American Idol/Queen

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I was pleasantly surprised with Kelly's performance, better than I expected given the song and her natural "twang". And even the unfamiliar song that Chris did he did well as he is the "Rocker" of the group.

If I was a betting man I think it's time for Ace to pack his bags. That mumbling of forgotten lyrics should be his downfall. But it is the public that is voting and I suspect many could care less about how they actually did the song versus who it is that is their favorite. I guess we'll find out tomorrow night. My bottom three are Ace, Bucky, and Elliot.


Come Play at BigWoodys
I am thinking the bottom three should be.............

Paris (I think she did ok tonight, but all around I am not a fan)

Although I think Ace might be there, he is just too :hot: for me to want him to go home.......

WTF was up with the make-up tonight?? Chris had on more eye make-up than I wear in a week and Ace had enough blush :barf:

I was definately pleasantly surprised with Kely's song :clap:

BTW this is Tina, I just realized fastcars was still logged in and I am too lazy to log out and back in :lol:


tired and content....
It bothered me last night that Chris was wearing eye liner......

I missed the very beginning of the did Bucky and Ace do?


Working for the weekend
Jameo said:
Chris was wearing makeup? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo :faint: :tantrum I missed the show last night :tantrum
He had on eyeliner, but still looked so hot!! I think Ace is going bye-bye tonight.


tired and content....
harleygirl said:
He had on eyeliner, but still looked so hot!! I think Ace is going bye-bye tonight.

I still think he is amazingly hot.....but that eyeliner really got to me. I just don't think guys should wear it :barf:


Jameo said:
Chris was wearing makeup? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo :faint: :tantrum I missed the show last night :tantrum

yes. yes he was. I am very upset at my future husband for pulling that ghey crap.


wandering aimlessly
nomoney said:
yes. yes he was. I am very upset at my future husband for pulling that ghey crap.
Maybe it was just in the spirit of the music chosen. After all Freddie Mercury wore quite a bit of makeup. :shrug:


can be a real beach
I think Bucky & Catherine are the next to go. Great song choice for Kelly what a surprise. Ace is cute but not that good. Taylor is a great entertainer. Eliott, Chris & and the little girl I can't rememer her name right now :banghead: they are all very good I can't decide