Amish Buggies...


Well-Known Member
It was cold and rainy yesterday. Yet, I still saw horses pulling buggies down Rt. 6. This bugs me. I think it is cruel.


Well-Known Member
It was cold and rainy yesterday. Yet, I still saw horses pulling buggies down Rt. 6. This bugs me. I think it is cruel.

why? is it cruel for people to be out? wouldn't the horses be out in the cold and rain in the wild?

not trying to start a fight, I just don't understand your view point.


Well-Known Member
Okay. Get your ass out in the cold rain and pull a few people around the county. :yay:

like I said, I'm not trying to start a fight, so please leave the name calling to the children.

I was not bred to "pull people around" I have neither the ability to pull, nor the ability to keep myself warm.

Just because YOU live a lifestyle that allows you to employ your vehicle, does not mean that others choose to live that way. I'm pretty sure if you looked at how the means to obtaining what that vehicle needs to run (gasoline) you'd find things a lot more cruel than an animal being out in the cold and rain for a little while.


Well-Known Member
Horses live outside, they are used to it. Is it cruel for cattle to be outside? I would find it more cruel to keep a horse penned up in a barn all winter.

I think it is cruel. But, my opinion doesn't count for shiat around here. Just felt the need to state it. :shrug:


Rocky Mountain High!!
I don't mind seeing them work in the rain, I RIDE in the rain. No biggie there.

I HATE to see, sores under the rigging, or their hip bones and ribs, or working dead lame. Now THAT'S something to gritch about. :frown:


Does my butt look big?
Horses live outside, they are used to it. Is it cruel for cattle to be outside? I would find it more cruel to keep a horse penned up in a barn all winter.

I have some puzzies...rain or snow they are at the gait and want to be in the barn..I have a couple that stay in and I don't put out on cold wet days...

I see her point..its not the standing and being is the over panting and sweat in cold weather that bothers me..When it is so cold you see your breath I dont think you should be sweating your ass off at the same time..

My horses only get "worked" they call it "play" on days I want to be out in it..


Rocky Mountain High!!
I see her point..its not the standing and being is the over panting and sweat in cold weather that bothers me..When it is so cold you see your breath I dont think you should be sweating your ass off at the same time..

I've actually seen some who throw a blanket over them when they get where they need to go and it's cold and the horse is blowing. :yay: