Thor said:
I believe I said when I saw it going down I was concerned, but after the fact and everyone is dead what good are my tears going to do?
So I am guessing you missed the three or four posts where I used the term Emotional investment. I don't care how old my child is, if they are murdered or come to harm in anyway I'll be very upset. Now if someone elese child gets killed at 18 oh well, what can I do about that?
I guess you could do the same thing for someone else's kid that you could do for yours...Nothing. What good are your tears going to do if it's your child? Nothing.
Your initial post and several others that you have posted here irritate the pizz out of me. It's not just the fact these kids died; who cares that we didn't know them. It's what the kids and families left behind are dealing with. You think about all the devastation kids in this generation have been through - Columbine, 9-11, Antrax scares, the sniper shootings, the war, Katrina, the Amish shootings and now this. We didn't have all of that crap when we were growing up, and if we did, it wasn't sensationalized all over tv like it is now. Then you have the personal losses - loss of friends and family. Chopticon alone has lost about 7 kids in the last 4 years to car accidents and 1 to cancer. My kids dealt with the loss of a 12 year old classmate and close family friend 2 years ago to leukemia.
I have two people in my circle of friends who were directly impacted by the events at Va Tech on Monday. They both lost friends and are trying to make sense of what happened. These kids woke up Monday morning and went about their daily routine, thinking it would be as every other Monday morning has been. By lunchtime, their lives were forever changed. I have a niece who is to start school there in the fall; now she is unsure if she wants to go that route.
While I don't expect you to send flowers or sympathy cards to every single person who has tragedy hit them, a little bit of empathy would be nice. Heck, you could even look at your own life and realize how lucky you are that it didn't happen to you.