Allways wondered why 90% of all women hate military guys


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by HollowSoul
i hate that uniform

I think it looks damn good on the right person. Makes me wanna go out and get some pumps and pearls and a little polka-dotted dress and stand on the dock waiting for my man to come home :lol:


Originally posted by Nickel
I think it looks damn good on the right person. Makes me wanna go out and get some pumps and pearls and a little polka-dotted dress and stand on the dock waiting for my man to come home :lol:
your ship will come in soon


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by migtig
I've got that outfit, complete with hat, gloves and purse. Wanna borrow it? I never wear it anymore.
I'm so tall it would probably show my azz. On second thought, that ain't such a bad idea...


curiouser and curiouser
Dustin and I went to my dad's wedding this past weekend, and my step-mom almost cried b/c he wore his dress whites...she kept talking about how good he looked :lol:


Originally posted by Nickel
Dustin and I went to my dad's wedding this past weekend, and my step-mom almost cried b/c he wore his dress whites...she kept talking about how good he looked :lol:

That's one uniform I can wear and actually sit down :yikes:


The Smart Hooker
I don't think ALL women hate men in the military. My father is retired Navy and I went on to marry a man who is currently in the Navy. That went sour after 4 years when his motto was "what goes on ship stays on ship."

I can't stand him, not because of the uniform but because of the person who he is. I have met total asses that were in the military but I have also met really nice ones too.


Originally posted by meme
I don't think ALL women hate men in the military. My father is retired Navy and I went on to marry a man who is currently in the Navy. That went sour after 4 years when his motto was "what goes on ship stays on ship."

I can't stand him, not because of the uniform but because of the person who he is. I have met total asses that were in the military but I have also met really nice ones too.
I've heard that before


Originally posted by kwillia
:killingme :yeahthat: :killingme



well i have nothing against the military as i work for them..and hey atleast they are willing to step up to the front to fight for our country..


Re: hello

Originally posted by jmo2276
well i have nothing against the military as i work for them..and hey atleast they are willing to step up to the front to fight for our country..
good girl....



i didnt realize there were 7 pgs..i thought i lost my how are u doing now? thanks for introducing me to this. hopefully tomorrow i will be able to get on at some point and talk.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
When I worked at Bambino's a zillion years ago there was this pilot that used to come in and get dinner every night. Man. Something about a guy in a flight suit. Gets ya every time. I *think* he was cute but I really don't remember his face. The flight suit with the ribbons and what-have-you on the breast was all I really needed to see. I must be a 10%er.

And the Blue Angels used to come in when they were in town for the Air Show. Yowza.

I can relate. A man in military suit, whew, catch my breath. The uniform is the key and almost all of them are in shape. We used to drool over the Naval Academy guys when they graduated and walked all around town. (sigh) Those were the days.


New Member
I used to work on Bolling Air Force Base and worked for the Honor Guard. Good Lord they were looking good in that uniform!!! *WHEW* Used to work in Annapolis as well, was some nice eye candy there going downtown to the Academy and to the mall!!! Nothing wrong with a military man as long as he is a good man.


Does it work to have a naked man standing next to the uniform?