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Christy said:We should make the date of her death a National Holiday.![]()
I am going to go enhance, not exaggerate my sexuality

This is why I listen to music or silence when I get home

Christy said:We should make the date of her death a National Holiday.![]()
Thor said:Seriously, I mean I really couldn't give two sh%ts about what happened at Virginia Tech. I didn't know any of them and frankly I don't much care about them. Seems they are getting a little too much attention if you ask me. Sh%t happens right? The shooter is dead, stop your sniveling and get over it.
I can't make those people un dead.
neither I, nor anybody, can stop a similar act in the future.
So it boils down to how it's going to affect me personally.
But the level of collective tear jerking going on is weakness. It's hollywood. It's voyurism. What it isn't is sympathy. It's daytime drama albeit real.
It's inappropriate. I didn't know anyone involved. But the media tells me, the politicians tell me, I should be grief stricken. I am not, even though quite capable of it having been shattered by personal losses several time.
I would NEVER have lowered the flag to half staff for a homicide.
No, I don't feel obligated to cry, show sorrow or light a candle. When I grieve, NOBODY can assist me. NOBODY can make it better for me. So I do it privately and request no assistance.
Thor said:What that prof did was heroic, there is no doubt. Still does not change the fact that I have no vested emotional interest in the folks who were killed.
Geek said:Is there ever a news story that you do have an emotional reaction to, besides 9/11?
Thor said:You know that's a good question, I get angry when I listen to liberals call into C-span, or when I hear a blantly bias piece on NPR does that count? Other then that no I can't say I get worked up about much except when someone is hurting children.
Actually, now that I think about it I do have an emotional investment in this VT thing. I am greatly concerned that the democrats will use this as some sort of an excuse to start banning guns again.
Geek said:
This, of course, is my fictional account. Thor, feeling empathy is one of the first things we acquire as humans. It is what builds our personality. Not feeling the horror of what happened does not make you a sociopath. It does, however make you a pawn in a sociopath’s game. He is accomplishing another horror in your heart. Him and all the cowards before him. Columbine. The killer in the Amish school. They all win a little bit more when we fail to feel empathy for victims. You do not have to wear a hair shirt or cry for hours. But take a moment to feel the energy in the moment.
Geek said:At what age do you know longer feel pity or get angry for hurting children? 10, 16, 18?
Do me a favor... Next time you lose someone near and dear to your heart (mother, father, sibling, child...) let me know. I want to pass on to you my sincere "I don't give a s**t" to you.Thor said:Self absorbed? I prefer practical.
In the end there is nothing you can do for those people.
Christy said:This is the biggest load of crap I've ever seen pulled out of anyone's behind.Really? You need to get out more.
1. Where do you get that empathy is one of the first things we acquire as a human? I'd say newly minted humans are pretty self centered and are essentially parasites for the first years of their lives. :shrug: When teaching young kids it is one of the first things that helps enter you into "Don't hit someone, it hurts, would you like it if they hit you?"
2. Your analysis on becoming a pawn of a sociopath (moreso psychopath) is highly flawed (to say the least). Their purpose is to gain as much attention as possible. And YOU give it to them every time you go emotionally hysterical. The more attention these kooks get, the more other kooks want the same. So in essence, it is you and your ilk, that allow them to "win a little bit".Your flair for emotional drama feeds the beast per se'. I have not been emotionally hysterical. I have been aware. I will be praying for the families involved. Whether I know someone on that campus or not, I refuse to be numb to the numbers. Over thirty people were killed in a school setting. I find it so horrific.
3. Taking a moment to "feel the energy in the moment" is a bit warped don't you think?No, I don't. I do think it is beyond you though.
Thor said:I suppose that's subjective. 18 is an adult in my book, frankly 17 is pretty much there too.
Can you honestly say that you feel no empathy? You don't think "wow, that would suck?" If so, you seem like a cold, heartless SOB.Thor said:What that prof did was heroic, there is no doubt. Still does not change the fact that I have no vested emotional interest in the folks who were killed.
You cannot love others unless you love yourself.Geek said:I am sure it has been asked but do you have people that you love more than yourself?
Thank you - this is what I got from Thor's post. And, frankly, the way I feel about it myself.MMDad said:On the other hand, if you do feel some empathy, just not as much as the media tells you you "should" feel, you are probably more mentally healthy than those who are walking around for days mourning perfect strangers just because it was the news story of the day.
vraiblonde said:You cannot love others unless you love yourself.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.vraiblonde said:You cannot love others unless you love yourself.
Geek said:I am sure it has been asked but do you have people that you love more than yourself?
Thor said:I am married and have children of course there are people who I love more then myself.
MMDad said:Can you honestly say that you feel no empathy? You don't think "wow, that would suck?" If so, you seem like a cold, heartless SOB.
On the other hand, if you do feel some empathy, just not as much as the media tells you you "should" feel, you are probably more mentally healthy than those who are walking around for days mourning perfect strangers just because it was the news story of the day.
People are murdered every day in f***ed up ways, and I can feel some empathy for all of them. However, I will not feel more empathy for victims just because it is a national story. I essentially have two levels of emapathy: a low level caring for those who are anonymous to me, and a higher level for those i have a connection with. The media part of it has no bearing to me.
Geek said:When your child turns 18, is ok with you if they are murdered in their college classroom?