Islam did not do that. Islam did not attack us and 9-11 was not an Islamic action. There are Muslim criminals and those do not represent the billion people of Islam. Some trouble makers are trying to turn events into a Christian verses Muslim type war and that must be avoided.
That "jihad" is a very mis-used word. It is similar to "crusade" in that Bush ordered the American crusade against the Muslims of Afghanistan and Iraq but after Bush said it they decided to use other terminology.
Those "troublemakers" would be people like
YOU. When you make some completely unfounded, idiotic claim like "Bush ordered a crusade against Muslims", you feed hate. You create an atmosphere that is entirely untrue.
Just like the Muslims that attacked us in the name of jihad (they used the term first) for their religious views (they are the ones who claim this, not me) don't represent their religion, there was no "American crusade" against Muslims. They don't represent, and we didn't go after them for, their religion.
First, you repeatedly race bait in other threads, now you're trying to relgion-bait in this one.
Act like an adult with the good sense God gave goats, at least, Jimmy.