Allways wondered why 90% of all women hate military guys


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by HollowSoul
and just what makes you so sure that i was reffering to myself when i started this thread

If you weren't talking about yourself, then why would you care?


Originally posted by mAlice
If you weren't talking about yourself, then why would you care?
military members as a whole. of course i would be included


Originally posted by mAlice
If you weren't talking about yourself, then why would you care?
i was referring to military guys as a whole....of course i would be included and by coincidence yes i am single


New Member
I really enjoy being a Navy wife. Someone mentioned that the pay was poor and husbands/wives have to keep leaving for long periods, etc.... well, I tell ya, while we dont make buckets of money, its steady and constant pay. You just have to live within your means is all.

My husband often told me that he could never find women to date because he was Navy. He said that either the women would have nothing to do with him due to his active duty, OR, they were lonely Wives looking for action when hubby was away. (Damn I really really hate those women!! )

I guess it takes a certain type of person to understand the job (both the active members and the spouses)...but trust me, we are out here.

Who wouldnt want the opportunity to live all over the world, long enough to say "hey I lived there", and get to decide over 20 years where you want to retire? I know I love the fact we move around, I get to travel without having to save for years to make the trip :)

Just keep looking. Don't give up. When you find that someone who understands your job and this will be all that much better. :smile:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I worked at Bambino's a zillion years ago there was this pilot that used to come in and get dinner every night. Man. Something about a guy in a flight suit. Gets ya every time. I *think* he was cute but I really don't remember his face. The flight suit with the ribbons and what-have-you on the breast was all I really needed to see. I must be a 10%er.

And the Blue Angels used to come in when they were in town for the Air Show. Yowza.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
When I worked at Bambino's a zillion years ago there was this pilot that used to come in and get dinner every night. Man. Something about a guy in a flight suit. Gets ya every time. I *think* he was cute but I really don't remember his face. The flight suit with the ribbons and what-have-you on the breast was all I really needed to see. I must be a 10%er.

And the Blue Angels used to come in when they were in town for the Air Show. Yowza.
:killingme Ribbons on a flightsuit. :killingme No one wears ribbons on a flightsuit.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Ken King
:killingme Ribbons on a flightsuit. :killingme No one wears ribbons on a flightsuit.
Whatever. :shutup: Maybe it was just a name tag - I was looking at his butt mostly anyway.



i just can't wait to get out......then again i have till 2008


Originally posted by migtig
Actually, I like them best in their little garter belt black sock rigging to the white t-shirt with green pt shorts thing. :yum:
thank god we dont wear those