my case then. LOL. :killingme
The maturity of an 8 year old.


I bowl overhand
Pandora said:
Not having a conviction for abuse means nothing to me. I can hear the abusive/degrading tone in his voice.
Just like three lacrosse players that weren't convicted of rape? You're saying they still did it, they just didn't get convicted.

Big difference is, he was never even arrested. It's just her saying.. "He abused me!!" Like a rich white woman can't be as manipulative as a black exotic dancer..


I bowl overhand
jenbengen said:
I forgot about that. Well, that settles my case then. LOL. :killingme
The maturity of an 8 year old.
I don't like him for his politics either, but I still would wait on the hangmans noose until we hear the rest of the story.
We all know his ex-wife leaked it. That's a no brainer and after listening to it, I don't think any 11 year old deserves to be talked to like that. Whether she is being brainwashed by the mother or not, don't blame the kid, blame the mother who is influencing her or possible making it difficult for her to have a relationship with her father.


Set Trippin
itsbob said:
but I still would wait on the hangmans noose until we hear the rest of the story.
The hell do we look like here? Paul Harvey?

I don't need the rest of the story, in the words of the late great John Wayne "It's getting to be ree-goddamn-diculous" :lol:


100% Goapele Head!
itsbob said:
I thought it was a call to the daughters cell phone.. no tape that I'm aware of. Recorded to the phone, nobody heard except the people with access to the phone.. Then they have to download the message from the phone to hand it to the media. It wasn't an accident.

No, I meant just that. Probably didn't get it across well though. Sorry.

I am thinking that the daughter heard it on her cell's vm and then maybe let her Nanny hear it depending on how close they are but I am sure that Kim heard it eventually. I am not sure who leaked it but it was definitely leaked and given the custody battle it was leaked only as a tool to prove him unfit not because of fear for the child. There are no police reports.


Well-Known Member
Bob, you are full of crap. You pretty much blasted me a while back on a thread about cussing in front of kids. You ranted about how we shouldn't use any sort of bad language around them, and said if you want kids to respect you, you had to respect them. Well, Alec may not have used cuss words, but he called his daughter degrading names. I'm sorry, but that is low.

It was especially bad when Alec and Kim have been battling for custody, and they KNOW everything they do is under the if he's willing to go this far on a voicemail KNOWING it will get out, what do you think he's really capable of, and what do you think he REALLY wanted to say.

I don't give 2 shiats whether or not he and Kim have been fighting...she may be the most manipulative biatch alive, but to take it out on the daughter is WRONG. No parent should EVER use their child to manipulate another. If Kim is doing that, she's wrong, but he is also wrong for taking is frustrations out on their 11 year old daughter.

He is wrong, and you are wrong.


Basinger is a whack job, and Baldwin is an a-hole. I think the kid should be taken and given to a barren couple in Iowa and Basinger and Baldwins divorce should be reversed and they should be forced to live together in a small house in Vermont.

They deserve each other.


100% Goapele Head!
He used a few curse words shockingly the S word was used. Also, I am not saying what he said was right or wrong but he was mad about his daughter neglecting him and that's the only issue he spoke of so whether ALL of this drama :jameo: stems from the court battle or not or just from the breakdown of him and his daughter's relationship no one knows.

We all know that when on probation bad things still come to haunt you even when you're trying to be good (take my son Azzy for instance :sarcasm:) so this blow-up may have just come on the heels of the custody battle but the frustration does not necessarily have to be from the battle.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Basinger is a whack job, and Baldwin is an a-hole. I think the kid should be taken and given to a barren couple in Iowa and Basinger and Baldwins divorce should be reversed and they should be forced to live together in a small house in Vermont.

They deserve each other.

:nono: Don't bring Vermont into's a nice state. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Cowgirl said:
Bob, you are full of crap. You pretty much blasted me a while back on a thread about cussing in front of kids. You ranted about how we shouldn't use any sort of bad language around them, and said if you want kids to respect you, you had to respect them. Well, Alec may not have used cuss words, but he called his daughter degrading names. I'm sorry, but that is low.

It was especially bad when Alec and Kim have been battling for custody, and they KNOW everything they do is under the if he's willing to go this far on a voicemail KNOWING it will get out, what do you think he's really capable of, and what do you think he REALLY wanted to say.

I don't give 2 shiats whether or not he and Kim have been fighting...she may be the most manipulative biatch alive, but to take it out on the daughter is WRONG. No parent should EVER use their child to manipulate another. If Kim is doing that, she's wrong, but he is also wrong for taking is frustrations out on their 11 year old daughter.

He is wrong, and you are wrong.

Without reading a single thing into the tape - whether they'd been fighting, what the girl did, maybe Baldwin's dog peed on the rug that morning. Taking the tape at complete face value, and letting Baldwin speak completely for himself, he was WRONG and abusive.

And I have to wonder about you all who are so quick to try and make excuses for him. Coventry even tried to bring politics into it. :rolleyes:


New Member
itsbob, I tried to send you good karma thinking you may get some bad ones sent your way. I agree with you about hearing a very frustrated dad at his breaking point. Sounded like he missed one too many phone calls, and snapped. I am not justifying his behavior, but there's got to be more to this story. One can only hope that the mom intercepted the message and protected her daughter from hearing those hateful words from the dad. If she felt so strongly about her ex-husband's behavior, she should have went directly to the courts and left the media out of it.


Mostly known as a BIOTCH
You know what? This guy has been trying to have a relationship with his daughter since they brought her home from the hospital. Do you remember when they tried to get out of the car and he sprayed shave foam on the Paparazzi camera? Alec and Kim both need psych help. They've got that kid sooo screwed up she doesnt know if shes coming or going. Just wait until the kid is 16, he won't even be able to get a ring on her phone, the dang thing will be busy 24/7..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
DawnK said:
This guy has been trying to have a relationship with his daughter since they brought her home from the hospital.
How do you know?

They've got that kid sooo screwed up she doesnt know if shes coming or going.
Again, how do you know?

Do you know these people?