This is the biggest load of crap I've ever seen pulled out of anyone's behind.
Really? You need to get out more.
1. Where do you get that empathy is one of the first things we acquire as a human? I'd say newly minted humans are pretty self centered and are essentially parasites for the first years of their lives. :shrug:
When teaching young kids it is one of the first things that helps enter you into "Don't hit someone, it hurts, would you like it if they hit you?"
2. Your analysis on becoming a pawn of a sociopath (moreso psychopath) is highly flawed (to say the least). Their purpose is to gain as much attention as possible. And YOU give it to them every time you go
emotionally hysterical. The more attention these kooks get, the more other kooks want the same. So in essence, it is you and your ilk, that allow them to "win a little bit".
Your flair for emotional drama feeds the beast per se'.
I have not been emotionally hysterical. I have been aware. I will be praying for the families involved. Whether I know someone on that campus or not, I refuse to be numb to the numbers. Over thirty people were killed in a school setting. I find it so horrific.
3. Taking a moment to "feel the energy in the moment" is a bit warped don't you think?
No, I don't. I do think it is beyond you though.